Minutes 1949-04-20 ~ ~ ?~i~ls a~ainst the C~ner~.l ~und for $2570.31~ the ~T~ter ~und flor $870.a3, and the ~~T~ter De~osit ~'und for ~16.00 were ~udited~ approved and ordered paid. T?o further buciness ~.ppearin~ by motion the meeting ~^4as adjourned. ~TTis.~T:~ ' City Clerk ~T~vor - 0 - Arrayo Gran~.e ~ Calif . ~pril 20 ~ 194-g The City Council met in re~ular session Vaith ~iayor Dixson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Cl~rk? ~~aiters and ~Jammann re~orted present,. ~ The minutes of the previous meetin~ vrere read and ap~sroved as read. The communications were read and pl~ced on fi].e. f~ri C~rrdinance ~ amending sectyons of Ordinance #~8~ was read ~ for the first time. i , i Harrv Hart~ ~'ire Chief~ reported there wa~ to be trair~ ~ ing school for firer~en at ~'ismo Beach and the Council agreed to ~ furni sh s ome transportati on f or s ome of the f ire~~en to attend . ~ ~ ~ ~oLtl~rzor~ #208 ~ ~ i ~ In the matter of the condemnation of the Pacific Goast ~ai l~~~ray ?~i~ht of ~;'T~:y . Passed and adopted by the f ollov~ing roll call vote: ~Y~: Councilmen Dixson~ Schnyder~ Clark? t~4aiters and Dammann ~ ~ I~rOE~~: l~Tone _=~~EI~'T: P?one ~"_r. Har~is reported the papers for the ~aruwat~.ri property were nearly ready. L. E. Fernamburg and I~~r. Ga.ssenberger reported they were being annoyed b~r dogs and ~j~ished to know i~ somethir~ could be done. , The Chief of police informe~ them there vv~s nothin~ that could be ~ c~one about the barking o~ dog~s unless they would sign a complaint. ' ; t) ~ ~"r^':~ 'tn'. ~'J`. Routzahn and ~~rs. ~w~ll were present to ~rotest the payin~ of a 3usiness License for Insurance Salesmen or _~gency~ and to see if they could have the money v~~hich ~.hey had paid re- funded. ~:;r. Harris a~,re~d to look the m~.tter up and re~ort at the next re~ul~~s meetin~, Councilman ~chnyder r~ade r~otion~ seconded by Council- man Dar.im~nn~ to have a new top put on the cistern at the property on Branch ~treet. ~erry Dana asked 3bout usin~ the building at the City Park for ~ pl~ce ~or the Roy~s Club to meet. Counczlman Damm~:nn ~greed to see v~hat he could do about gettin~ permission for the boys to meet at the ~cout 3uilding at the Park. The la,yin.~.r of ~ w~ter line in ~;v'estern ~ddition v~as dis- cussed and laid over until more study vvas made on the l~.yin~ of wa.ter line s . Bills a~ainst the ~eneral Fund for ~fi815.24; the !d~ater Fund for ~287.50~ v~rere audited~ afiproved ar_c~ ordered paid. ?~?o furt,her business appearin~ and u~on Moti.on the meet- ing was adjourned. ~ ~ , , :~TTi~;T , ~ City Czerk ' ~~ayor _ p _ Arroyo Grande~ Calif. :~pri 1 22 ~ 1949 ~~z~eci~l meeting uvas called to t~ke up the matter of allowing P,.r. ~vuards to move his of-~'ice to Branch St. ~"~11 , Councilmen were present except Councilman Dammann. ~fter discussion it .raas ~greed to ~,rant P'r. ~'dwards perr~iission to move the building onto the lot ~etween Doroth~ Hardin~ and the ,~uality ~'leaners. A'o further business appearing and upon ~~.otion the meeting ~,vas ~dj ourned. , :A TT~ T ' ~ ~ ~ Cit,y C~erk ~~a or