Minutes 1950-01-18 ~rroyo Gr3nde~ Californi~ January 18, 1q50 The ~ity Council met in re~ular session with n~a~ror I7ixson ~~e- siding. Upon roll ~all Co~~rciTmen Sehnyder~ ;~l~:it~rs and Dammann reported present. eouncilm~n Clark arrived later. The minutes af the previous ~eetin~ v~er~e read and ap~roved a~t- read. Carlmunicat~ons vrere r~ad and placed on file. eouncilman Damm~nn r~ade a motion~ seconded by Councilman Schnyder to have the bond for the Jud~e t~ken care of. Chief of Folice ~tonesi~'er re~aarted the ~ifle Club had inq~aired about using the ba,er~:ent under the ~3akery for rifle ~ractice, for a Junior ~ifle Club~ to be under the supervision of` Ld~-~ar Bat~s or some res~onsible person at all times. A motion was r~ade by Cotzncilr~an Dam.*~ann, seconded by Council-- man Sehnyder authorizin~ ~,he Chief of Police to investi~f_te and a perr~it be gr-~.r~t~d, sub~;ect to his a~nroval. I3ills a~~:in.st the Gererzl Fund for $1I02.~0 and the E';ater Fund f'or ~77.5U vvere audited, ap~roved and order~d paid. "To further ~usiness a~:t~e~rin~ and unon motion the ~eeting ~~,as ad j ourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ I , ~T'T'.~T: . City C_,_ ~~rk r,~7ay r- . i ' ;