Minutes 1948-12-01 ~:rroyo Crande ~ Ca l if . ~ecember l~ ~ 1~4R The City Council met ?n re~'u1a.r ~e~G;on ~l~ith t~,"~_~ror Dixson r~residing. ?T~on roll call C"o?aneilr::er_ `~ch.ny:'er, C1~rk~ Dar:Imann ar_d I ~,"a; ters re.~orted vresent. `i'he ~inutes of ~he nrev~.ous r~eetin~ v~ere read and a~~rovecl as read. Cor~un~.cation~ vrere read and pl~.ced on file. '~he heac~~nf~ of Ord~nance ~#92 ~vas read ana Councilman :~chnye~er made a:~otion, secon~ed k~y Caur_cilr::=~r1 Clark to c.ispense with -c,'r~e :.~_l~nce ~f t?~~e rea.c~ir.~w. O:~~J?1`rA;TC ~2: :~?`r O~.DIP?,~"~C~ 0~' ; C'I`?'Y OF AR~CYC~ GR.~:DE F~":?ITTLT~~ CI'i~' CC7U_~TCIL i'C Pt~OVILE rC~~ ~~!~."I-T:OTr?'~:Li' x~YTJ'a~l`~T~" OF ~aL~:R~' ~~'~R rTrt~LOYL`:S A~'T~ L^~:~': CTTY CL~?I: '~T'~ ~?^P^.ALIT'G ALL POR- `~IOT,'~ ~'~?DIT,'~T~C~~ I~~r CC`""^L,ICT T?-?_~?^~,~ZT??. Counci.lman ~chn~rder ~~~acie ~ r~:ati_on ~ ti ecor~c~_ed by Counc ilr~:an :~aiters to ado t Ordin~nce ' c• p #~;2 on rol~_ call vote a~ ~ ollow,~. "Y~~: C.ouncil^~~:er. Dixson, ^crnyd_er ~ Clark~ ?~~r~~nn and r~?_iters. rr ?~'one _ r~.: ~:R"~`'T: P?one 'l;~e ~~eadiri~- o~' C~rdinance ~3 u~i~_s re~d ~.nd Cou~cilman Clark ~ade a ~r~:otion~ seconcied rJr ~'ouncilma.rz ''~2{iterc, to ~ispen~~~ ?°~-ith the ~al~nce o~' tb.e readin~_r. 7 TT T`?/'1 r r~ ~r ~ ~-?~t ^~r~'1 %"1(',~ i^ "~T/~ 1 P1r C^~. Tr r~ ~ T r *-t/''~j~p R C,~~~_';~. l.r~ ~i 1:4.iJ :.~i i.:~J ~u l„ e, ~ 1tii.~ 1 I :Ti° l~lt?il DLT~,~~IT.r,-, CC`D~ C~ CI~'j' AR~G'Y^ r~"~~"~~J~ ~'`.C~'1I~IT'C ~ C~~ ~lz.r~ i'~~-- l~CTl~T.; ~y, , k'r~~~,~I~ ~'~4L1?~ ~~~T! :'t~+"~T ~~'D ;T?:~ n^rT~~R?:TTp^T 1~I~?D T ' . R ^'r,'C N TT*"~? ~ Il~ __~'_~T Tbr ;IC^~ _~"I: r' C`: t_~~.C?'~ ~YC~.'!r-,-,~ I?'T `i.'~-?T: ~~~.?~I_ ~..•5 C~~' r=i:a_._,Ir C ~ ~ r r' , , r-~ - ^I lY / T 7'} ~i ~~,tT I T.~., z~TZOr.r OR . . 1 2_.~iJ 1_<<1y..iJ .I. 1.,'_ r11~T17"• ~~T.~1P.l..~T~? L-~I'Z?•.. rP ~L'.,7. 1.~.~ yr'~ T .TIT('~~,T ^*'~l ALT:;~.4i _ ~ , ~'L.?~I.;°LIT~G ~ rA~: C? `~'?c~I~T,~~;'--' ."~,'.,m,;'^`;~,. C~i~.ATTTTr T 0~'H~ICE . L R ^rT~~ ~i~,'~ >nn rt I~; . _I.. _ _ . . I` C. .TA_ . ~ L~.:PLT~. I_ SP.~_ r ;•r rT~~I-~~~ ,~nI TIr-C ~ T~T T:~'~I:1S~ -'~:.'~'~LI~-"Ir._G --TTTIi~TTT ~,-,rT77~"~y,Ir`T`~ -?C~~, i'-4r: ??'.=~`i'~?LI._^-.`?'IO?T~ ~,LT~'.P- ,~t . , . . ~ s. 1 T~'ir ~...:~~..~.1.~.:.? ^~i'' '~r T'* r, ,~'r.*r r+R n r- T r-~ ~,r-.~ rC A*,*C'> 'rr:?r IT,? .t^.~pL'r~. . .t~: D_A~r~.: ~r. ~ I'TC`P'' "~T?~~~0~'~ F'r?~j.~IDI ~r:- ~'~',~ii~`i'1';^ ~C?' Ii~ ~_r~GLi'iI~?'' AT'?~ ~ ~;P~'~1'I.~T?"G .ALL CQNFLIC i TTT~:'.- C~ L~?T"~: ~C.^,~ n,~"'~ :z~~,nTI~ ry ~'=,n 1~r.G i C. ~ T!~ITT F~: I'`?T~ r~ N?'r,s".'M 12 N1..~ BRi~ ~ irT.3'_TI:.H C'_31t' r''L'~r~'~I:~-~ COD.;" F~<T~r:Tr"' i?`~ --~OC`K ~ ORT.~ l~.?'•Y?:~ C~I.:PIL~ '?Y r~?Ea~'- I' =~~T ~'IT i,. '.I~`'r C~:r ~i~ICIAL;~ A~-~C~CI ~:T' OI`- :~r-~i '_,~UrLI~.~~T~ L?Y ~TC~fi'" B. ~~~'V~~` ~T`: ~ " TT nF..-1 n 4 ,:r ; T TS t? L-, T.r ~ T'-~ 7 m~ n rJ :~C~~ ~ ~ CC~FI _s._~ ~ ~ ~C:. A. C~~ : I~ IT: OF:~ICE C~~' T~T.F.. CITY CLEEtK FQ_~ ;T'~~' A°`D ?,?"P~~CTT_r~?~? ~~r TH'.' P~;C~PLT:. Councilmar Clark ma_de a r~~otion~ seconded by Co~arcilman Schnyder tc ador~t Ordin~~.nce ##g3. P~ss?d ~nc5 arorted by the :~"ollow- in~ roll call vote: AY:^~: Councilmen ~?i:~Ccn, Scl3n~,rcer~ ~'larY~ tR'aiters and Damr~ann '~`C~~:: ~Tone a~'T: 2'one. It v~~.s a~reed t^ ask ~Fr. ruy Palmer to re~resent the City in re~ard~ to si~ns t~ be ~ut un b.~- th~ ~~'ission Trails 4ssociation. Io~r. ?~arr•iti~ the City .~ttorrey~ a.~Yreet~. to vmite Itsr. P;~at- thews in re~ly t~ his letter a_bout a lost check. ihe ~{F~ter line to :~haffer ~.nd C"lark v~as discussed, and it was decided to x~ut in a 2 inch line instead of a 4 inc~ lir_e. `ihe pus°chase of ~.n ~r.:ery ~,^;~~Zeel for the Cityr v~r~s discussed~ and it Vs~as reported a sr~all onP c ould be nurcl~ased ~'or ~round ~45 . CO . A moti on v~ras rilade b,y Co~.,mc ~ lr~~.n Schn,yder ~ s ec onc3e~ by Courcilman Dar:;~ar~n to have the Fur•cha~intM A~ent see ?bout ordering one. It was ~Zso a~reec~~ ta nave the ~urch:zsin~ 4~~ent adverti~e in tre C~.Ii:E'orria rarMer to see ii the Buda an~. ~~Tolt motors could be sold as they v~~ould not ~e used btkr the City any ~ore. r,Tr. Conrad ~aicl ~rac~es woL:Id hwve to ~e set on the sev~er farm an.c~ that ~c~ui::~m~~nt v~ould have to be ~ut in there to cleas away the brush before ~r~cxes eould be set. It ~r~as a~~;reec. tY.at ~o:~^e of the Council look ~_t the second- hancl lur~ber x~iled on tne Cit,y PropertJ ~t the vuell to see if it could be used for a_ shed to store tr.e City eauiprment. Counc ilman ',~`Iaiters a~ain brou~'ht up the sub j ect of havin~ only one or two on the conamittees instead of three as they had been ap~ointed. After discussion a motion wa~ rnace b,y Councilman Dam- mann~ seconded by Councilman Schnyc~er to have t~^~o rnembers on a com- ~ ~ mittee from r.ov~a on. ~?~tion caxried. t.~~yor Dixson ~.ppointed the follov~ring comr_~ittees: Police and FirA~ Councilmen Clark and D~.mmann Finance~ Councilmen pt~aiters a.r.d :cchnyder ~="~ter De~artr~ent ~ Counc i lr~en D:~zn.mann and Clark Streets and Town~ Cauncilmen Clark ~nd ~~!aiters ' Counci lman ,''~i ters r~~~.de a moti on ~ s ec onded by Counci lrrlan Schnyc,er, to ~ive ~'Ca~t of Livin~" raises to take ef~'ect December 1~ 1y48 ~ to the f ollovring; er~ployees : H~rry .-iart arzd E. Y. ~a.nds ? $1~.00 per month~ ma~.in~ their salaries $22~.C0 per mAonth e~eh; C. ~~1. 1ti~?cCoy~ ~2C.00 per r~onth~ r.~akin~* his salary $225.G0 per month; Pti~.r. Halbert E. Anderson~ ~15.00 per r~onth~ makin~- his salary $235.00 per month. The motion carried. , , Councilman ':~~iter~ caid he ir~tended to have some sort of ' a bud~et v~orked up by the first of J~nuary for the balance of the ' fiscal year. It ti^ras a~;reed to send notices out to several ~ operty owners to have their property cleaned up as they vaere fire raz~.rds. Fills a~ainst tlie General Fund ~'or ~?,110.2~; the ~~,ater Fund for $1~460.88~ and the T"Jater ~?eposit Fund for ~16.C0, ~vere audited ~ approved ~ anc~ ordered p~ic~ . rTo further buszness 2r~~ea.rin~ and upon motion the meetir~ v~s adjourned. , > !~:'T'T~T: ' ~ ~ ~ ~ City Clerk .~yor