Minutes 1948-12-21 ~~rroyo Gr~nde ~ C~Iif . Dec ember 21 ~ 194~ The City Council met in an adjourned session with Council- ' men Schnyder~ 4'Taiters and D~mm~nn present. Councilman ~chnyder re- ported P~.ayor Dixson v~ould be a Iittle late an~ recommer~ded Councilm~an Deril ';laiters act as` T~i~yar until h'~avor ~ixson arrived. Councilman Da.mmann seconded the motion. The Interim C~rdinance was discussed~ and Councilman Clark and T:~:ayor Dixson arrived. 2`he headi_ng of Ordinance #94 wa.s read and Councilman ~~chnyder made rriotion~ seconded by Gouncilman Damr.iann to _ disper_se ~ith the balance of thP readin~. ~l>Totion ~carriect. 4RDII~TA~TCF I~TQ. 94. An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande providin~ for the temporary :,estriction of land uses v~ithin the entire incorporated territoy of the City of'Arrovo Crande; rer,_uirin~ a permit to do any vrork ~ertainin~ to tne erecti.on, cor~str~ction~ conversion~ or ad~ition to an~r builc.in~ or ~tructtzre within the ~limits of said City; ~rovidin~ th~t violations of this C7rdinance shall be public nuisances and providin~ :.~'or the abate~ent and remov~l of such public nuis~nces; - provi~yin~; penalties for the violation thereof. CouncilMan ~chnyder made ~ motion~ seconded by Councilman C1ark to ~dont the ^rdinance. I~~~sed an~~ ado~ted by the follou=ain~ roll ca.I1 vote: ".Y_~~: Cour~cilr~en ~ixson~ Cl~k~ ~chn,yder~ i~aiters and Darrimmann 'r0~~ : Nane ~,T~...~ ~~T":~: ~?one Councilman Darurann ~rou~ht up the subject o.f the City mail , and the Councilmen si~ned a letter to ~~rs. Crisin,~her to notify the Fost C~ffice on ~y~hat mail should be ~laced in the City box. C~uncilman '`'aiters m~c~e a. r~otion~ weconded by Gouncilm~n Darimann requQstin~-, the Clerk to noti?'f the Chief of r olice ~nd Judge th~t the Council :yTished a re~ort for each month re~dy ~'or the first meetir~- of ~ach month. mhe rer~ort for the Chief of Police to contain the arrest~ ~nd eitations a.ssued m~de each month; and the ~ ud~?e' ~ report to ~ive a re~ort o° the cases ~rou~ht ~e.fore him~ and the ~ais~osit~on ol eac~ c as e sho~Jin~ the Doc ket ?`To . ar.d f ine ~ etc . T~o furth~r bu~ine~G appa~.rin~' arld Lz~on ^,otion the r::e~ting , va~s adt ourned. ~ , TY'~t ' .t~ ~ ~ :~TT~, J r; t.~~ ` f~~ti City Clerk T.~~yor . / . ,