Minutes 1948-10-06 ~ . . `~rroyo Grande ~ C~ Iif . October 6~ 1948 g~.Tayor H.R. Phillips The City Council;met in reg~ular session vrith~Councilrnen Schnyder~ residin~. IIpon roll call ~lark~ Dixson and Ha~rrk reported present. The minutes of the previaus m~ePtin~ were read and apgroved as read. The Communications were read and placed on file. ~^.~OLUTI4r? 194: A resolutzon of the City Council of the City of' _~rroyo Grande~ authorizing acceptance of deed to Real ~'state. Passed and adopted by the followin~; roll call vote: AYES: Councilmer~ I~hillips~ Schnyder~ Clark~ ~ixson~ and Hawk ~"OE~ : None ;,BS ~'':TT: l~?one . The heading of Ordinance #91 ~as read and Councilman Nawk made - ~~~:otion~ seconded by Councilman ~chny~3er~ to vvaive the ~alance of the second reading of the Orc?.inance. ORDIATAPTC~ #91: ~PT ORDITrAr?C~ TC7 ?~E K~TO~°JrT AS THE L?~TI~'ORI~I ELECTRI- CAL COD~, OF THE CITY OF AR?~OYO GRArTT~~ CRt'IATI''?!~' T~i~; CF~^IC~+,.~' C~F CHIEF ~;LEC`lRICAL IT'~P~;CT~R~ PR~CR.IFI"TC ~rZ~` T~L?TIT~ APTD AUTHORITY~ PROVIDIR?G ~'0~, TuE IS~UAnTCE QF ~LEG`1RIGAL PF' ?T.'.IT~ .~r?'D FOR It'~P~T20PT~ .AI+?n FIXIATG THT ~E~;S `I':-~~EFOR; R~GUL.~TIT?G TNE IT~T~TALLATIOTT~ tS,RR.''~l`TG~~~TT~ ALT~A- TIC~r'~ T~?^..PAI~~.~ p~AI?`~T~r.~.',~~ICE AA'D OPEftATIQPT Q~' ~'LFC`I'~IC ?`:'IRI~TG, ELECTRIC :~IXTt?~^~, Al'?J ~i~~, ^L'~C'~'??IC"AL AP?~LIA'~TC~~ A"'~? ~~`UIPP~~,~:I~TT; PR~VIDII~TG ~ P~?°~L`I'Y F0~ 'IIOI,~,.TIC~R? Or 'P~-?~ ~ATt:.y; REPF.ALI''TG ALL C'?~?~ O~DITTA~?C~, AI~T~ PA~TS OF C~~">IT?~~TC~S IT1 COP~TP'LICT TI?.~.RE=:~IT~?~ Ar~? A?~C~PTIPrC L~~ R~F~?~'TtCE ~ ~ TH~T C~R.TAI'_`7 PRI?`?T~ ~.,FCTRIG~L C~D~ :~~II~?I'~D ITT ??OCK. ~ORPR r~'TTITLED I , i ?~tr?TI~n~~:;i FL~';TRZCAa CO~rt~, pTT~L2~H~ RY THE PACIFIC r0:~^T ELECTRICAL ~ ?~URr.A?T~ Z'L'RFF COPI~;~ OF ""~tIC'u A?~F 0^? FIL~; I?~T Ti?~ OF'~'ICE Q~' THy CITY CL.~RK ^C~ t1~E ~~~.~IrTATIC'tT B`;' T'_~T PtT~LIC. Passed and a~.opted by the fallov;in~; roll ca1l vote: AY~S: Councilmen Phillips~ ~chnyaer~ Clark~ Dixson~ and Hawk ~0~'i'~': r?one ' A~?'~ ~rZ' : I~Tane . R ~SOLUTIOP? #295= Resolution abandonin~ a short portion of a certain unnamed road lyin~ betv~~een lots four and Pive of Nilliker and 4~loodbury Tract~ and lyin~ also betv~een Tally Ho Road and the Pacific , - . _ . ~ ~ ~ , . _ Coast Railway ~i~ht of ~~lay in the City of .4rroyo Grande ~ County of ~an Luis Obispo~ ~tate af California. Fassed and adopted by the follov~rin~; roll call. vote: ~ ~Y~_~: Councilmen Philli~s~ ~chnyder~ Clark~ Dixson~ and Na.wk ?~i0~'~: r?one ABS~rT: I~Tone . ~treet v7ork was diseussed and ~"r. Conrad reported the seal coat was to be put on Carden~ Ide and:~.llen ~ts. Frid~y. Further street work v~~as discussed an~ it was decided to go ahead vJith re-surfacing of Cherry Ave. in ~onas Tract. Nayor Phillips, ~~r. 1~:cCoy and P~ir. Hawk were ~oin~; to contact the property owners on ~~~lalnut Street in ~ ones Tract and see if they would be willin~ to put in curbs and gutter~ so the draina~e coulc~ be handled properly. It was sug~ested th~:t ~~r. lt~ceoy contact A"s. Robison about re- ~lacing the cement in front of P~~ineau & Loornis Kardware ~tore where i t was torn up to r epair the se~ver . ~s. It~eCoy was also asked to see 1~Rr. AZesquit ~about placi ng a the li~ht for/police on the roof of his storE. ~ R!~s. Conrad re~iorted the materials ~'or tr~e culvert at l0I Highway & Cherry Ave. were ordered. Bills against the General rund for $3783.72; the ~~~.ter Fund for ~i552.92~ the t~!ater Deposit Fund for $28.~a~ and the ~pecial Gas Tax. ~t. Imp. Fund ~'or ~1580.00 were audited~ approved an~ ordered paid. 1~a further business ~ppearing~ an~ upon motion the meeting ~raas ` adjourned. ) , , j ~ ATTE~T: City Clerk rrnayor