Minutes 1950-02-15 74 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~rroyo Grande~ C~lifornia February I.~, Iq~'0 The City Council r~et in ref°u:~~Ir tiession v:~it~ r~ayor Dix~on presidin~. ?Ipon roll call Councilmer_ ~chr_yder~ Cl~rk~ yiaiters and D~m.m~nr. rerorted ~resent. '~ze minutes of the ~reviotzs meetir_~ were rea.d and ~p~roved as read. Cor_-~~unications were r~~.d and rlacea or file. ?"s. F. 0. ;?Tilsan, frorl EJestF~rn t~~,diti~n ~reserted ~~~etition fror_1 the Property owners or~ Benr~ett Avenue, ~skin~ for the inst~- Il~tion of a secver lateral on ~3er~r~ett ~ve~ue. Coizr_c~ Iman D~mmann mac7e motion, 5econcled ~y Councilrl~n ~`raiter5, au.thorizAn~ the City ~gineer to li~ure cost on se~rer and petitions to be prepared so they could be c~rculated and eollect money an the se~:~ers. ~ever~~l Counc~l members a~~~reed to att?nd the r~eetin~ of t~~e Grover City T~1en~s C?ub, to tnik aver the possibility of securing~ Industries ta locate in this are~:. It was r:~oved ~nd seconded that the Plarnin~ Comr7issiQn be asked to make a study anc? recomr~end seve,nal sites for a City F?~a1T~ ~'dhile they a~ere r!Zal~zn~ reco.~merdat~on~ on the Paciflie Co:~c~ Lumber Cor^.r~ny site; sa the ~ublic ~!.rauld have severy~l ~ites to choose from, in case t~e~ d id not like the Paeific C:o~:st site . Councilr~an Schr.yder su~~~e~tF: d ~etting the Pacific Ce~st R/Gl for a stre~.~~t from Ic~.e to Le~d~am I,ane. ;everal membe,~s of. the '~omen~s Club were ~re ent~ to discuss the City Na11. site and a site °or reereation. They a~reed to r~eet ~~ith the Plar_r.in~ Co~mission on F'ebru~ry 22nd. to diseuss the subjeet. TrAr. Anderson report~d the wat~r l~.ne on ~lder had been completed and or: mation of C~uncilman Schnyderr. se~-onded by Councilman Clark~ it was agreed to bill the ~raater users for the cost of putting in the line. A T~~r.. holt had requested permission to erect bill board on ~.~rs. Swall's lot and it w~s maved an~ seconred to refer the matter to the Pl~r~nin~ Com~-:iss:iom. ~~:~r. Harris re~.d an Orc?inance to ~ive the City Council power to levy a tax for Recr~ation Pur~oses. ~~OLUTI~?~~ ;~`22a n~ IT Rk~OL~r~ by the City Council of the City of t~rroyo Grand~ that the pro~osed 4rdinance ~ntitled "~:~n Crd~.nance oi the ~ity of ~rroyo Grande ~ivin~ to the City Council of the said City of ~rroyo Gr~ande, the Porver to .~ceec3.. the ~ener~Z L,imitations Irrirased by Z~a:w U~on their ~i~ht to Levy Property ~~xes by Gr~~nting to s~id City Council the Fovver to Levy ~ Property Tax of N~~t in excess of '~en Cents ~er O71e HUIICIT'ad Dallurs af Valuation Upon Property in said City in acic:ition to any and all Other i~roperty Tazes ~.tzthorized by Law; ~ea,uirin~ that saic3 Tax ~~v'hen colleeted be De~osited in a~eparate ~und and `Tfiat it ~e tTsed for Community Recreata.on Pur~oses an~. for ~To Other T'urposes" be subMitt~d to the voters of this City of Arro~To C~rande at~ the next ~ener~I electi an to be held on the llthday of~il , 1g50, in accorr~ance with the provis~on~ of Sect~an of the ~,lectio~s ~e of the State of Cal~farnia. On r~otion of Councilr~~n Clark and seconc~ed by Councilman i i Dar:~ann an~ the f'ollo~,~in~- roll call vote: ; AY~S: DIX="~Ol~T, CI.,A~K~ ~'IAST~Z~~ DRI'_l!fi4?`~'I~.T~ ~C'~t~TYDF~h': , T: 0 ES : 1~ r~~rF i ~ ~B a;~`'TrTTC~?F I the fore~~ing r~esolution vras adopted this 1 th. day of' F~bruary, ' lp5o. ~ ~T~^~~: ~ ~r s~~'dn~ ~I . Sc hi ? l i n~ e~ty Clerk It w~s r~~oved ~nd seconded that the nay of the ~lection ~soard Offi:cials for the re~ular ~±~unieipal Eleet~an be ~8.OC~ ~er d~y. It was 3lso r~oved and seconded ta Y~~ave the polls ~pe~; from p0 A.n~. to 7:00 P.T.'. Councilman Y:aiters r~ade a r~otion th~t ~.'r. Con~~ad~ the City ~`~~ineer~ be authorize~ tc~ :~re~are plans and s~eeifications for ~,11 the stre~==ts in y';estern ~ddition, „a~h ~~.~~t to be set L1p individual7.y~ 7~ ~ ~.x::~ .:a~ the moti~n w~s seconded b~,T Couneilman Dammann and the moti~n earried. ~>~r. Canrad re~aor~ed there would T~e a hearin~ on il~~arch 8th. by the County P~amning~ Commissior~ on trie Sa.nford Dump 5ite. ~~;:r. Deal~ the Cit~1 ~uditor~ gave a re~aort on the bud~et and expenditures to date. F3ills a~ainst the C~ener=~l i"~und for ~IG97.80 and ~he b~ater Fund for $77.~0 were a~zdited~ ~.-~~~~rove~d and orde~ed p~id. I~To further business a~~earin~* ana u~on ~otion the meet~n~ was adjourned. A'I'T~T G~~~~~~..C~L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ity C1 erk I~iayor -C A.rroyo Grande, C`alif'. ~k=arch 1 ~ 1950 The City Council r~et in re~ular sessian v,rith ~~Tayor I~ixson pre- siding. Upon raTl call Councilmen Sehnyder, Clark~ ?o+aite~s and Dam.mann reported nresent. 'I'he minutes of the x~revious meeting were read and approved as read. Cor~rzunic ~ti ons ~uere r e~d and *~Iac ed or fi le . motion w.=~.s r~~~c~e b~r Gouncilman Da.r~mann, seconded by Gouncilman Cl~rk ta ~;rant the ~oxas C'lub, a nermit for a d~:nce to be held A,'arch 4 and no fee ta be cri~~r~ed. Caunci.Imar: z'j~iters made motion, ~econdea by Cour~cilm~:n Dar_lmann~ instructin~ t~~e Clerk to notify ~:17_ o~enartr~ent heads t~ have bud~ets in for their de*~artr~~ents by the P~ay 17th r?meeting, >everal bills to be ~aid did not have purchase ord~rs and the problem ti~as di~cus~er ~r~ the Auditor hacl reauest~d th~ t rec~uisition ordeY°s be iCCued on anythin.~ taken f'rom the stock nile; so it could be accuratc~ly ke~t lzp. A motzon ~r,r~:s xl~cie by ~ouncilr~an Dar.~;mann, seconded k~y C~L~neilman Clark that all Department heads be a.s~ed ta turn in requisition orders to ti~e Purchasin~ a~;ent for al? sux~~lies taken fror~ the Stock ~ile and rurch~se orders be taken out on all purchases. I~rr. Cra~hill asked ~bout bein~° a?.1ov~ed to ~eep his horse at his hor~e or~ t~l ± en ~treet and a r~otion ~r~.s made by Councilman Dar.lmann~