Minutes 1949-08-17 It~r. Anderson ~rras ~sked to ~;ive the nu~aber of users on the lines in the ~rea where the ti~vater pressure v~ras low and also costs and distances of new pipe lines to serve the area. Councilma:n Dammann ma~e a motion~ seconded by Councilman Clark to raise tY?e salary of 1~Ir. Harris~ the City ~ttorney~ to ~75.00 per month retroactive to August 1~ 1949. ~'he Council wished to have a r eport from the Poliee Jud~e each month. • Bills a~ainst the General Fund for ~2,931.12~ and the ~'dater rund for ~~~387.53~ ~yere au~ited approved and ordered paid. S~io f'iarther bus iness ~Fpearin~ and upon ~noti on the meet- ing was adjourned. ~ A / . ' J~l ~~J A ~ ~ ~iT'I`•~:,': ity Clerk o - 0 Arroyo Gr~nde ~ ~alif . ~u~ust 17~ 1~49 I The ~'ity Council met in rE~ular se~sion v~rith Council~an : chnyder actin~~ T~:ayor in the ahsence of ~'=ayor ~ixson. Upon roll call Councilmen C,lark~ >>'~aiters ~nd Darnr°~~nn re~ortv~ present. ' T~iQ ~inutes of the nrevio~as :~eetir;~ ~~Tere re~d and ap~?roved _ as read. ~ Corn~unic<~~tion f.r~r~ the Bank of ~meric~ enclo~i~.g tv?o copies of a lease ~_~reernent coverin~ the fla~rale on the ~-?ank huilain~ for the use of the ~?olice Dep~rtment of t'ne City of ~r~oyo ~rande y~as read and ~'ouncilman Cl2.rk ~?ade a~otion~ seconded by !'ouncilMan ~vaiters that the ~~~~var and C~.ty ~1erk te ~.uthorized to exec~~te the lease For t~~.e f1a~~ole. r4ir .~Iarris renorted the c~eed ~'rom the :~.ru~~~a.tari' s v°rould be rea~~v by the r~e~t r~.~etir,~ ~rd a, so the r a~era for the Pacific Coa~t ~/',~1 ~.~ould be reac~y ~ or the si~:~n~ture o~' the Tt~avor. The I~recr~o~ ~Trin~~s ~ra~_n~~~e ~•~~s c~iscu~~ed ~nd ~ir. I~arris ~~i~i he i~vo~ald like to ~~o over t~e nro~Erty u~~ith i~~r. Conraa wh~never it could b~ ~rr~n~ed. ~ ~ II ~,~-~~LU~rzor~T #216 :'~eso?ution of the City Courcil of the Cit;r of .~rroyo Grande to set the Tax ~ate for t,he year 194g-50 as follows: Ceneral ~'una -~I.00~ the total r-~te being ~1.C;0 per `~IO~.GO assessed valuation. Passed an~~ a~.opted ~y the fal~~v~•in~ ro11 call votes A~T~:~~~ Councilmen ~chny~er~ ~lark~ r=~aiters an~ Dammann ~.Or.~: l~~one .~B~ ~~7T: R~iayor Di::son. TEir. Yates from the L. P~,.. Curtis and ~ons? ~v~s rresent to aemonstrate the :'~r:~?erson Resuscit~tor, and after the demonstra- tion a motion ~,~s r:1a~e ~y Councilman Ci <~.s~k1 seconded ~v Cauncil- ~ r°ian `aaiters ~ t?zat tne City ntzrchase th~: ~~t~nd~rd F~orta~le ~=odel. ~rith ~ual attaehments ~ etc as s~~oc,~n to be cielivpred at once ~ and ii1r. Yates sair he ~rould be b~ck ard ~ive de;nQnstration to f'our or ~ix firerlen ~.nc3 the Police Officers next v~Teek. :~-~ills ~~~inst the Cener~l rund for ~937.209 and the ,~later ru~d for ~~12.~0 L~ere ~uc'ited~ ar~roved anc ordered ~aid. ~jo further ~~a~irless ~z-~pearin~ and upon m~t'_on the meetinr=., ~as adjourned. . ~ ~ AT'T'EST: City Clerk P~.avor ~