Minutes 1949-03-04 ~ e~ ; Fund for $~~441.69~ and the x~~Tater Deposit Fund for $16.~~ ~r3ere ' audited~ approved and ordered paid. T~o further business ~ppearin~ and upon motion the meet- in~ v~as ad j ourned, ~ ~ G , ATT~'T: City Clerk ;~ayor - 0 - Arroyo Grande~ Calif. N:arch 4 ~ 19~-9 All Council members were ~resent at an informal meeting to interviev~ the balanee of the applic~nts for the Chief of Police positian~ and a~'ter interviewin~ the three ~r~~ho ~~aere present the Council diseussed the applicants~ and it was unanimously a~reed to hire l~.r. '~Jm. T:T. ~tonsifer for Chief of~'oZic , ) , ATTE.ST: r ti ' ~ City Clerk ~~ayor - 0- qrroyo Grande ~ C~ if. ~~~rch 16 ~ 1949 The City Council met in re~ular session ~uith Mayor G. I~. Dixson ~residin~. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Schnyder~ Cl~rk~ s"Taiters a:nd Darzmann re~orted present. The minutes of tne ~reviolzs meetin~ were re~d ~.nd ap- proved as read. ihe cor_nmunications ~ere re~d anc3 blacecl on file. ~E~C?LUTIQrT #204: ~esolution of the City Cauncil of the City of ~rroyo Crande~ authorizing acceptance of Deed to Real Fctate. P~ssed a.nd adopted by the followin~ roll call vote: µYr;,S: Councilmen T~ix~on~ ~chnyder~ Clark~,t~laiters~ and D~runann ~~TO : I~?on e ~.B~~`TTs ~Tone. Th~ ~ecre~ti~n Project ~ras d~scussed and°a_11 Councilmen were of the o~inion ~vhen the C.aun~il a~reed to don~~te the $28~.00