Minutes 1950-01-04 Tdo further business ~:ppearin~ ana ~apon motion the mee~in~ v~~as ac~~j aurned. . ~ Q , ' , ~.1 i r~'1' ~ / ' ; ' ity Clerk ~~a~or ~~:rroyo rr~ ncze ~ Cal ~_:"orn:~a: anu:~ry 4, Z;~~O The City Cour~cil r:aet in r~~~u~ ~r ~ ecsion ~°~itr~ ~;~,yor ~ixson presidin~:~. TJ~~ori rc~l call Cciuncil.;en ~chnyc~er, ~lark~ ;~,'aiters and ~ar1, -_ann re^ort r~re~ent. The n7inutes of t?~e ~rev:cus m:,et~.rl~ T,~rere r~_~d a.r,d a~-~prov~~d a.s r==ad. =~e~orits f`rorr. tlle ~"hief of Fo~ice a.nd ~it,y Police 4ud~e vtere re~:d a~d a~ier.~d f-i 1ed. ~ • ~aYlor "~~as ~r°~;er.t +„o c~iscu~s or exrlain tne insur~nce po~iey o~^~ the h~;AsA or. ?~ran.c'c-~ ~trQet ar:d it i~d~~s ~.aved a~d seconc?~ed, , tli e .,oli ~ c Y:1 e r, i ~ ~rle,: ec.. ~ , The Po_icies cor.r,,irt;• u~ in T"~rcn v~e.re dirc~~ssed .;~,d it ~^~as ! ~ecic?_ed to ca-! for '~icis on t~:~e in~l.1~~~~ce z~olici the Lef~~l I~ ~CI~T:'T'-t~ G@",'~'I?~ 1'..rJ ~@ l~t~i~ 12"'. t'"iF? ZOC~)I „~~F±'~:~ 7.r ~'P.~JT".i?T'V' ?TiC~ b~C~S II~ . . I ~ w - , opeY,ed t~~e lst. ~~~~etzr~~A _n ~,r~rch. O~:ly i~c~i.: .:erc~~ar_ts bids on tYa.~ ; i:nslzrance 4v~u~;i k~e ~cce~,t~v~, ~.r~d it r;as ;-^:.eci~ed to rave t~.e bid~ start ~ ul;r 1, ~.~SC? ar~c~. run ~~rit~i ~~i~ i isc~ 1 year h~reafter. ' ~onds for the Fo~ ice ~~.zd~;~~ v~ ~~~v ~~iscu~~er3 ard ~"i°. T.,:y~or a~reed t~ c~ieck the ma.tter. I r.?r. ~.rldr~=:sor~ rer~orted that P~r. F'~~,~;~ ~r~as r~ow furr_~_~~hiri~ wat~r from 'riis v~rellg to ti~e partiF~s ~rho had been ~,e~,~3r_~ v~~ter throu~;h his meter. P~r. ~i_~~,~on~ T°r. '_-{e~:~d ard i"r S?aan ~~res~e ~resert to ask if t~e City ~ou1.d'da so~ei,Y~~i.n~ a:~out '~Ipine str~-~t? ~s it v°1as ~•Pt,,±in~~ v~~:r,y r~u~h. 'ihe~ ~~rere told ~hat th~ p~rt of ^ lpir_e str•e.,t ha~d never b~~en acce~t ~d b~r tne Cit,r, or~ a.ccount a.~~' tx~e lar~e tr:=:~ ~s, vai ieh !f~ere ~artly on ~vhat ~r~rauld he the street. ~Lt~.~r discu~sion ~ r_~oti~n ~~~~s r^ade ~y C'ouncilman Clark, secon~.eci by C`ot~nc~l• ~:~~r "'aiters -to r~~er ~l~ir_e :"~'tr~et to the Plar~nin,~=• Cor:~zis~ian~ for their ree~ ~ ~~er~?~.t~ rns. ~o ~ ~W ~ ~ ~ Aids on ~^aso? ine {'or t~le year ~a jC v~rere ow~ered ar~_d a~"ter checkir_~ ti,.e bids ~ the T?nion Cil Com~any bid ~v~s i ound tc ?~e tY~~e Iati~est. Co~nciZ- ~I r.ian ~~.r.~~nar~rf rlac~e _a. r~otion~ secor~ci~d by ~'ouncilr~~an ~chr_yc~er to accept _ tY~e bic. fror;. ??rLi,~r~ Cil Com~>ar~y. , ~ids orl `"ires ~'~r Trueks and Polic e C~.r v~fere ened ~_rd it v~ s found *.~,he ~o;.ntree Oil Comnany~ s tid ~+ias lowest. CotAncilr:lan Da,:.:r~ann _ made a^.oti~n~ seconc~eci bYr Couneilr_an ;~~~it~;rs to ~ecPPt t~~e ~i~ fror^, ~o~.zntr~e C?il CoMpany. Bills ~,~T~inst t~rie Gerer~.l ~ unc3 f'c~r ~;3~17.75 the '$~I~ter r und for 'I $1753.60, the ~.'~at~~r Der~osit ~u~d ~`12.CC and the Special Gas Tax St. Im~rove~°.erlt i~'und ~'c~r $z51.1.00 vuere audited~ a~~proved and orclered ~aid . rTo furt~er business ax>pearin~; and u~on ~iation tr~e meeting was ad~ ~~,:~rrect. qTT~T: ~ ~ ' ~~i~~~ ^ Clty Clerk yar -C)-- , ~,rroyo rr~:nde, Ca2zf. anua.ry 6 ~ Ig~C~ R~ Speeial r~~~etin~ ~ras ealled for discu~~ man abc~ut furnisnin~ ~rater ~o the r~.rti Ps on 41aer ~tre:~t., ~;°ayor Dixson nresid ir.g and Co~zr.cilman Sehnyder, Glar~, and s';~aitex°s ~:°:ere z~resent ar: d~ouncilman Jar.imanr_ ~b s ent . TTr. ~.nderson re~?orted it ~~aould e•ost around $40.CC to di~ the ditch on :^.ld~r ana he s~id they could use sor~e of the 2 inch galvarizec? pipe, which ~°rou~d be t~ken u~ or~ '~a~~~y-rra road, and he t'~lou~ht ~hat the la~or would c ar~le to about ~50.00. r.'r & Fars ~~.r'_,r ar~d T;ir ~ I'rs Davies vaere ~?r~sent, ~nd sa:id they wroula ~ay for tiieir meter inst:-~llation ana also pay their share of the cost of the pi~e 1ine, eol_~.ncilr~an ~lark r~ade a r~~otion, seconded by Councilm~.~n Schnyder, to put in the ripe ~zne and nro rate the cost or~ a.ll work and all Iater eonneetions, over t'r~e 5~ would ;~a,y tl~~e =.arne r~.te, this r~oney to be used for re~airs or re~laee:_-~ent to the line. '~'o ~urt:~~er bt~sin~~s ~~pearin~; ar~d upon zr_oti~n the mPetin~ v~~as adjourned. ~ .~TT~~~T: ~-'~ePiL(~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ C`._ ~ . v