Minutes 1949-03-02 ' Clark~ to accept the ~ppointment of Councilman ~"laite~•s by P~ayor Dixson. U~on roll call vote all members voted 'fYes'~. A~tarrant against the Ceneral Fund for ~2~0.40 was audited~ approved~ and ardered paid. nTo further business appearir~g and upon motion the meet~.n~ ' vaas adj ourned. t~T'~~.ST: , . j~~_ ~ City Clerk ~ R.ayar _ p _ ~rroyo G-~ande ~ C~I if . l~?arch 2 ~ 194g The City Council met in re~zlar session :~::rith ~~~~yor Di~- son presiding. U~an roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Csark~ ~'~~iters and Damin~nn reported present. The minutes of the previous regular and adjour~ned meet ings were reaa and apFroved as read. The Communicati.ons were re~d and placed on file. RESOLUTION #202: Be It ~esolved~ that the names of the followin~ streets be changed as follovas: t'Valnut Avenue in ~,TOnes Tract to be changed to California '~v e . ~Nalnut :Avenue in the t~destern .~ddition to be changed to Benne~t': ~iv~~ae. Oak Street along ft~ineau-Loomis ~.ddition to be chan~ed to Fair Qaks ~venue. Passed and adopted by the follovrin~ roll call vote: r AY.~: Councilmen Dixson~ CZark~ ~chnyder? '~'a.iters and Dammann I~TOES : A?one .A.BS~tTT: 1!?one . ~Sayor Dixson asked ~.?r. Harris~ the City Attorn~y~ about the annexation of the Q~DeII rroperty v~.rhere ~ roadway lay between the pro~aerty and the City line, He a.~reed to look into the matter. Councilman 'k';-aiters made ~ motion~ seconded by ~ouncilman Dammann authorizing the surveyin~- of the property recently obtained a~~~ 28 ~ , ~~Y..~ by the City for ~ dump site. Rt~otian unanimously carried. I Councilman Schnyder was instructed to ask the Recri~~tion Commission for a mePtin~ with the eitar Council v~hen the man from the 'State could be arranged for. The water line on -'~Ider '~t. v~aa discussed but the matter ~ras laid aver and Iater it d~as a~^reed to let ~~r. Folkert Iay a 3/4- inch Iine to Lois Shryock~ s te:~pararily. "~rater Zines to ~e laid in tfi~~estern Addition were diseus~sed ~ but no dez"inite action taken. Don Shaffer brought up the sub j eet of' sor~e arran~;ement for ambulance service in the Southern Are~ of the County and the matter v.~~ discussed~ and ~Ir. ~arl ~~ood~ ~'r. said that the amhulance ser- vice was a pretty rou~h deal~ and he recommenCed that an emergency hospit~l for this area v~rould be apt to work out ta ~etter advantage. ~fter discussion~ R?ayor Dixson ~~~ointed Councilmen C'l~xk an~ ' af'aiters and ~;arl ~"roads ~~r. as ~ committee to ,look~ into the ambulance and emer~ency hospital setu~. The Clerk was instructed to ~,~rite the City of Pismo Beach in regard to the ar~bulance~ etc.~ ana see if they had any recommend- ations or vaould be interested. R~OI~TTION ##203: A Reso~ution sett?n~ up a Treasurer's Departmental Trust Fund. Fassed and adopted by the following roll call vote: ~ "~YFjS: Cauncilmen Dixson~ Clark~ Schnyder~ r~;~ait~rs and Dammann T70^~ : None ~S r'~TT : I~Ton e . Petitions turned in t~y Councilman ~chnyder~ Virg~inia Horner~ Dr. Cooksan~ and Hale E. Ryan ~ere read and ordered filed. It was agree~3 to intervieva the Police Chief €~pplicants who were present after the meetin~ ~r~a.s adjourned. R'1r. Ralph Hopkinsrapplic~tion for a card table license was discussed and later Councilman Schnyder made a r~otion~ seconded by Council.man Dar~.r~.~.nn to ~llov~ the card table license. ~ills ag;ainst the Ceneral Fund for $3,031.26~ the ?~~a.ter ~ I Fund for $3 ~441.69 ~ and the ~k~ater Deposit Fund for $16.00 Urere audited~ approved and ordered paid. I~~o further business ~p~earing and upon !~otion the meet- ing vias ad j ourned. ~ 1 ATT~'T: ~ ~ity Clerk ~:f~yor ~ _ p _ Arroyo Grande~ Calif. N:arch 4 ~ 1949 AII Council members were present at an informal meeting to interview the balance of the applic~.nts for the Chief of Police position~ and a~ter interviewin~ the three ~r~~ho ~~~ere present the Council diseussed the applicants~ and it u,=as unanimously a~reed to hire l~.r. ~'dm. P~. ~Stonsifer for ~hief ~,~'olic~. ~ , , ATTF~T: r ti City Clerk ~~ayor - 0- Arroyo Grande ~ Cal if . ~~~.rch 16 ~ 1949 The City Council met in re~ular session ~ith Mayor G. Dixson ~residin~. Upon roll call Councilr~en ~chnyder~ Cl~.rk~ f~~iters and Damm~nn re~orted present. The minutes of the ;~revious meetin~ were re~d ~.nd ~?p- ~roved as read. The c ommunicati ans ~~ere re~d and ~lac ecl on f ile . RESC?LU12~~? #204: Resolution of tne G1tV Council. of the Cit,~r of ~rroyo Gr~nde ~ authori zin~ acc eptanc e of ~eed to :Real Ec tate . P~ssed ~_nd adopted by the follovrir.~ roll eall vote: µYr~,.S: Councilmen T~ixson~ ~crnyder~ Cl~rk~ ;;~~aiters~ ~nd D~~mann ~TO~': I~~one ~.B~?~'TT: I~Tone. The ~ecre~tion Project ~~as discussed and~all Councilrnen were of the o~inior vrhen the ~'ouncil a~,reed to don~~te the $28~.00