Minutes 1948-11-17 . ~rroya Gran~ e ~ C'ali f . "Tovember 17~ 1~48 ; ~ `i'he City Counci3 met in re~ular ~ession ~,.i.tn Ie.ayor Gordon ' Dixson pre~idin~. L'pon rol~ ea11 Co~zr~cilr:~~.~n Glark~ D~m:mann~ and :`":'ait~rs reparted ~resent~ L:bsent~ Councilman ~c~~nyder. ' `~he ~:~inutes of' t'ne rA~ular ancl the ad~;ourned meetin~s ~vere read an a~proved as read. Corr~mjanic~tians v~ere re~c~ a.n~. nlaced on fi~A. Councilman Clark s~ade ~ motion~ seconc~ed by Councilm~~n Darimanr~~ to increa~e t:~e ~va_~es of Off ieer L. G. ''~'illiams ~nd Chief of Folice ~:ackler ~20.CC ~er r~onth~ and of I~~rs. ~chillin~ ~15.00 per month, retr.oact~ve to TTovember lst. Co~ancilm~n Cl~x~k made ~ r~otior_, sec~nded by Councilman Damrnann~ tnat T~ir. Cooper ~e ~ut on a~ r~z~°~Llar. offic~er at ~2C`0.00 per month. ihe comrnunication 1'rom C. I~oor~is askin~~ wh~t the Council wished to do about ~'Collision~ Fire ~nd The~t'' on thA street ~~^re~per~ and ~~ter ryiscussion? it wa~ ~~ree~ not to carryr any insurance except PFablic Li~~ilit~.r and Pro~:ex~ty Da~a~Ye. ?+:~r. T. ~iobison asked about a v~rater line ta his property so~zth o~' to~~rn~ ~nd the r~atter ~~as c3i-seussed ~for ~~cme len~th~ ~nd it ~^s~s at:reed t~ke tzp ~round ~OC~ or 800 ~'eet of 2 inch pitie ~outh of Leedh~m L~ne an~?. re~lac~ it ~aith 4 inch ,Rir~e~ then extend the 2 inch line irom the end ~"---~-a~ o:~ the Iir_e ~t "vaartout's to t~ke care of r,?r. Ro~icon. ~e ~~°;+as tcld th~t the v~rork ~~~ould be done ~s soon ^s. al1 th~ fittir~g v,~ere recei~rPd, represent~tiv~ from the Gre~rhounc~. Bus wa~ present to c'is- ~ eu~s tr~e r~arlcirg ~t the b;.zs de;~ot. '~hey re~orted th~~t there v~lere tv~o schedules ~~~hich r~et h~r~ at ti~~es, and it ~~~~s ~~reed to a~k the ~river~ to park th~t they would not be o_~~r?osite eacx: other to avoid block- - ing the tr~ffic . Jerry Pennett r ebr esPntec~ t he ~Merch~.nt t s Asso c ia ti on a.nd asked to have ~ranch ;'"t. closed fror.l '~ria~e ~'t. to ~hort ~t. on Dec. 2nd ~ z"rom 7: QO P.~.~. till q: ~0 P.l'. for thp Cnri. stmas ~r. enin~ n''iCht . T'~e Clerk ,~~ati: instructed to recaueC~t, ti:e ~-'tate ?-'i~hv~ay Dept. for per-- r~ission to close the ~treet. ~y~ 10 ~ ~ ~ It v~~as r~~?o~ted that the Tel~phor~e Co. ~4;as rlovin~~ =nc? it vv:~s ru~~-Pr,ted t?~,e C"orrm~ittee of t~-~e r is~e Der~t. see vahat ~rrar_~ements could k~~e ma.c~~e ~bout tl~ie y"ire ~irerl. Tnr~ C?rdinance or~ semi-~:anthly paymcnt of sala.ries w~s read ~£'or the ~first ~tame . The nez~v Plur~bir~ Crdinance vva~ read f'or t~.e first time. Lhe rec~ue~t of C`campo ~nd I1ac for vaTatEr r~eter in the field by t~xeir house vras der~ied~ ana t~ey v~~ere to be told that v~ae would ;~ut the :~~et~r by the road i~ they v,~anted to conrect ta it there. ihere v,as ~ riscussion on strpet ~^,toz k~ ~nc~ Co1..ncil~an D~r:imann made a motion~ seconded by E"ouncilMan ~`~aiters~ to have the ~treet Cor~~^ittee see ~bc~?zt renti.r~ a loader and a. truck~ to ~ravel ~ ~'e~r ~treet~. T~o ~lzrthPr ?~usiress ap~e~ri,n~~ and u~on r~.otion the meet in~ wa~ ~djo!irned. , ~ , ~.TT~~T: ~ fk,- . City Clerk ~ R.a~Tor