Minutes 1949-01-18 1 e~f Council .;~r°e~~' ~a I~ak, t?~.e ~n:~t-ter oz.r~r. I~ ..ra~ ~1~~•~-~~~~t.,~;.? p°r. ~:eCaJ ...cr:le o~ ~t~~~~ Cour~cil mer:~bers i lo~~k ~vEr i,:~~ C~ _~~u~e or~ :"=a ~rc'ri ^t. ~r~.ci t~~~ ~;au:.~ ~~t t~e v;ells and I , se~ ~.:~-~t ~;~c ~~eeuea in b°ra.`~~ o° re_~a~.~~;:. I l..iti.i ~~`n_~. n~ t.~ t~ r~i.'. ~.~'-~21 ."~':~'.Y~t,i __~~T' ~~'r' % l ~ ~3 ~ ~i r1E r~...+l.~i' I~ "U71C1 ?'Ol' ~.,i9_,~~•~~~ ~_'!r:: ~'..''.:E3 +:,~cf~`'t_.E?I' ~n';):7C1.t. ~'`Li2~('~ :_'CI' ~~..~J•C~i 'wrI°I'2 `-'.1,1C31.t.' ed, ap~;rov~d -~_~c: ~1~ciE~t~e~-~ ~~~,~y. ~CuT1Ca1:?c~2`l 'r?1~~'T'^ ~'.;1~E?°;`"E_'S~E.'i,~~i ;;~"i2ii, t,1".t?`;r i,i'V ~Ci ~=',Pt, t,0~'`'°til~'T' c in ~or_ze r ~~r ~c~ ~tt~ e ~ or~;:~~ ~ -u:r~~e :'c ce P~~°~~.rt ~:_:~nt cult~ es . 1~'?°T'@ °a3 , ,`C?~ CC?.~_°;`, ~ 0?~i? i;i~'i. t`l7 '~C ~7.07't ~~'~".PT1 • ~ *`'0 :'~1T't,i1pT' ~'JL1C7_Il°.~~ti `l.?~pE'"]T'12~c.• 8.T'tt7 L1*.~011 i";Ot.10it t.i1P, I.TIe~~.1I1,~' f~ , GJ~ S C~i; G,1T'Z1Eia. ~ ~ ~ ~ r': ' 1,i ` , ~ ~ . 1 , / ~ n . l~C~ t. ~L{1V Cit~T Glerk ~ , _ ..,ror `,~:rroyo Gr~~.nde ~ C.~~ 1; f . an:zartr 1G~ ~ lr'4~? . ; ~'ne Cit;r Co~zncil r.~:~t ~°;:it~l r:.~~:~~~~~°~= o:' t~~e ';rroyo ~'r~nc?~e , Planr~ir.,c~ Cor~u:~ ~~~orl ~c ~~o?-, over t~~e T~a~ :'or 7onin~~ and tre Flannin~- Con~u~~ission ~7r~>r~+„ec~ perr~is;:ior to P~.ul rTearn tc.~ builc~ a DTaplex on tr>e lOt G~~St ~f -~1 S i?O'Z~ ~ • ' ~ It ~v~s a~~reed ~o ~~eet orl ~~r~u~r~r 2bth ~'or the ls~ he?rin~ , on Zonin~, . ~ c~s I~. ~onrad an~~ ~~~~'r. Narri ~~r~ere not ~resent there cou~.d ~ be no other a,d~~ustmer~t~~ r.~~c~? b~,rithot~ ~ their recorlrnern=~at~ ons. ~~,~eet~ n~ ~~c~~ ourned. /,_y , ~ m;y ,y . ' ~ ~ ' ~ t/ ' , . . . it,y Clerk ~ ~ "P;T~~ror U ~ :^rro~~o Gr~.nde~ C~.liz . ~~nu~a~~y 18~ 1``~9 ~pecia.l n.reetin~ ~~~~s c~li~d s'or• ~:~.e ~urno~~e o~' discussin~ the ?oli.ce ~e1~~rtrxent ai~'~irs~ And I~"n~or DiYCen a~ked T°r. F~rris to con~~act t~~~ he~-^i_ng. TT~on ro11-call ~:ounci.lrnen Dixsor~, ~chnyaer~ ~'.1.c~,..~"~:~ T-``r~l~~'I': `_a.T1(~. 1.7dI:t'i'i~n1i T'2~UY"~'.F3C~. ':~T'8.~~,-C'r.t• 1°t.t.E.'T' f'1'OP,1 ~f'~1CE'T' T,• r?;'1i11aT??S 'k'4`~.:; T'E~Cl r?.T1C~ r.'_r'. uarri~.C. as'_~ed ^rficer ',,'i11i~r1s t~ co.~.e ='orv:~.rd ~r.d ~.~~ke an~l ~t~ter~ents he ~~.i.~hed to rr~~~;~. Chae' o`' Palic~ 'iackler then r~~.de hi~ report~ and ; , ! _ { ~ ~ ~ j ' J ~ ~____.~~_.1~~ .s 2~ ~ ~ 6~ ~ificer Cooper sai.d ~~e Yi:~d r;o compl~ir~t~ to Maxe. ~ number of citi- zens ~raunci tov~n ~~~.~ere ?ze~ra~ ~~n~ auQ~tions v~ere ~sked. r7o ~'~.zrther com~r:~ents beir_~~ maci~ tY~e ~'auncil ~.c3G ourr_ed ta t-~ke m~t~:ers under advisement. G r' ~~i ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ < << , _ ~ ~rr;~~ r: , ~"~1 - ~ t ~ , ~~-r~w'. City rierk ~.~~vor ~ ~l