Minutes 1950-05-03 $S ~ krn ~1 ~ y...~..,~ . . Arroyo ~rande, ~%alifornia ~aY 3 ~ l~a The City Couneil met in re~nl~r sessian~ with b~ayor '~+taiters presidin~. Upon ro11 ~all Councilmen Dixson~ elark~ D~mrnann and Conrad reported present. The: minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and approved as ~ead. Co~riunications and reports were read and pj-~:ced on fiZe. ~ouncilman Dixson said he had nothin~; final to repor~, on the Le Point and High ~treet extension. Co~ancilman Damm~nn reported he ~aas ~ing to study the Fire Alarm system further, before makin~ a report and also asked abou~ the overti~ae Parkin~ on ~3r~~ch ~trE:~t. A.fter discussion It~ir. H~rris~ the Cit~ Attorney~ sug~~ested the ~i~erchrynts Association be asked to ` ~rrite a letter to the ~"ouncil making kr~own their ~ishes. I~Zr. Show~ from the ~tate F'orestry' was present to request the use of the Buildings at the City I'ark and a motion was made by, - ~ouneilman elark to let the ~orestry use the Building for $I2.4~ per month and water $2.00 ~er month as had T~een done in the past~ ~ Cauncilman ~ar~.r~:nn seconded the motion a~sd the motion carried. ~he G:°and .~venue e~tension was discussed ancl Cot~ncilmant ~ I~ammann made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Dixson~ the the '~aruwataris be notified, we intended ta eommence work atery soon. Co!ancilman Conrad rnade a motion~ seconded by Councilman 1}ixson~ that the Co~nc~l ~o on recard as ~'avoring thet Highway IOI be left ~ ~rhere it is~ and the Ar°~oyo Grande planning Commieeion b~ notified of this action. ~Ir. Harris recommended that someone from~` the ~i Piar;ning Com._~ission cont~ct ~~r. Peterson of the Division of Highways~ and tell him of the Council's r~eommendations. The Clerk was asked to ~mite the League o~ California Cities~ Pismo Beach~ ~anta ~aria~ ian Luis Obispa and Paso Robles an~ ask~ for copies of their latest ~rdinanees on ~~ater and ~~rba~e Colle~tions, a~hen the ~opies came in the ~%lerk was to notify the Councilmen; so they could get together and s~udy them. I~Iayor GYaiters asked about rotating the Council members on the Planning Co~ ~rnission a~~sci ~r, ~arri~ said it would not be ~est. ~ayor ~giters said if` it was agre~able ~rith the other eauncil members he wo~zld remain on the Ca~ission and ~rould like to haue ~nOther Counci2 member attend with him; so that the Council and Planning Cammission cauld wc~rk to~ether mc~re ef'~ic iently. , Fd~. Harris su~~ested the bid of the ~rtford ~n.surance Ca. ~ ~ , on the ~amp~efiensi~re Liability ~or ~100~000 and ~30d~040 be writt~n ~zp for July lst. and the ~oliey zr.eet the ~p_:~roval of the City ~it~arney. ~'he other policy ~as to be Iooked into fu~ther by the ~it~y Attc~rney. mation ~ras made by eouneilman Clar~k, seconded by Counc i Iman Dar_~mann that ~Ir .~rri s advi s e~9~s . Svv~a.ll ~bout the ' Policies. rn I~ar~is discussed ~enate R~sol.u~ion ,#34 and recor~mended th~~ everyane should Qppo~~ it, as if p~.ssec3 into Ia~r, i~ ~o~Id be ~rery detrimental. Clean Up ~'~eek ~ras discussed and it wa~ decided to have it ~a~y 22 to 26th. ~ir. Ha~ris reported th~~ on ~pril 2lst. a j~zdginent of Dis~issal Had taeen filed in th~ ~:ekler c~se. ~ Bills ~gainst the Gener~l Fund for $25~3.28 the ~ater Fund for ~~14.06 ~nd t.he V~a~e~ ~eposit Fur~d for ~~-•C~ were audited, a,~proved and ordered p~id. Na Further business at~pearin~ and upon motion the meeting was adj~urned. 1 , ~ ~ _ ~ P, TT~ST : ' ~ eity ~l~rk ~tayar~ . _p_ Arro o ~rande, ~a~li~'arnia ' ~Iay lq~p spe~i~r1 meeti~g was ealled t,~o di~cuss ~~ater prablems and l~ayor `~~iters p~esided. Presen~G wes~e ~ouncilmen E3i~son~ ~I~.rk~ ~ Damm~nn ~nd Gonrad. ~I~o present were members of the Planning Commission and P~r~er~ ~ouncilman S~hnyder and ~ir. ~t~others. &ta~ror 9~'ai~ers said former ~ity Councils had been servin~ are~s outside the City ~rith wa~er and he ~ished to kno~r if the Couneil wished t4 eontinue ~nd if sQ how they could serve th~ vrrater ~onsumers More ad~q~rately~ as several areas ~ere not getting ena~gh water. A~ter dis~ussion Cc~uncil members agre~d tY~t anot~er we11. site ' should be obtained~ and ~Ia~or Vlaiters appointed eouncilman Clark to a