Minutes 1949-08-03 r ~ ~ It ~~~~s su~;~ested a Iette~ be written to ~~rs. L~erneda l~~ontgomery thankin~ her f or her fai thful and effec i ent s ervie es as the school er.ossing gu~rd. Bills again~t the G~neral Fund for $1035.b0~ and the t~~'~ter Fund for ~312,5~ w~re au~.ited~ ap~roved and ordered paid. I~ro further busine~s and upon mation the meeting was ~djourned. ' ATTES T:1~~~. • _ G, C ~'Z.~'~ Cit~y Clerk N' or ' -f)-- rand Calif. Arro o G e y ~ ~u~ust 3, z94g The City Council met in r~~ular session an~ was called ' to order by the Clerk. Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ y~aiters and Dammann reported present. Councilm~n Clark arrived later. T~ia;,rar Dixson cyas abserat. It ~vas moved~ seeonded and unanimousTy carried that Councilman Sehnyder act as ~aavor. The minutes of tY~e ~revious r~eetin~ ~~ere read and a~praved ~.s read. Communications were as follotFrs: 1. Letter Sram the Division of Hi~;h~rrays a~proving the prelirninary report f. or the ir_~prover~ent of ~herry Avenue from Calif= orni~: Avenue to fJ. 101 Hi~hv~ay. Ordere~ filed. 2. Copy of letter from ~tate Fire ~~arshal to ~+s. A.e.H. Chamberlin ~vith recommendations for changes to be maae in Grande Theatre read and t~~e Clerk instructed to varite the Fire A~arshal. asking i~ it was necessary for the City tot~ke any action. 3. The minut:e~ of the City Planning Commission ~nrere read and ordered filed. 4. The re~ort of the Chief of Police ~;as read and ordered filed. Ordinance ~#96 tiaas read for the seeond time and Councilman Clark rnade a motion seconded by ~ouncilman 9'~aiters to adopt the Qrdinance. C~ .~<by.,, e~DZr:TA~~c~ # 96 ~.n ~rdinance reauirin~ chest ~-rays of ~ood handlers in the City of Arroyo (~rande ~s an evidence of freedom from active pulmonary tuberculasis~ and providin~ penalties for the violation thereof. Passec~ and adopted by t~he following roll call vote: AY~S: Councilrien ~c~Yder ~ Clark, ~'~~aiters and Damma.nn ~~Or,~: ~~one ALS~tT: ~iayor Dixson ~lr. Anderson reported the curbs and gutters were being installed and he would start ~~vith the v~ork on Cherry and Califor- nia ~venues. He ~eported he could rent a~notor gra~er for $3.00 per hour and if the City wished to purchase the ~rader the rent could be ap.,lied on the grader. ~:r. ~~arris~ the City Attorney~ said the City could not do that~if they uvished' to purchase eq_uip- ment they ~x~ould have to call for bids. ~~r. ~,nderson v~as toTd to contact n~r. ~iC;Yrlhaney and see if they v~rould wish to rent the t~rader under t~ose cireumstances. b~L~~ ~nderson reported he had some information f'rom the ~ensselaer Valve Co. for Air Relief Valves for the ~rater lines~ and ~vas told to check ~~ritY~ the salesman and take care of the matter. He also re~orted the neva r~aster meter ~rras working fine. ~iayor Schnyder reap~ointed F~alph Bennett on the Plan- nin~ Commission. t.~ar. Roy R~ldwin vaas present a.nd ~~ished to re~ister a complaint against ~':r. Folkerts being a11ovJ€~d to put in a fire- ~lace foundation which he tliought v~ould not meet the re~ul~tions of the Cade. After discussion a motion ~~uas Made by Councilman Darnr.~:nn~ seconded by Councilman VYaiters to have ~~r. P~cCoy check ~3r. Folkerts job. T~~r. Conrad asked about the in~tallation of ~ 12" water meter and the matter was discussed but no action taken. B. F. '~win~; asked a~out ~aving a water meter installation on Hillcrest Drive ~t the corner of ~~3s place. There vvas a dis- cussion and r.;r. Andersor~ was asked to investigate and install the meter if he thought it advisabZe. I~Ir. Ewir~ was told the City ~ would not ~uarantee water pressure but if he v~~ished to t~~ke the chances and ~~r. Anderson apnroved the settin~ of the meter the installation would be made. . h~r. Anderson v~as asked to ~ive the nta.r~ber of users on the lines in the ~rea ~rrhere the ti~vater pressure ~ras low and also costs and distances of new pipe Iines to serve the area. Council~an Dammann made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Clark to raise the salary of ~Tr. Harris~ the City ~ttorney~ to ~'75.00 per month retroactive to Au~ust 1~ lga-g. '~he Council wished to have a r epQrt from the Police ~3ud.~e each month. . Bill:s a~ains~ the General Fund for ~2~931.12~ and the ~'dater r und for ~5 ~ 3~7 • 53 ~~~ere auc~ited approved and ordered paid. I~~o further business ~~pearin~ and upon motion the meet- ing was adjourned. , ^ ,4TT~~T: r~ ~~G'L~'' ity Clerk o ~ I - 0 ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. ~u~ust 17~ 1~4~ The ~ity Council met in rE~ular se~sion vk~ith Council~an ~chn5rder ~ctin~ ~~:ayor in the ?hsence of ~=~yor Jixson. Upon roll call Gouncilmlen Clark~ '~,aiters ~nd Damr~~nn re~ortud ~resent. i~:~ u~irnates of the *~revio?~s r:eetin~ ~:.tere read ~nd ~px~roved as r ead . ~ Comr~unic~t~ on ~'»~n the Rank of America enclo~ir~~; tv.o copies of a lease ~~r~em~nt coverin~ the fla~mole an the hank h~ailain~ for the use of' the ~olice Department of t'ne City of ~r~oyo Grande Jras re~d, and rounc ilm~,n C12_rk r~ade a_ ~noti on 9 c ec Qnded by ~'ouncilr:lan :=uaiters th~t the ~~=~var and City C1.erk be ~uthorized to execute the 1~ase For tne f1a~~!ole. r_:r. ~~~rrir re~ort~d the deed ~'rom t~e ~aru:~aa.tari's v~yould be reaely by the next r~e~tin_z ar.d a' ~ o the f:;~pers for the P?ci~ic C"oast :~/~~1 v~~ould be reac~y ~ or ~the si~rn~ture of the T~iayor. The ~`revrso~: a~ra.n~~s Dra~_n~~:Ve ti^~~.s discussed ~n~ ~ir. Narris G~id he vro~ald 3ike to ~o over t:~e property with i~ir. Conrad svhenever it could be arr~n~ed.