Minutes 1950-01-06 ~o , ~ :e~ F3ids on ~asaiine ~'~r t~~e year IQ jQ u~rer~ o?~ened ~r~a ~fter checkir_~ t~,.e bicis' the TTr<ion 4il Cor.l~any bid ti~r~~ f~~ind to be the loy~est. Co~ncil- r~.an D~..:.~r~nanr~ r:~au.e a. r:otion~ sec~r~cied by C.ounciZr~~an ~~hnycier to accept tl~e bia fror: ??r~i~r~ C;il Cofr~~~~r~y. ~ Rid~s orl Tir~s ~'or ~r~~cks ~nd :~aliee Car~ ~~rere ~~ened a_nd it vaas found t.:~e Ro~;.ntree Oil Comnan,yr~ s~;id y°:as lovrest. Councilr:ian Das~s~ann made a:~~oti~n~ seconc'.eci by Cour~eil:Y~~n ~dait,~~rs to aceent t~~e bic~ f'r~r^~ Rotzntr~e Oil Company. Bills ~,~r~inst tAr~e Ger.er•-~.1 ~ und for ~3~17.75 the "T~ter ~ und for $1753.60, the ~.;at~~r Der~osit ~ur~d ~Z2.~C ar~d the ~pecial Gas T~.x St. IM~rove~~.erlt i~'und °or $1511.C~ vrere audited~ a~:~roved ~.nd ordered paid. rTo furtn?r btzsine~s arpearin~; anra lz~on ~otion tr.e meetin~ was ad~o~_ rneci. qTTr~T:, ~ ~ ' C.ity Clerk ~Qr~ -C~-- . ~rroyo ~r~.rde, ("a1if. ~.:anua.rY 6, 195~ Sneeial r~~3etin~ ~r~s called for di. scu~_ man abaut furrishin~ ur~ter to the ~~rties an .4laer ^tre:~t., R,"ayor Dixson presicazng ~nd Co~_Ar,cilman ~chnyder~ C,lar~; and ",~aitPx°s ~:°:~er~ nresent ~rd Council~nan Dar.irnanr_ ~b s ent . TTr. :~n~erson renort~~d it v,~ould c•ost aro~and $40.CC to di~ the ditch on ^,ld~r. and he said tlzey could use sor~e of the 2 inch ~alvanLze~ pi~e~ w"~ic~~ d~~ou3~d be i,~-~ken up on Ta:._~y-~?a raad~ ~.nd he t~lo~.i~~ht that tl~e labor w~uld c or~e to about ~50.00. ?t"r &~:"rs ~ar'_~r ar~~ F~~r ~c T~~rs Davies were r~re~ent~ ~nd s~id they would ~?ay for their ~neter inst,-~llation and also ~~.y their share of the cost of t~ie pi~e line. Co~.~ncilr~an Clark ~.a~e a r:~~~otion, secorided bv Cauncilm:~n Schnyder~~ to ~ut in the pipe ~ine and ~ro rate t.he cos~ on aII ~aork and all I~ter cor.nections, over t'r~e 5~ w~uld ~ay the ~,ame rate~ this r~oney to be used for re~airs or replaee:>>ent to the line. ?!To ~urt;:,er busin~~s an~earing ar~d upon tr_otion the mPetin~ was ad j ~urned, , :>:TT~ST: j~•~ r ~ ~ _ G- , ~