Minutes 1949-07-06 R~OLL?TION ##21I A R~salut~an of the City Council of the City of ~rroyo r~rande adoptin~ Section #3$ of the ~xnard Crdinance as the policy for main extensions in the City effective as of riow. Pv~otion by ~ouncilman Dammann~ Seconded by Courcilman Schnyder to ~dopt the Resolution ~x~ffit~~: RY~'.S: Councilm~n Dixson~ Schnyder~ CTark~ ff~l~iters and Dammann I~?0~: None ABSEI~?T: None. It was renorted the adoption of the Zonin~ Ordinance and map was to be ~ield over to the ~uly 6th meeting. The subject of r,treet lights ~ras brou~'ht up and it was decided to ~vrite a Ietter tc~ the Pacific Gas and Eleetric Co. and ask them ~~ahen the li~hts would be t~ken care of. T~~r. Diani was present to ask about street work and agreed to look over the streets and give some prices on the different types of v~ork. The purchase of a used ~rac~er was discussed but no ~I i ~ction taken. ' ~to further business anc~ the me~j tin~; was ~djourned. I' f), r° . ' ' ' ; ~ r: - ~ ~TT~;~ T : _ ~Gt1~~ ~ ~ ~C- , ~.-dt'1-` Cit~T Clerk ? '~~ayor _ p _ .~rroyo Grande~ Calif. July 6 , 1949 ~he City Cauncil met in re~ular session with R2ayor G. F. Dixson presidin~, Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clark~ and T~~aiters r~ported p~~sen~, Absent Couneilm~n Dammann, The minutes of the previous regular and adjourned meeting were read and ap~roved ~s r~ad. Cor~.municatians vrere read~ discussed and placed an file. Dr. Swartout from the County Health Dept. ~,~as present to discuss an ordin~nce recuirin~, chest xrays of ~'ood handlers~ and after discussian aIl CouncilmPn expresse~ the~.sleves in favor of such an ordinance. •~aj'x'is ~ the City .4ttor~ey ~ was to prepare the ordin~nce. e ~l-l~ ~H t~.< . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . ~-,-v^J The report from the Chief c~f Folice vras read ~.n~ his reeom~endatians to take over the ~chool crossin~ guard by the P'olice Dept. an~. salary raises for Officers ,'-lilliams and Cooper was discussed and Councilman Schnyder made a motion to accept hi s r ee ommendati ons and the pay rai s e of ~10. C~0 per month f ar ~~r . ~`dilliams ~ and $25.C~0 per month for ~Ir. Cooper ~~~ere to be retro- active to ~uly Ist~ 1949. P:~otion seconded by Councilman r~aiters. ~~~otion carried. ~.r. ~~~eCoy v~ras instructed to purchase fire extin~uishers for the palice car and motorcyele. The letter fror.l the Fzi~h School for the ca.neellation of City Taxes on the property purchased from ~ones was referred to the eity :~ttorney ~.n~. he sug~ested tlley ~'ile an affi~avit for the caneellation. ~~Ir. I~iller from the Rrisco Tract vvas present to ask if somethin.~ could be done about the vvater pres~ure out there. The matter tivas ~iscussed but no acti3n taken. Tvao ~entlemen ti,ere present to ask about garbage and refuse collection ~nd were told it wauld be alri~ht to go ahead ~ as Pyjr. Yates had na franchise or contraet v~~ith the City. There ~vould be a license fee charged ana also Yates sho~ald be billed for a license. ~ ~~'~~LUTIOI~? #212 '~esolution of the City Council of the C~ty af Arroyo ~rande approvin~ a~reement for maintenance of State Hi~hG~ay in . the City ox"'Arroyo Grande. pa~_sed and ~:~.~opted by the following roll call vote: r~Y~~: Counc il~.en Di~t:son ~>chny~~.er ~ Clark and ~;~aiters 1`rO~S : None AB~~:'T: Councilman ~Ja~nm~nn The heading of Ordina.n.nc e#95 was read and a~oti an vaas made by Councilm,~n Cl~rk~ seconded b~r Councilman ~~`raiters to dis- pense ~:ith the balance of t'r~e readzng. ORDISTA_~?CE #~9~ An ordinance providing for the est~blishment of zones in the City of ~.rroyo Crande ~ California an~ re~ta.lating the uses of property therein~ adoptin~ a map :~ho~vin.~ s~id zones, ~1e~'ining the terms used in this ordinance~ praviding for its adjustment~ enforcement and amendment~ ~rescribir~ penalties for violations and repealin~; any ordinances or portions of ordinances in can~"lict herewith. Passed ~.n~ adopted by the follo~in~ roll calT votes AYES: Councilmen Dixson, ~chnyr1er~ Clark and ~'Jaiters. ~~r~~ s l~~one :~BSE~TT: Councilman T1a~:mann R ^~OLI.,~TT QPv ~#213 ~e it resolved~ that the map entitled ~~aster F2an~ City of ~rroyo Grande be and is hereby adopted on r~otion af Councilman ~chnyder~ ~econded by Councilrn~n. Clark. ~ A~E~: Councilmen ~ixson~ Clark~ ~ehnycFer~ and '~+aiters. , i~?0 ~S : 1V'one I~B~~TdT: Counci~an Dammann. RESOLt7TI0I~{ ~#214 Be it resolvec~~ that!,the Lnap entitled Zoning Plan~ City of ~rroyo Gra.nde be and is her~by adopted on motion af Councilman , Schnyder~ seconded by Caunci~ma.~2 Clark. AYES: ~ouncilmen Dixson~ Clark~ Schnyder~ and ~7aiters. T~yO~S: r?one ABSII~TT: Councilman Dam~ann. T:'r. Diani was present and discussed the street work and it was decided to eall ~~r. Dolliver of the F?i~hway Depa.rtment and discuss using road rnix instead of plant mix. Couneilman Sehnyder made a r~otion~ seconded by Council- wi th man b~~aiters to ~ive the Fire ~egart~ent ~250.OOfthe first of Au~ust warrar~s. The Chief of Police ~~~~as to look into the throv~ing af rubbish on the Pacifie Coast Lumber Co. property in back of ~~~rs. Rog~er' s plac e . The P. G. & E. v~as to be contacted and see ~vhy the street li~;ht~ had not been increased and ne~r. fixtures in.stalled. fiills a~ainst the General ^und ior $1919.~4~ the I~later Fund for ~~20.71~ and the ~~rater Deposit rund for ~24.Q0 v~rere audited~ approved and ordered paid. I~o ~~'urther business ap~easing and upon motion the meet t„3.,o„s ~=y+ b,....;~ ~ V p~ ~Sr Tn, ~4 v nr . ~;,„,;a. 1:~:-,.,.:a ing was adjourned. ~7 s ~ ' f~ ' , ATTEST:~y, ~1. ~~.J ~t~/r~f/I~/ City Clerk ~ayor j' _ p _ ~rroyo Grande~ Lalif JuIY 13 ~ 194Q The Cit~ Counci2 met in ~~ecial Session to discuss street work. ~sayor Dixson presidin~. T?pon roll call Council- men.~chnyder~ ~Y~aiters and Damm~nn reported present. Councilman Clark arrived later . ~"~.r. Anderson reported ~~r. Doko had ~iven him rental charges for ec~uipment as follov~s: ~~otor ~rader~ $10.C0 per hour~ and $8.G0 ~er haur for a rotor mixer or the machine which pul- verizes and tears up the surface. Councilman Da.mmanri sug~ested that t".r. I~3risco be con- taeted for prices also and after sor~e discussion Councilman ~~~.iters called ~~r. Brisco and he came ~.ovm and discussed the prices and the equipment he had. After more discussion on the ~rork Councilma:n Schnyder made a r~oti on, s ec onded by C ounc i lman Clark to turr~ the vvor k over to ~~r. Andersor~ to ~et the necessary eauipment and do the ~vork on Cherry ~nd California t~venues ~ and see how the cost ~~ould c ome aut .~o~ion carri ed. Th~ Clerk vvas instructed to call &:r , Dolliver and change the preliminary report from P1ant ~'_ix to ~oad ~lix also order signs made to put on the ear so the Council could ride in the Farade in ~anta ~iaria~ vuTy 20t,h. l~~o further business ~~pearin~ and upon motian the meetin~ was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ , . ~ ° ' ' „ ` , , r ~ 1 ) ~ / ~ : ~v- F, - * ° L ~ TT~S T : . ~ ~~'1, . ~:~,~~.,~',.vv~ . , ~ - ~ ~ City ~lerk E~ayor