R 2271 . r---- ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2271 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSIT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover city, pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo, and the county of San Luis Obispo entered into a Joint Powel."S Agreement, a copy of which is attached and incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS, the parties in Amendment No. I, dated February 19, 1988, did authorize that the agreement be amended to add the City of San Luis Obispo as a member and to add an inter-city transit route from the Five cities area to San Luis Obispo and vice versa; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 1 is scheduled to automatically expire on December 31, 1988, unless ratified by all member agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that these parties do amend Amendment No. 1 to automaticallY expire on June 30, 1989, unless ratified by all member agencies. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Millis, Moots, Porter, Johnson and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of November, 1988. ~- ~. '''t/:j-~1 ( ~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~a.~ CI CLERK I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2271 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 22nd day of November, 1988, WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 23rd day of November, 1988. , RESOLUTION NO. 2271 ~ JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSIT This Agreements by and between the cities of Arroyo Grande. Grover City, Pismo Beach. and the County of San Luis Obispo. representing the Oceano areas is hereby entered into pursuant to -.. Section 6500 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California. ., ARTICLE I 9lNERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1: PURPOSES. The purpose of this'Agreement is to ex~rcise the common powers of the member agencies by the formation of a Joint Powers Agency \>11 th full power and authority to own, operate and administer a public transportation system within the territory over which the Joint Powers Agency has jurisdiction. (See map attached hereto as Exhibit A). . - SECTION 2: N At., E. . " -~ ....~. . . . .. . ~ 4O. . :: ~.; -: . The legal name of the Joint Powers Agency shall be "South ...~~ -. ..iO..,. ". 0" . County Area Transit." . . ','," SECTION 3: POHERS. The Agency shall have all powers necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. except the power ~ tax. The power to expend funds shall be limited only by the availability of funds as set forth in Section 1 of Article III. Financial Provisions of this Agreement. The powers of the Agency specifically include, . but are not limited tos the following:' . .., . ...: .~ ~.. . ~~.~-- ~.. .. ." . . .;, ..., . . .', ... I . , ~ , " RESOLUTION NO. 2271 . a. To operate a public transit system to serve the three incorporated cities in South San Luis Obispo County and the Oceano area of San Luis Obispo County, as is shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit .4.. b. To sue and be sued. ... c. To employ agents, employees and to contract for professional or other services. . d. To make and enter into contracts including labor and " employment contracts. e. To acquire, convey, construct, manage, maintain and operate buildings and improvements. . f. To acquire and convey, real and personal property. g. To incur debts, liabilities and obligations. h. To apply for and execute contract~ of financial assistance from state and federal agencies and ,to obligate the agency t9 . operate the improvements, equipment, or transportation system in ", accordance with the terms and conditions of said financial assistance. , - '. , ., <~/, :' i . To purchase. necessary insurance. ......... . ~. . _. SECTION 4: AGENCY IS A PUBLIC LEGAL E~TITY. . '. .- " -,0' .' ,. ' "- The Joint Powers Agenc~, South County Area Transit, is a . . I public entity duly formed and existing under the laws of the State of California. It is a separat~ and distinct legal entity . from its member agencies. The debts, duties and obligations created pursuant to this Agreement, or those created pursuant to previous Agreement, shall be solely the obligation of the South . " -2- . , , ' ' ., > " '. ,~:,:;.,~~.;;.i~{{:~.:' ;.~ ::::"::; :;';~.- ,~,':::~~;;i~:':,' ~.~--~_....._--- - . . \ \ . . '. . .... .' . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 . . County Area Transit and not those of its member agencies or of officers, employees, members of the Board of Directors or members of the member agencies. ARTICLE II ORGANIZATION ..... SECTION 1: BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The powers of the agency are vested in its Board of Directors.' The Board of Directors shall be composed of one representative from each member agency. Each member of the Board of Directors shall have one vote. Each.member agency shall appoint one regular member and one alternate member to the Boar9 of Directors, and shall notify the agency in writing of their appointments or of any change of representative. The representative shall serve solely at the pleasure of the appointing member agency. Representa- tives shall be either elected officials or officers or employees of the member agency. SECTION 2: MEETINGS-VOTING QUORUM. . The Board shall establish a time, place and date for a regular monthly meeting. Regular meetings may be adjourned from time to time. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or upon written request of any two members of the Board. Members shall be given at least 48 hours written notice of special meetings, provided however, the representative of any member may waive said notice. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the . . transaction of business. :. -3- .. . ", ~.... ,".. .. -.....--.-,-,-.- .. . . .. . " - , ," " " . " , . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 Unless specifically limited by this Agreement, the vote of a majority of the members present at any regular, adjourned or special meeting shall be sufficient to act upon any matter. . SECTION 3: OFFICERS. The Board shall elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and the _. . Vice-Chairman shall act in the absence of the Chairman. The Board,shall also elect such other officers as deemed necessary. ... . All officers shall serve'for a term of one year from the date of their election or until their successors are elected. The Chairman or Vice-Chairman is authorized to execute all documents in the name of tne Agency. . t SECTION 4: 'ADrUNISTRATION. The Board may in its discretion, appoint' an Administrator of the transit system, to serve at the pleasure of the Board, and to . have the power to certify agency documents as required by l~~ and . to assume such duties and responsibilities as the Board may direct. SECTION 5: NEW 'MEf4BERS. - The Board may accept new members to the Agency' on such terms . and conditions as the Board may prescribe. SECTION 6: CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES. The boundaries of this Agency are subject to change; as set . forth h~reinafter. If any portion of the unincorporated area of the County is annexed to a member city, that annexed portion shall automatically be included within the boundaries'of this Agency, and the said member city shall assume any obligations of the County as to that area. If a new city should be formed in , , -4- . . d' '.- '. ,-,,~..~;:~~,,:.~,:~~~:. :. .... . ----_.._._-~-- ..... .. ., .. . . '\...... ~ ".. . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 . . . any portion of the unincorporated area of the County presently included within the territory of this Agency, and if such a new city should become a party to this Agreement, then the affected area shall be the responsibility of the new city and the County shall not be 'responsible for any obligations on account of the area so included within the new ~ity as of the effective date of the incorporation of the new city. The boundaries of this Agency shall be adjusted to reflect annexations or new incorporations as set forth hereinabove. ARTICLE III FINANCIAL PROVISIONS I SECTION 1: BUDGET - LIMITATION OF FINANCIAL COMMITMENT. The Board shall establish the fiscal year for the Agency,and' shall. prior to the commencement of each fiscal year, adopt an annual budget. The budget may additionally carry funds for . future fiscal years where necessary to reflect obligations under state or federal funding agreements, to the extent allowable by . . California law. ...... . . i. The Board shall not obligate the Agency to expenditures . ' without express approval of the legislative bodies of the member agencies. No member Agency shall be required to expend any of its general fund monies to support the operations of the Agency, unless said expenditure is first approved by the legislative body of the member agency. The operation of the transit system shall be locally funded from SO 325 monies or from grant monies, and . from revenues derived from operations. Each member shall make an annual contribution to the ,agency based upon the percentage of , . . -5- , -, . . '.:- .....:. .. \ .. .. . .... -' . ',. . . . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 . population related to the area served within that agency. The population percentages shall be based annually on figures prepared from SB 90 estimates of the State Department of Finance. SECTION 2: EXPENDITURES. The Board may establish procedures and policies to insure competitive prices for the purcha~es of goods and services. Formal bidding shall not be required unless directed specifically by the B~a~d or unless re~uir~d,by state or federal law. Particularly 1n the purchase of equipment, including buses, the Board may consider the design, maintenance and operating costs, and other similar factors in determining the most suitable equipment and I need not purchase equipment having the lowest initial cost. SECTION 3: TREASURER. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6505.5, the Treasurer of the City of, Arroyo Grande is he~eby appointed as First Treas~rer . " of the Agency. The Treasurer shall have the powers and duties - set forth in Gove~nment Code Section 6505.5. 'The Office of .' , Treasurer shall be rotated annually unless otherwise directed by . the Board. SECTION 4: ANNUAL AUDIT. The Board of Directors shall cause an annual audit to be prepared and filed in accordance with Government Code Section 6505. .5 SECTION 5: OFFICIAL BONDS.' The Administrator and such other employees or agents as the . Board may direct shall file an official bond in an amount to be . 4 determined by the Board. The cost ~f said bond(s) shall be born " by the agency. -6- - . .. '.,;'.~~ ...~t.~./.~tS~!.. ',' . ....... ........ ..:'. . . --^--- . .. ." .r .... : . .. , RESOLUTION NO. 2271 . . . ARTICLE IV MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SECTION 1: WITHDRAWAL Of MEMBERS. Any member of this Agency may withdraw at any time after written notice to the Agency Board. .., If the Agency has contractu~l obligations to continue opera- tion of a public transit system at the time of withdrawal of any member, the remaining members may impose such conditions upon the withdrawing member as may be reasonable, including future financial support to meet the contractual obligations of the Agency at the time of withdrawal. However, the obligations of a withdrawing I member under thi~ section is limited the special transportation funds to which the withdrawing member wou1d be entitled, such as SB 325 funds, and this section shall not impose any obliqation on the general funds of the withdrawing member. . SECTION 2: AMENDMENT Of AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be amended at any time with the unamimous ..;.,". . approval of ~he legislative bodies of the member agencies. No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective with~ut such unanimous approval. SECTION 3: RATIfICATION-EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall become effective upon ratification by . all member agencies. This Agr~ement shall be dated and shall be effective upon the last date ratified by a member agency. -7- , -.,'-..---- . . . . . .~ ~ ". "'-... . .. ..., t . . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 . SECTION 4: ASSIGN ABILITY. In the event it is deemed in the best public interest to have the public transportation system operated by another individual .0' . or entity, w~ether public or private, and provided that the operation complies with state and federal law, the ~gency on the . affirmative vote of all of its members, may sell, lease I or assign all of its real and personal property and may cease operations upon such'terms and conditions as the Board determines to be reasonable. SECTION 5: TERMINATION. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until cancelled by a'majority of the member agencies. . SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION TO SECRETARY OF STATE. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6503.5, the Agency shall cause a notice of the execution of this Agreement to be prepared and filed with the Office of the Secretary of State of California, ,. within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Agr~ement. .;";: . -.' - . The Agency shall likewise cause suc~ a notice to be prepared and. - .- filed with~he Office of the Secretary of State within thirty (30) days after the effecti~e date of any amendment to this . Agreement. Until such filings are completed, the Agency shall not issue any bonds or incur indebtedness of any kind. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement to be ~ffective on th~ day of . 1978. which is the last date of signing by a member. . . .., . '- .' . . " -8- :. o. f '. ',-, ." ~,:.".~~~'~:;':~~:~' . . ..~. :- ..,:' '. .- . _to, ; .... . . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 . . , . . . .. - 1 CITY OF/ARROYO GRANDE " i By: 'I~ Date signed: CITY OF GROVER CITY ... . By: r:::fu{ C ~ Date si ed: '2..-/ //7 e '. / / CITY OF PISMO BEACH . /2. . ~. ~ r- By. ~//i,,~ t'" ,- j .. ~L/' 'Y . r: I;: Date signed: d-Y-7? COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: ~-_.~ .~. ~~c:-~ Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Authorized by Board action on . .~ i · 1978. Date Si9nedrr:J/ /..f.7,f ORDIN^NCE CODE PROV1SION APPROVED AS TO FORM At-!D CODifiCATION JAMES B. liNDHOLM, JR., COUNTY COUNSEL CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION I CuUIH CF SAN UIS (( IS ,~~ BY DAT- ~t~, ....AA . . -9- . ~ . . '". '.:.', ,- ..n__...~.__ . . . , ' . , RESOLUTION NO. 2271 AMENDMENT ND. 1 TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSIT The CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. the CITY OF GROVER CITY. the CITY OF PISMO BEACH. the CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. and the COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO agree that: WHEREAS. on February 1. 1978. the City of Arroyo Grande. the City of Grover City. the City of Pismo Beach. and the County of San Luis Obispo entered into a joint powers agreement. a copy of which is attached and incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAS. the parties hereto now desire that the agreement be amended to add the City of San Luis Obispo as a member and to add an inter-city transit route from the Five Cities Area to San Luis Obispo and vice versa; and NOW these parties do amend the joint powers agreement Article 1. Section 1 as follows: (See map attached as Exhibit B). NOW these parties do amend the joint powers agreement Article 1. Section 2 as follows: "and the name of the inter-city transit route shall be "SLOSCAT". NOW these parties do amend the joint powers agreement Article 1. Section 3a as follows: and an inter-city transit route as shown in the map attached hereto as Exhibit B. NOW these parties do amend the joint powers agreement Article 1. Section 4 as follows: liThe Joint Powers Agency, South County Area Transit and SLOSCAT" with the remaining language continuing the same. - ~.-.- .,- " ,. , . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 NOW these parties do amend the joint powers agreement Article III, Section 1 as follows: "A separate budget shall be developed for the operation of SLOSCAT. Every member shall make an annual contribution to the agency based on the population related to the area served within that agency as follows. Sixty percent of the funding shall be from population of the cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo and the County of San Luis Obispo for the Oceano area. Forty percent of the funding shall be from population of the cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City, Pismo Beach, and the County of San Luis Obispo for the Oceano area as annually determined by the County Planning Department. T-his funding formula shall be reviewed annually or at the discretion of the Board. Governmental agencies at the discretion of each legislative body shall determine the source of their share of the funding. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of San Luis Obispo shall only be a voting delegate on issues relating to SLOSCAT. ... . The City of San Luis Obispo shall only be obligated financially to their proportionate share of SLOSCAT. SLOSCAT funds shall be segregated and be maintained separate from the funds by SCAT. This addendum shall automatically expire on December 31, 1988, unless ratified by all member agencies. , - .r , . - . RESOLUTION NO. 2271 CiTY OF ~RR_OYO GRANDE , ~ "'"B . ~.........v...-. Attest: oward Manklns, Mayor I /.:2o/8~ ~fO.~ Date . . . ~~ Attest: J-/~-~~ ~~:b-1J~A~' Date J \ I I J Attest: QMi ~ < ~ >~hYL1\~h. CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ~:--- .. - . ... -R'On unl n, Mayor /. P.6 · rlr. Date. .. ' \ I I I - \ Attest: c2. - /~) - 11 , ~dA'A ~;V~ Date ?~ t;Z/~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT 8Y:c~~~~~. 0.. ~'r({ . ~."_.- ....._._.~-_.............~--_."'-