Minutes 1949-06-15 ~rroyo Grande 1 Ca.lif . June T5~ 1949 `1''he City met in re~uular session with ~"ayor G. F. Dixson presidin~. Ui~on roll eall Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clarkz and Ilamma.nn regorted present. Absent? Councilrnan ~~laiters. The minutes of the previaus meeting ~ryere read and ~pproved as read. The Communications were read and placed on file. Several property o~rrners from Cherry ~ve. were present tQ see if they could ha.ve the surfacing on Cherry fu11 ~r~idth instead ~ of a 24 foot strip. It ~~s reported tha.t it looked Iike the curbs ' and gutters would be in exeept for 32Q feet on the south side of Cherry :~,ve. ' Zetter from the Fire Department was read and after som~ discussion a motion was made by Councilma.n Dammann~ seconded by Couneil- mari Cl~rk~ to have ~Zr. ~~cCoy order ~00 feet of 2~~' hose~ I 12" ga~ed v~ye~ and I 1~" fog nozzle and vrrite for ~rices on Resuscitat~rs. The re~uest for a raise in the City contribution from $I00.00 per year to $2~O.CO was held over for ~'urther Gtudy. It was moved ancl seeonded that the week be~innin~ ~TUne 27th be r~Clean up Week'*. ~~r. 4nderson re~orted the representative from Hersey I~fg. eo. had been here and they inten~ed to install an accurate ~'aster ~feter. Councilman Sehnyder ~ade a motion~ seconded by eouncilrnan Dammann~ to have an air chamber 3nstalled on the line. R~OLUTION #210 Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adoptin~ bud~et and apr~roving memorandum of a~reement for expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for ~ajor City Streets. Fassed and adopted by the following roll call vote: _~YF,S: Councilmen Dixson~ Sehnyder~ Clark~ and ~a.mma.nn. NC3r'~: None :~BSII~T: eouncilman ~~aiters. The headin~ of Qrdinance #95 was read and a motion was made by Couneilman Schnyder~ seconded by Councilman Clark to dis- pEnse v~rith the balance of the reading. Resolutions for the adoption of the City of Arr oyo Grande 4~ ~ ~oning Plan and the City of Ar~royo Grande P~~aster Flan were dis- cussed and it was decided to eontinue the ~natter over to ~~onday~ June 20~ at 8:00 PM. The Clerk was instrue~ed to draw a. ~rarrant for ~39~.00 to the .~rroyo ~rande Recreation ~'orrunission ~s~ the budget allow~nce for the fi scal year starting~ ~TUly 1~ 1949 . A~entleman v~as present to ask about leasin~ the dump site the City had purchased~ and ~~~r. Narris~the Gity .attorney~ ~.~reed to $~ook into the rnatt~r and report at tre ~Tuly 6th meeting. ~~r. ~humv,Tay ~~as present to ask about ~~ater to the hoc~se he was buildin~ on ?3e11 and Faeh~ and after discussing the vuater 'i I problems it ~%~as decided to have an adjourned meeting and come to ' some decision then. ~~:r. 1VIcElhaney was present to ask about the City purcha- sing a used motor grader ~ and A~s ~ Narris said if the Ctty v~rished to purchase the ~uipment they would have to advertise for bids. ~3ills a~ainst the ~eneral Fund ~or ~1~222.10~ an~ the ~~~ater Funci for ~312.5C1~ were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business anpearin~ and upon motion the meet- ing was ad j ourned to ftRonday evenin.g~ June 20 ~ 1q49 ~ at 8: C~0 PA~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r~ • ! ~Ti ~T:~'~o . c~.~;~ .~'C',1~i~:.~:~.-~,.c J . `'`~f 1~1N~ City Clerk .It ayar r _p_ Arroyo Grande~ Calif. June 20~ 1949 The C'ity ~ouncil met in an adjourned meeting with h~ayor G. F. Dixson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Da~r ma.nn and rYaiters reported present. Councilman Cl?rk arrived later in the meeting. After discussin~; and looking~ over the City af Oxnard's Water Ordinance a motion was made by Councilman Darnmann~ seconded by Councilman ~ehnyder~ to lay and install a 4~' water Iine on Bennett Ave. frarn Alpine to ~3ell~ and on ~3e11 from Bennett to Faeh~ and to replace an old small line on ~hort ~treet fram P~ole to Allen with ~ 2~' galvanized line~ and an old small line f'rom the lane to Cl~rk ~ Lierly ~~rown and L"ills ~ also ~ to lay a 4~ #,ransi~e line from _"~.lpine~ on I~ewman Drive. ~Iotion carried.