Minutes 1949-12-21 , ~ ~ ~ ~ k......e ~rro~ro G^~_rde? ~alif'. ~ece~bnr 21~ 1~49 '1'he ~ity ~o~zncll rlet ir~ re~~:Iar ~eti:ion ~;ith ~~a~or ~i~son presicrin~. ~pon roll. ca1.7, ~%our?ciirlen ~chnyat~r9 ~~~rk~ ~ar~r:~~nn and '~~ayter°s reported prPser.t. lne rnir_utcs o.f ttie j revious r_ieetin€>~ ~;7ere read ~nc~ ar}~roved as read. ~ouncilman ti~~~itr_~rs re~art<~~d that meetin~ wa~ to held ~~nu~ry 12th. far t~~e furtr_er ~iscussion v~it?~ the ~octors an~ i~ir ~cott abaut a nos:~it~l for til~s ~rE-~a. ~=r ~cott h~d ~~~reed ta n;t ~az~ a buildin~ and tr e~octars y~ere t:~.l:-:in~; af furri ~h~n~; t'r~e x--i~y ard ~~bor~.tory. It v~~~ r_~oved ~nci seconc~ed ta have t~~e Insur^.nce ~olicy on t'~e buildin~r at the ~,~eII renewed with ~jutr. ~v~JaII' the ~r~ount or~ the nouse to k;e rai~ec~ to ~2}pO.OC. i.ir ~nd~rsQn re:y~ortPd h~ h~.d cantacted ~'ir Pa~e~ ir re~-~.rd to extra conc~~^~ers on ~Zis Tf.Tater :~etPr ~.nd a T~lr ana ~lr~ ~vies ~ who live in one ~f ~h~ h~uses be?~ind ~he '1'he~tre g reported they had p~.id ~~r. P~ge $2.~0 per r^~nth f'or t~.ree months and ~ mor~ hol_~~es ~^.~ere alsa ~~Qtti.r.~ ~vater tnrough ~age's ^~eter. i~ir ~end I~rs ~~vies said they would prefer to ~ et their ~;ater ~irect from the ~ity instead of throl~~h Teir. Page's r~~etPr. ~fter ~ leng;thy disc~s~ion ~-r. ~arri~ told Z~:r. l~nderson to ask ~~r. ~'olkert and ~I1 t"e ~eople eoncerred to come in to ~he ~anuary 4tr~. meetin~. ~~r ~nderson w~s ask~o contaet the people arat there, and .~ee hov~ Iong they had bean x~~ying ~~ir. Pa~e for ti~Tater~. ~~derson reported trle Mrebb ~onstruction ~`omTany wouZd st~rt on the ~a~ater Iines ~aruary j rd. ~udge ~•Idrid~e ~uaas nresent ~nd vaas ~sked by members a.t t~ie ~ouncil, what v~ias his re~Gon for dis~isrin~ a nu~ber of the cases in the last month. The ~ud~*e asked. if the ~ouneil ~rished to ~dvise the ~ourt. ~r~ Harris said tY1a~ or_e case in question vLTas out of the ~ity ~uris-- dicti~n and sug~ested hereafter~ it would be ~est to call the officers in if there was any c~uestion~ and r~_ther than dis~~iss a case ~ set a fine and sus;~e~d it. The Chief of police and membFrs of the ~%ouncil discussed the affairs of the Po1ic e i7epartr,~e~.t , ~yo further ac ti on ~n~~ s ta~en , Bills a~ainst the ~enPral r'und ~o~ ~1~69.10 and the a~ater ~'und for ~77•50 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. Na further business a:ppearin~ and Tapan mation the meetin~ was ac~`j ourned. ~,,a s i L ~ ~.11'~`.i`l` ~ ~ / " ' ~ ! ity Clerk ~xa~or I i ~ ~ I ~ ~rroyo Gra.naP ~ Cal ~.:"~rr, ~a ~ ~~.nu~_ry 4~ 3~~~p ' The Cit~ Cour~cil r.let in r~~~ular ~ e~sion c~~it'r: T-~ayor ~ixson I presiain~,~. TTpc~~ rc~l cal~ CotAncilr;en ~chri;rder, Clark' k;'ait~rs and ~=~r~, :~nn re~^ort ci :;~re~ent. ' The ni~T1Ll~A,.~7 of the ~rEV_~us r~~=etin~; t,r~ere r<~a.d arlc~ a~~rrov~.d as r~_~ad. ~ ~ '~e~orts f`rorr tlie ~hief of ~=o~ice and City ~'olice ~ ud~e vrere re~:.d a:hd .~~3.er:~d f? led. ~•'rE'. ~aylor ~ras r:r~~;ert +„o c~isc~iss or exrlain the irsur~nce paiiey on tI-ie h~,~~e or ?~r~~r,cj~ ;~trQet a.r,d it tr~•~s s~oved ahd seconded~ tlle nolic~ Y:~e rer~et~ ec± . The Po~ ici.~s cor.~;iri~~~ un in T'~rcn vaez~e dircry~ss~d ~~:d it ~^ras ~ec~c?_ed to ca? for '~id~ o~~ t~~e inc~.a~ance ~~olici es~ the Letral =~dv~rt ce.,ent +o be rtt~ in t':~~ local ~.~~~?~7-~~; ir :^Qbr:~~ry ~r;c~ byds ~~er~;ed t~.e lst ~ m~_~et~ r~~° ~ n` i~_-,_rch. Only i~c~3.: ~~"erc~~ar_ts bids on t~hE znsuranc~ 4vou~~. be acce~~t~-~d, ~r~d it ;r:~~.s ,'_ecided to 'r~ave t~ie bi~~~ ~ start ~ uly 1, ~.~~0 arlci r~.in ~~~it~i ~r~~ iisc~ 1 year h~reafter. ~onds for the ~o?ice tud~;e v~er~~ ~:3i~cl.~ssec~ ~r_d T~'r. T...?Tlar agreed to c~ieck tne mat~er. ' r,Rr. ?.rridr=~sor: re~•ort~d t~at r:"r. F'a~,~~~ Vras r~ow furr.i~riri~ w~.t~r ir~m ~~is v~rell, to t~~e ~a.rties ~rho nad been ~;e~,tir_~r tr,~atEr throu~h his meter. ~;r. ~~.:~ryason~ TTr. ~e=<d ar:d T°r S?aan ~~:~ere ~~re:ert to ask if t~e City , ~ould_' da soi~etr~in~ ~.:~~ut ^tlpine strn==t? ~s it v~as ~'et ~in~ v~~.r~~ rcu~h. ihey ~~ere told ~hat t~u F~.rt oi 'alpir_e str°e(~-~ l~ad ~ever° br:en ~_ccept ~d btT tne Cit,;~, on account o~' tx~e la.r°~e tr~~=s' vr~:ieh ~A~Pre ~artly on ~vY~~t , ~ !raould be the street. n~it~:r discussior~ r_zot:~n ~^~~as r~a~.e '~y E`olancilman C'lark, secon~ed by Cot.~nc~I~ ~r ".`,'~~iters t~ re~'er ~lri.r.e ~='tr~e~ t~ the Flarr:~.in€~• ~or~~r~issior~y ior their z~ee~rru~aer~~,~,t; cns.