Minutes 1948-10-20 ~ Arroyo Grande~ Calif. October 2C~ zg48 The City Council met in regular session and was called to order by the Clerk. Upon ro11 call Councilman ~chnyder~ Cl~rk! Dixs~n~ and Hawk reported pre~er~t. A.bsent P~.yor Ph3.llips. A motion was made by Councilman Schnyder~ seconded by Council- rs~n Clark ta have Councilman Dixson act as l~~ayor. Motion was carried by unanimous vote. The Minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and approved as read. Communications were reac~ anci placed on ~'ile. The agreement ~etween the Capitol Co. and the City for per- mission to place a si~nal Ii~ht for police on the ~ank ?~uildin~ was , I ~ead and the Clerk authorized to sign on behalf of the City. Councilman Havrk made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Schnyder ' to hold up the resignation of' 1!Aa~,~or Phillips~ an~ it was unanimously , a~reed to hold up the resi~nation. ' Councilman ~chnyder an~~ Couneilman Dixeon agreed to meet with ~ ~ ~ the Plannin~ Commissions of ~rroyo Granc~e and Pismo ~eaeh to ~~iscuss a ! i garbage and refusal dump~ meetin~ to be held in Pismo ??each, October 26th. It v~as a~reed to send a c opy o~' the letter from the Council- ~ R~~embers to l~.iayor Phillips to the Herald-Remarder . R~OLTJTIOI~T #196: A~:esolution of' the City Council of the City of ~.rroyo I, , (~r~nde to set the Cit,y License fee for public dances at $1.5'0 per dance or ~19.50 per quarter. ' Passed and a"~ opted by the .f ollo~:~in~ roll call vote: ' .AY~;~: Counci lr~en ~ixs on ~ C1a rk ~~chnyder ~ an~ ~~awk ~TO~S: ~.?one . ' ABSF"Ti : 14~ayor Phillips . The recommendation o~' the , lighting engineer of the P.G.~CE. was discussed and lt~r. ~amma.n requested that lights be extended past his place on the Hi~;hway~ an~ a motion was r~ade by Councilman Clark~ seconded by Councilman W~.wk to instal 1 street lights on 101 Ni~hway , through town~ and t~ increase the other street li~hts in to~vn to b00 c andle povrer . lhe extension of rrand ~ve. was discussed an~ Councilman Clark ~ ~ ~ ~ made a motion, seconded by Councilman ~~~wk that the City Attorney be authorized to ~et ~ litigation report prepar~.tory to st~.rting conclem- nation proceedin~;s~ and also to prepare a resolution ~'or the sarne. Councilm~.n Hawk recomrnended th~t the salary of the City Clerk and L. G. ~"Jilliams be acted upon a.t the next ~eetin~. ~~treet Lvork iyras discussed and Councilm~.n Riawk made a motion~ seeonded by Councilman C,l~rk that Cherry qve. in Jones Tract~ and Grand Ave. in ~'~estern Add~ition be resurfaced. On roll ca11 all members voted''.4ye~' . The subject of payin~; employee~s salaries t~vice a month was discussed ~nc~t :~ttorney Harris a~reed to ~ook the matter up. A Farkin~~ ~one for a taxi stand was ~?iscussed~ ~nd the c'ity 4ttorney was asked to prepare a resolution f'or the establishment of l~ minute parkin~ on either side o~' the cross~rralk in front o~' the Post C~ffice~ also to have 15 minute F~ar king on Rranch ~t. at the S.E. corner of Bric~e~ and one on nrid~;e ~t. at the S.~"1. corner Branch St. It was also ~~;reed to continue v~ith the markin~ of cars for 1 hour parkir~. 1!Tr. ~i~rris ~iscussed Propositions Nos. 13 ancl 18 for the benefit o~' all ~resent. ~Tur~berous other subjeets v~~ere dis~ussed by those present but nc furtner action taken. ?`To other business ~ppearin~ anc~ u~on r~otion the meeting was ad j ourned . , ~ . AT'i ~T: ~ ~ , ~ Cit~~ Clerk P,.ayor "~rroyo ~rande~ ealif. Octo~er 26~ 1948 A S~ecia~ P~eetin~ to aiscuss the resir~nation of RZayor Phillips daas called to order by Pt~avor Phillips~ vvith Councilmen Hawk~ I~ixson, Schnyder~ and Cl~.rk present. lt?ayor Phillips asked the secretary to rea:'_ a copy of the letter ~rrhich had been delivered to the Council ~embers calling for this MPeting. `l'he T:~ayor then e.~plained his reasons ~ or resi~ning from his office~ and asked Attorney Harris to read Far~graph 2 of ;ection 858 of - the P,unicipal Corporations Act. ?!.fter a short r.iscussian tivith Council- man Schnyder ~ I!.ayor Phillips left the Gounc il C'hr~rnber.