Minutes 1949-05-27 Councilman ~ehnyder reported th~ Recre~tion Comnzission ~rished to know mf the City Council intenddd to eontribute to the T~eereation Fund. Af"ter a Tengthy diseussian~ A~_r. Harris~ the City ~ttor~n.ey~ suggested a meeting of the Recreation Gommission~ the Przneipals of the High School and Grammar ~chool~ one representa- ti~re from the ~?arvest F~stivaT and Counc ilman ~~~aiters ~ to~ether ~vith him~elf for the purpose of tryin~ to come to s ome agreement on wh~:t was to be done. It was moved and seconded that ~~ayor Dixson be author- ized to sign the agreement with the County Health Department. Councilman I~ammann made a motion~ seconded by Council- man Clark~ that a deed be drawn up for that portion of Ne~unan Drive which the l~?evvrna.n! s were deeding to the City. Conrad had looked over the street and ~~r. N~wman was present ~nd agreed to finish the ~rading anc~ graveTing of the street ~o the satis- faction of the City Engineer after the water line was laid. The drawing of the deed ~vas to be referred to the City ~ittorney. Councilman Clark made a motivn~ seeonded by ~ouneilman Uammann~ to c~raw a deed for .~.lpine St. extension from Grand~ ~ve. south. This also was to be referred to the City Attorney. ' Bills against the General Fund for ~$~8.80~ a nd the , ~ ~~ater Fund for ~312,50 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. ' I~?o further business a earin and u n m i ' 0 ot on the P P g P meetin~; ~va.s ad j ourned. ' , ~ ATTEST: ~ o~'~~,~, ~ L~z-~ * L"~,G-2~` City Cle~k ~Iayor _ p - t~rrayo Grande, ~alif. May 2~, lg4q The ~ity Council met in speeiaT session v~I.t~i ~i~yar G. , F~. Dixson presiding. IIpan roll ca11 ~ouncilmen Schnyder~ Tl~ai ters and Da~nn reported present. Counei lman Clark arrived later and Councilman Ltammann asked to be excused early. The meeting wa:s callec~ for the purpose of dis~~zssing street work~ the Recreation projeet and the purchase of a stoe~- pile of Plant ~~ix. 1 42 ~ ~.f~er discussion it was deeided to ca~I.l for bid~ for resurfacing oP C'herry 4ve. and ~~Tifornia ~ve., and i~ ~s de- eided to contact prop~rty owners on thase str~ets and see if they would put their eurbs and ~;utters in as the ci.rainage could be ~aroperly ear~d for. It was sugges~ed we stoek pile 1Q~ ~ans of Flant ~~ix for use on streets. It ~as suggested the distance along the Grammar ~ehool be measu~ed and notify ~~r. Thrash~ ~o the Grammar ~chool board eould discuss putting in eurbs and gut~ters. It ~~s also deca:ded to ask R~?r. Harris about f orcing the people on Cornv~all to hook ~nto the sewer. It v~~s agreed to have a special eleetion this fall to see if the voters wanted to vote a tax fo~ Recrea~.ion. Na fur ther business the meeting ~as ~djourned. ` ~ ~T'~~..ST: , , 2 City ~l~rk ,~-r.,,~ or ~ _ _ _ ~