Minutes 1949-05-04 ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. ~pri1 26~ 1949 ~ hearin~ on the new Zonin~ Ordinance was held ~rrith I~~yor Dixson presiding. U~on roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clark~ "T~iters and Dar,~mann reported present. The Zonin~ Ordinance v,ras read for the first tiMe and discussed. Councilman C'lark made ~ motion~ seconded by Council- man ~~rnr~:nn to continue the hearin~ and the a~option of the Ordinance until the meetin~ of P='ay 4th. P~Rotion carried. ~ It'r. ~:~arsalek came before the Council in behalf of ~Ars. Gh~~ek and himself in re~ard to the water ditch being Ieveled off by some of the property o~~ners west of them. ~~,r. T-i~rris ~~reed to look u~ the matter an~ report ~.t the next meetin~. ~'o further business appearing and upon motion the meetin~ vdas ac~ journed. ~ r _ aTZ~.~>T - ~ City ~lerk ~ ~A?~yor ~ ~ I _ p _ =`•:rroyo ^ranc~e, C'~lif . ' P'~,~r 4~ 1Q4~ ihe City Counc~l r~~t in re~~.~lar session erith P.:ayor ~ix~on presidin~. TT~on roll call Gourcilmen Gl~rk~ "~'~~iters, and ~ar.~iar~n ^e,~ortec; ~resent. ~.?~ser~t~ Cour~cilman i chnycer. ihe r~inutes of the previous re~zi~.r ar.c~ special meetings ~°~=ere read and a~r:roved as read. ~"ommurzications vaere reau and ~lacer',~ on ~=ile. ~.:r. ~arri~, trie City ^~ttorney, reported on the re~'unc~.in~ of license money paid k~~ the Insurance calesr~en. Aft~r disaussion~ ~~otion v~as r~ade by rouncilman C1ark~ seconded by C'ouncilrr~ar_ `~aiters to re£und the licenses n~?.i~ ~"te-r ~.~nu~.ry 1~ 1~4Q . n`otion c~rried. r'r. ~haeffer~s zetter rer~.zetitir€:, ~rr~~~x?~f o= streets in ";';'estern ~,c~~~ition ~^vas ci~scussed, anc~ mo~ion v~,~as m.a~e bvr Councilman `.','aiters, seconr~e~~ by ~'otzncilr.~an ~a_rtu~ann~ to nave l:r. T+arris ~~,Jrite ~ 38 1~~ ~ ~ ~ T:"r. Shaeffer th~t the Gouncil ~ia not "eel they ~hould maint~~in the streets before the seuver anc~ v~ater Zines ~nd the necessa.ry ~-radin~ anc? ~;r~v~lin~; o` t?~~e streets ~i~d 'cPen done. ~>'ation c~rried. It ~rkas Moved~ seconded~ and carried th~.t the :~merican I~e~~ion anc' 'a?.neric~n Legion ~',_uxili~ry ~;rarted a pGrr:2t to have c~~nce on P~:"_~y 1~ ~ 19~:;~ in the ~eg;ion :?alI and no ch~.rge to be made ;'or the r,ermi_t ~s it ~4ras to be a benefit c~ance. T:°'.r. Hadc~ox ti~vas ~re~2nt to ~~e v~h~t the City pl:~nned on ~~oin~ in re~ arc?s to c~n~~er~nation of' the ~=acific ~oast Ri~ht of-`,'.jay. l~~ayor Dixson a~no.;.ntec~ Gouncil:~i~~r. Cl~rk to cantact th~ High ~chool ~o~.rd in re~°~rc~ to ~?/t'r for road. ~~~r. P.~atch~n ap~earec? to have a recla;;,~ification of tr.e pror}erty lyir~~; betrveen Crovvr~ Terrace ~r~a the R.R. ~/Ta~ across fror~ hi.s ~ro~ert;~. Council,?an ",~~.iters ~4r~s as~ecl to refer it ba_ck ta the Plannin€r Com.r_~.issior~ for ~ec~~ssi~icati.on of non con~r-- r.:erc ial . Gounciln~an D~.rnr~ann r.}~de ~,otior,. secdnd.ed ~y Council- man Cl~rr; to cor.tir..ue the he~r~r~; oi the ?oning Ordinance an~. ada~ tion e r~:~~~s tzr_t? 1 ti~?~ ~:'ay l~th meeting~. Councilman rl~rk made ~ r.;otion~ seconded by Council- r.~~r Darlm~.rn to a~arcon ar_y ~~I~_~_ns for dump on the ~.?esa pro~erty. P.;otior carried. It ~~Yas su~~estec! th~.t ? s. t?arris ~et ~ c opy o~' the '~an Luis rrarba~~e C?rdirl~nce ~f,~itri the ~u€-~~e~ted ch~nges that ~,~ti7ere to be ma~~e. ~ It vaas decided to r~ave ~~`~aeci~l T.Teetin~ an T,:~,r 6th to aiscuss the buc~~ets 'or t'~~e comin~~ ye~r. Councilmar~ Clark ni~_de a r.lotion~ ~econded bv Councilman ~am.ma_nn to raise the ~aa~es of ~~r. Arl:?erso~.~ th~ ~'l~ter Sxp~t.~ to ~2~5.C0 per m~ontri~ ~etr~active to ?;`ay lst. ~T,`:u\n..i~~~..T~~n~'~T .~~c_'1.i9 . Pe it resolveci t~~~t a. GrA~r_ r'one be est~~bli.sYied on the south side 7f nranch `"treet ~n t~~e ^~ste~iy anr "~test~rly si.des o-~' the cross~.rn.lk i:~:^u~:edia.tel;,r ~c~,~; ~c ent, ta the TT. Postoffic e~ and that the ~ed ;;one on the ~iorth side o:~' ??rra~,ch ~'treet and w~st of the sai~ cro~sv~alk ~e eli.r~ina_tPd. Cn m.otio~ o~ Cour~cilr>>~.n Clark~ secon~.ed b~r Councilman ':'~,Taiters a_nd on the follo ~%in~.~ roll call ~,rote the fore~oin~ y~r~s ~ c~ ~dorted: aY~c: Counc~ln~er~ I~ixwon~ Clark~ :'.'a_iters ~r._d D~rlriann ~I ~.~C s R'or.~e ~~~'i;ZT`I': Councilr~an ,~chnyc~er. ta~e ~°y~~:-tEr :~itua_tion ar t~:e Trisco Tract was discusseci but no action t~.~.er~. ~Tr. trarris z°~~ort~~:~ to ~t.r. r.~~.rsalek ar~ci the Council ~.bout t~ie ~ra ina~~e pro~lem in P=~:r .~~"arsalek ~ s ~:rea ~ and it v~ras su~~e:=;ted t~~<~~t t~:e C'ity ~gireer investi~rat,e the dra.ina~e in th~t area. Bills ~€rair_Gt the Gener~:l ~'urc_ for ~2 ~ 316.39, ar~c~ the '>?ater ~und for ~g9~.65~ ~~aere auc,.ited~ a~~roved~ and ordered paid. ~''o iurther bu~ir~ess {:>_;~pe~rin~ ?rd upon motion the rneetin~ v,~~s adjourned to 7:3C PIt':~ i:~'.~.y b~ ,19~9• _ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ : 12"~`~" l - ~ ~ ~ ~`~~71~~i~ City Clerk A~~yor f ' / - 0 - _~rroyc ~"rr~nde, Cal if . r~ray 6, 19q~9 The CitJr C'ouncil Met in ~n adjourned nleetin~ vt~ith :+.'~a~~or Dixson ~res~din~. TT~on roll call C",ouncilmen ~cr,.nyder•~ ~l~~rk~ `:''aiters anc~ ~ar~r~ann z~~r orted nre~er_t. It v~as reparted the ~ii~~h ~chool h~.d c~iscussed ~iving the ~~ell on the r~ewly purchased ~:ones property to the City zn return for tiP:~ter ~.n~ it vvas sta~gested they be contacted ~°or n~ore in~orm~tion. There v~a~ .:z ~eneral ~;iscr.issi~n on vrater ~ro~;~lnMS and it vdas decided to c~~.ll the 'Tersey l~'?eter ~o. either to ~'ix. the r~.~a5ter ~~eter so it could be accurat~l~r u~ed or a n~v, r_!eter ~^,~ou~d h~.ve to re inst~.lled. ~'r. T'eCoy ~.•;as asked to €fet r}rices on c~.ifferent sizes and kinds of ~ir~e ~nd l~'a;;ror Dixsan ,~~~7as ~oinf~ to cor~tact the P. r=. ~ to see if one o~ their representatives cou~.d ~ive some ~dvice on ~umr~irl€~ ~rablen~s. "'o furtr~er busines~ ar~.~-~earing an~ upon notion the meet- in~ ~vas adjourned ur.til ~uch tir~e ~s T:?ayor Dixson ~~!ould notify the