Minutes 1949-06-20 ~~w 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~oning Plan and the City~ af Arroyo Grande ~~aster Flan were dis- cussed and it was decided to eontinue the ~natter over to ~Aonday~ June 2~, at 8:Od P~f. The Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant for ~390.0~ to the .Arroyo Gr~nde Recreation Cor~unission the budg;et allovvance for the fiseal year startin~ July 1~ 1949. A gentleman ~r~as present to ask about leasing the dump site the City hac~ purchased~ and Pur. ~arris~the City 4ttorney~ agreed to ~ook into the matt~r and report at tre ~;uly 6th meeting. ~~r. ~humv;ay ~+~as present to ask about vaater to the hause he was building on ?3e11 and Faeh~ and after diseussing the water t.; probler~s it ,fas declded to Y~ave an ad~ourned meeting and come to ~ some decision then. ?+":r. McEThaney was present to ask about the Cit~ purcha- sing a used motor ~rader ~ and A,~.r ~ Narris said if the Ctty v~rished to purchase the ~auipment they would have to advertise for bids. Bills a~ainst the ^eneral Fund °or ~1~222.10~ and the ~~vater Fund for ~jI:2.5C1~ uuere audited~ approved and ordered paid. I~o further business a~~e~rin~ and upon motion the meet- in~ was adjourned to ~~onday evening~ June 20~ I~49~ ~t 8r00 P~;R. /Y f ' r it.lN~..i ~Ti~T:~~o . ~'~~C',~,.~ ~'1.~ C~-i~,tic ~ , fi City Clerk r% 4' .It ayor r...~ _p_ Arroyo Grande~ Calif. June 20~ 1949 T"he City Council met in an adjourned meeting with lti~ayor G. F. Dixson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Dam- mann and ~Yaiters reported present. Councilman Clark arrived later in the meeting. A.fter discussin~; and lookin~ over the City af Oxnard's Water Ordinance a motion was made by Councilman Dammann~ seconded by Councilman ~ehnyder~ to lay and install a 4" water Iine on Bennett Ave. from ~.Ipine to ~3e11~ and on ~3e11 from ~ennett to Faeh~ and to replace an old small line on ~hort ~treet from P~ole to Allen with ~ 2~' galvanized line~ and an old small line from the lane to Clark ~ Lierly ~ F?rown and t•"ills ~ also ~ to lay a 4'~ ~.ransi~e 2 ine from ~~.lpine~ on l~ewman Driv e. ~Ioti on e arri ed . RF~OLLTTI~N ##~lI A R~salut~on of tl~e City Council of the City of :~rroyo ~rande adoptin~ ~ection #38 of the 4xnard ~rdinance as the policy for main extensions in the City effective as of' riow. ~b~4tion by ~ouncilman Dammann~ ~econded by Courcilman Schnyder to adopt the Resolution AY~Ss Couneilm~n Dixson~ ~chnyder~ Glark~ x~l~iters and Dammann ~.TOES: None ~ BS E~?T: ~,TOne . It was renorted the adoption of the ~oning Ordinance and rnap was to be held over to the ~uly 6th meeting. The subject of street lights was brou~ht up and it was decided to tivrite a Tetter the Pacific Gas and Eleetric Co. and ~sk them ~~~hen the li~hts would be t~ken care of . l~~r. Diani was present to ask about street work and agr eed to look over the streets and ~ive some prices on the dif~erent types of v~ork. The purchas-e of a used ~rac~er was discussed but no ~etion taken. ~1o further business and the me~tin~ was adjourned. r / / • ~j ' . r ~ A TT T : /~i~ !-G'~~.t ~i~,~_-i.:r.-. ~ ~ ' .~C. I~B?~ Cit~T C3erk ~ f ~~ayor - 0 - ~rroyo Grande~ Calif, July 6 ~ 1g49 ~ The City Couneil met in regular session v~ith ~?Fayor G. F. Dixson presidin~. Upon roll eall Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clark~ ; and i:#~aiters r~gorted p~~aent. Absent Councilm~n Dammann, The minutes of the previous regular and adjourned ~eetir~ were read and ap~roved as r~ad. Cor~munic~tians were read~ discussed and placed on file. Dr. Swartout from the County Health Dept. ~,~as presen~ to discuss an ordin~~nce reauiring che~t xrays ol rood handlers~ and after discussion all Gouncilmen expressed themsleves in favor of such an ordinance. Harris? the City .4ttor~ey~ was ta prepare the ordin~nce.