Minutes 1950-04-05 A_rroyo Grande ~ Calif`. ~Pril 5~ 195~ The Ci~y Council met in re=~u~ar ses~ian and was called to orcier ~,~y the Clerk. Unon roly_c~.ll Councilr~en ~chn~Tder~ Cl~rk~ ?,~JaitErs and ~ar~r_!ann rez~ax~tPd ~re:-:~nt. .~bsent ~:A~:yor Dixson. ? A moti~n ~das m~.c~e bv Co~xncilman r~ait~,~rs, seconde~ b~~ ~ouncil- r~.~,n D~r:mann that CoL~ncilr,~:n Schnyder act :~s ~~ayor. The minutes of the ~r~vious re~ular and s~ecial meetin~ were read and ar~nrov~d as reaa. Cor~~;munie~.t~_ons vaere r~~~~.d and ~l.aced on file. The recorurenc'~t:'on of the plar..r:in~ ~or:~r~liwion vvr~s discus~~d and also t~~e ~T~e ~err:~it ~or the ~.eFuse Dis~?os~l anci a mation v,~as Made b;~ Co~zncil~n~.n '."Jaiters~ secon~.:e^ by Councilman C1ark to ~°efer them to the new Co~~ncil for ~.ctian. ~irs. H,a_rry ~ro~m ar.d ~~~rs C. Loomi s f'ron the ipromen `s Club asked about bu~.T;~lin~_,~ a h~,ll o» ~~uil~ing: on tre City Pa.rk property bi~t they ~vere told tl~~at it ~r~~uld not 'r.7e ~os~ible for the City to ~o in on it. T:`,r. I~. E. ~nderson terxdered h; s res~~'nat~~on @f"'P.C~1V~ as of I I A~ril as he had t~ken a job in ~'~la~ka. Colircilr:an Damm~nn r:ade a motion~ s~conde~ b~T Co~zncil:~an t~~aiters to ~cce~t the resi~ration. ' It was su~~ested tl~iat a letter bp written to T;"r. Kauf`man and ' see if he ~ras still interested in the Luda T:~otor. ~ rzotion was ~ade by Cauncil.~an Dar.~~ann~ secorded ~y Council- r_.~an Clark tn~.t ~Tr. ~'..~d.r~ands t~_ke over ~~.r. 1~nderson's job ~.nd th~-~ J~r_?es ~Iart~rian ?~e hired temnararily to help ti~aith the wark. It ~ras ~oved and seconded that ~~r. 'a'r'i~~i~:ms request for an e~tension of l~ave be ~rt~nt~d and ~hief of police Stoncsifer v~as tc~ liire I~~rs. I,iont~;or:ery~ fQr eros~in~~ ~ti?ard until ~'Ir. ~~~~i~Iiams returned. It ~ras r~r~ved and seconded th~t the Insuranee bids be held and i~,:r. Harris a~reed to ~vrite the Insur~nee Cor~panies a letter or the sub~!ect. ~4~OUJTIQl`T #222 ~esolution of the City Council of the City af ~:rroyo ~rande~ State of C~~.ifornia to r~ake ~:~~lic~.t?~on to the ~tate Direetor of' Finance ~'or an allat~~nt of money to ir~~rove Cornwall ~venue. The The P;~oney being r~onev set up under Chapter 20~ Statutes of Ig46 (First k~tra ~ession) and t~ b~ matched b~ Cityts Fund:s and ~lso authorize ~ezr. Een D• Conrad to act as Local ~-xent ~'or the City. 82 ~ ~ p,,, ~ i Passed and adopted ~y the fo~~_ovain~ rall eall vote: AY~r Councilmen Schnyder ~ Clark~ ~~.'~.i~ers an~ D~:mr~:ann ~ rT~~~; j~one ' ~ Absent Councilman Dixson ~II ~t~CLLTTIGI~7 ~#223 ~~aLUTZ~T~1 of the ~ity ~~uneil of the City of ~rroyo ~r=~ndA~ St•:~~te of Cali~orni~, to r~ake a~~ lic~~tion to t~=e ~t~.te I~ireetor of rin~nce for an allot~ent of raoney t~ imr~ave Tally -~Io ~o~:d. '~he P~:aney being set ~.p under Ch~.pter 2Oj ~tatues of 1946(First ~tra Session) and to be r~~atched by City's ~unds and also authorizing ~~r. ' Ben D. Conr~d to ~ ct as Local ~~~rit for the City. P~.ssed and adopt~d by the fo~ lotEain~ rol~. ~~1~_ tTote: AY~s Councilr.A~an ~chnyder, Clark? t~`laiters and Dammann TrOr,S: ~~one ~ Ab~ent:~Co~..neil~an Di~son ~ ~ Bi? ~ s a~ainst the General Fund for ~ 2~,1~.,~~ the :~Jater Fund for $~?G8.76 _ ~and the ~~`Tater Depo~it ~ und for $ 28.00 vaere audited~ a;c~r+roved ar~d ordered ~?aid. rTo further busines~ ap°~e«.rin~ ~nd uron ~otion the meeting ~ras ad j ourned. ~ g . ~1% AT~' :ST: y}'j~ ~ ~~'~L~,hl.t.n ~ ~itv Clerk ~ llTayor