Minutes 1949-04-26 ~ ~A ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. ~~ril 26~ 194q A hearin~ on the new Zonin~ Ordinance ~ras held with N~,yor ?7ixson pr esidin~. U~on roll call Counc a.lmen ^chnyder ~ Clark~ T'Taiters and Darim~:nn r. e~orted ~resent. The 2onin~ Ordinance ~ras read for the first time and ' discussea. Councilman Clark r~ade motion~ seconded by Council- man ~arnr~:nn to continue the hearin~ and the a~option of the Qrdinance until the meeting of t:'ay 4th. TyRotion carried. ~ 2t~r. r:~arsalek came before the Council in behalf of I!ss . Ch~pek and himself in re~;ard to the ~~ater ditch being leveled ~ff by some of tne proFerty owners west of them. ~"r. j-iarris a~reed to Iook u~ the matter an~ report at the next meetin~. ~'o further business appearing and upon motion the meetin~r ~J~as ac~. j ourned. ~ ~ _ TT~~: T ' ~ City Clerk ~ ~;~~yor / _ p _ ==.rroyo ~'ranc3~e, C~lif . ~.~~~y 4~ lca4~ ihe City Council r.:et ir. re~ul~r sessi_on v~i~h I!e"ayor G. ?~ixson ~residin~;. ?Tpon roll call Gourlcilmen Glark~ '~~~iters~ and ~ac.~:_lann re~orted nreser~t. "~.rser,t~ Courcilman ~chriyc~er. `~ne Minutes of the ~revious re~ay~.r arc~ special me~tin~s ~°vere read and a~; roved as read. !'omm~anic3tions ~;~ere read ~nd ~lacer'~ on ~ile. T:r. ?-~arris ~ t~~e City ittorne~, reported on the re~'unc~in~ of license money payd bf the Insurance ~"alesraen. .4fter ~isauesion~ a: r.:otion vras Made by rolancil.man Clark' seconded by Councilman '~.~aiters to refunc~ the licenses ~~~i~ a"ter v~nu~.~y l~ I~4Q. ~"otion c~.rried. T:r. ~=ha.e~°.fer~ s letter reauest ~r.` ~r~~i.r~f o~' strepts in `:';~estern A.c~~Aition w^~av clicct~~;ed~ anr ~ mo~ion v~:~as m~are r~r Couneilman `"laiters~ ~econded bv ~'ouncil;.^.an ~~m*~ann~ to nave Tqr. ?aarris t~mite