Minutes 1949-11-16 ~J ~ It was moved and seconded that a pc~rtable tester far water meters be ~urch~sed ~nd alsa order 2~~Bad~er ~rater meters for trial. There was /So~e diseussion on whether to sell the Braneh Street house and lots~ but no action taken. ~r. Harris~ the ~ity Attorney~ reported that it would be ~ permissable to put the matter of a tax for recreation on the b~llot at the next re~;ular ~ity eleetion. I~To further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. f~ i °"t ~ ~ ~Tr~~ 1: 1 . ~ City CTe~k ! ayor ` t p _ ~rrayo Grande ~ Calif . A?ovember 16, 1949 The City Cour~cil met in re~ular session ~ith l~gayor Dixson pre:si~ing. Upon roll call Council:nen ~chnyder~ ~~daiters~ and Dar,~M~nn reported ~~esent. ~ouncilman C1~=rk ~rrived later. , ~ ~ The minutes o_`_' the previous m+eet~.ng were read ~nd ' arz~roved as read. , Communications ~:~ere discu~sed ~nd the followin~ action , t~ken: ' I. ~.uth ~v~all's letter in rPg~ard to insurance and v~luations nn t'rie house at well - A motion was ma~le by Councilman Clark~ seconded tay Councilman ~~aiters~ to raise the ~mount of insurance fror.~ ~14~0.00 to ~2~00.~0, and ~et fi~ures on the insuranc e f'rom diff'erent companies . 2. It ~~s r~oved ~nd seconded that the ~ity take over the li~:~htin~ and decoration of the Christmas tree in ~uth ~wall's yard. 3. The recommendatian fron? the City I~lannin~ ~ommissian ir. re~*ard to street li~-hts ~-~.~as c~iscussed ~.nd Motion wa~ made by Councilman ;~chnyder~ seconded by ~`ouncilman Damm~nn to consult the P.G. & E. avout the necessar;y li~hts ~nd ~et the price on oper~tion of the different si ~es . Councilman yra.iters reportpd that the Jones Co. ~mbul~nce 64 ~ ~ ~ras to be housed in ~ndy Y~ilcoxrs ~hap~and at the meetin~ with the Doetors in re~arc~ to a hofipit~.I ~'or th.~s distriet~ a committee was anpointed ~~itn Dr. Cookson~ ~hairman~to investigate the loca=- tion of such a hospital in conneetion ~:~ith :catt's convalescent i~ome . The auestion of usin~ the~ity park Buildin~s for ~cout meetl_n~s came up anc~ the i~'orestry k~ein~ out f'or this year ~~el, ~t:r. Clark vras to look into the matter. ~~l~o~ the ~ubject of different or~aniz~.tionG takin~ part in the plantin~ of trees and shrubb~r~r anc' Iand~eapin~ tY~~ ~'ark. it~r. ~nderson a~ked about repl~.cing tYie 2 inch ~alv. ~rater line on i'.~11y--1~o ~~.~~th 4 inch transite a.nd also re~lacing a very o1cl smaZl line on: Huebner ~t. ~ and it ~r.as moved ~nd ~econ~ed to repl~.ce the lines~ and after discussion~ a. motion ~ras rnade by Councilman ~~lark~ seconded by ~ouncilr~an t'~'aiters~ to advertise for bids for the Iayin~ of nevr lines on ~-'ally--~o and ~?uebner~ we to furnish ~11 ma.terials~and ~'~r. xnderson a~'reed to pre~are the specifieations for the job~ and it .°~,ras to be advertised on the 25th of iTovember an.d ~ecPrnber 2~ ar.c. the bids to be o~ened ~.t 7:30 p•~~• on December 7th. • ~~r. Shum:°,~ay asked arout ~rades for curbs and gutters on ~3ennett ~ive. a and also a~k.ed if ~.lpine ~t. coul~. k;e ~r~ded to take the v,~ater off Bennett ~~~ve . ~~r .~YjeCo~r ~rras asked to take the matter u~ v~ri th I~ir . C onrad . `~he Plannin~~ Commission:~s rec~ues~t r"or amendments to the Zonin~T,~ Crdina~ce v,~.s referred to the -=ttorney~ ~tijr. ~Iarris ~ for his su~gestions ara~ he a~reec~ to look over the matter. It :^aas r~oved ~nd seconded tr.at a neva fo~ nozzle be purchaset~ *or the ~'ire ~epartment. Bills ~~a.inst the ~xener~l r un~ ~'or ~w1042 .20 ~ the `'+y'~ter Fun~~ for ~77.~0~ anca the irea~urer~s ~epartmental ~rust ~'und for $40C.00 ~vere auclited~ a~?~roved ?nd_ ardered, paid. ~To further ~"lx~iness ~;z~peari r~€~; and upon r~~otion the meetin~ vrras adjourned. ' l` 1 , aFrT~~T ° City Clel~k ~tiiayor