Minutes 1949-05-06 ~do~^ted: ~Y'~~: Counc~lrr~er~ I~ixson~ C_"lark~ :'aiters .~nd D~r~u7ann ?!'or.~e ~i~~'~'TT;i: Cc~uncilr~an. ":chn~Tc~er. ii~e v~~~~?tEr situation or tl~e ~risco `I'raet w~s ~.iscusseci but no action t~ker~. ~ ~,r. ~Tarris r~~orte~ to i~~r. ":tarcalek ar~ci the Council about thp draina~;e problem in ~::r. T:~arsa~ek~ s~:rea~ and it ~n•as cu~~e: ted th<~.t t~e City ~gireer invecti~rate the drainage in that ar~a. Pills ~€r;~~_rst the ~ener~l ~'und for ~2 ~?16.39, and the ';;~ater ~'und for ~g93.6~~ v°rere auc?ited~ an~roved~ anr ordered p~id. T'o Lt~rther bu~,ir~ess ~-~~pe~ring ar_d upon motion the rneetin~ ~~,ras ad j ourned t~ 7: 3C F'lt~~ ~ i'~.,y 6~ 19a~ . . ~ % ~ ~ ~~TT~~~ _ / ~ i ' ~ ~ ~ G'v ~„r~ City CZerk I~~~~ror , % _a_ _~rroyo Grande ~ Cal if . ~,~ay 6 ~ I`~a-9 The Cit;r Council met in ~n ac~.journed meetin~ vti~ith T:Ia~~ or Dix~:on ~res~ding. ?7~on roll call Councilmen ~chnyder• ~ C'lark~ '°;iaiters ~rir'; Dam~:^ann z°eported ~:resent. It v~as reporte~ t~:e ~ii~h ~chool had ~iscussed ~iving the ~ell on the r~ewlvr purch~sed ~:ones Property to the Gity in return for ~^~~_ter a.nd it tifcas su~;~ested they be contacted ~'or more inform~tion. '~'here v~a~ ~ ~eneral ~~isc~zssion on ~~vater ~rorl~MS and it ~aas deciaed to c_~.11 the T-~er~ey T~'eter Go. either to ~'ix. the ~,~aster R:~eter so it cc~tzld ~e accur~teli~ ~.ced or ~ ne~~l ~eter 4,~ou~d h~.ve to ~e installed. i~'r. r;'eCo~r ~~•yas asked to ~'et rrice,~ on c~~.ifferert ~izes and kind~ of ~ix~e ~nd ~;'~;;ror Dixson t~;as ~'oinf~ to cor~t~et the P. r. to see if one ol their re~resent~tives cou~.d ~ive some acvic e on Fumr}in€; ~roblen.s . ~To furtr~er busiriess ~.r?~~~Parin~ anca upon motion the meet- in~ c~aas adjourned until such tir~:e as T:~ayor Dixson would notify the ~V ~ ~ ~ C:~ Clerk th~t t'~e P. G. r~~.n coula be present. ~ ~ ~ , ~TT~T: L City C1Prk ~~'ayor _ p _ ~rroyo Grande~ CaIiP. ~ay 18, 1949 The Ci~y Council me~ in regular session with ~ayor I~lixson presidin~, Upon roll ~all Cauneilmen ~chnyder~ Clark~ and Dar~mann reported present. ~.bsent~ CQUncilm~n ~aiters. The minutes oF the previous regular an~ s~ecial meetin~;s were read and approved as read. The communications wer~ read and plaeed on file. 'Mr:.~ Harris had a copy of a garbage ordinaneev~hich he had prepared for P~ismo Be~eh which he legt to have eopies made and sug~ested a eapy be given to th~ Flannin~ Cammission and also one to the garbage colleetor anc~ the City ~ouncil to look over the ordinance so it eould be discussed at the next meeting. The layin~; of new lined to reglace 2 ineh Iines and several old Iines v~a.s discussed. It ~ra:s reporte~ there was about 3000 feet of 4 inch pipe on hand ancl a shipment of 30~p feet w~ot~ld be ready in ~~une or ~uly. It v~.s suggested tI~~C the neeessary fittings be ordered for a 4 inch line from L~ed- ham Lane to Allen a3ong the F.C. R/'~'~ and a 4 inch line on Tall~r-FIo Road ~ and a 4 inch lirre on Grand ~.ve . from I~alcyon Road ~o Br~sco Road, It vvas moved and seconded th~t I000 feet of 4 inch transite pipe be ordered. ~~r. Cerxi~€;Iin~ who lives on Alder ~t, ~ south of the Fair Daks Theatre~ appeared before the board to see ~bout water an the property he had recently purchased. The Couneil informed him he or the property owners there would have to instal l the water line before they could get water~ and it t~ould have to comply with City regulationa. The men rrvere to get measu~enents and data ready and cont~.ct the peaple out there,