Minutes 1950-05-17 i . ~ ~ ~rroya Crande~ ~~Iifornia ~Y I? ~ 19 5~ The Ctty Council rn~~ in regular sessian with ~~or ~a3ters presiding. Upon roll ~a1T Counci.Imen ~Iark~ ~i~son and ~~mm~nn ~ reported present. ~bsent ~ouncilman Eonrad. The min~tes of the previous re~txlar and sp~cial meeting were read anci approved as ~*ead. l~rs. ~aiZ C'overt~ represent~ng the ~amen's ~lub~ had a Ietter f'rom ~ir. J. A. B~ckett, giving his permission for a~ltzb builc~ing to be ereeted on the ei~y Park ;Sit~9 if it was agreeable ta the Council. .~f`ter discussion~ the Cotincil said t'~ey t~rould fa~to~ sueh a pro~ram~ if the ~omen~s elub ~ould give ~ more definite idea of t.h~ bui.lding before anything final could be dvne~ ~r. ~ddison ~'ood asked ~bou~ ~a:ter and Sev~er to the subdivi~ion . to T`ract #5$~ which he was v~orking an. It ~s agreed to ~ive him an answer after the T~iiursday nigh~ meeting. Alf~. York Petersc~n, ~ngineer from Santa ~.~ria~ ~as present tv discuss a survey o~ th~ ~ater system and he agreed to come up saturd~y and go ov~r the syster: t~2en and ta2k it oeer with his board beFore ~I givin~ a fin~l answ~r. Special m::~tin~ was ~o be ealled to ~ive ~ ~ l~iim his answer+. ~ounc~Ir.~n Clark mad~ a motior~~ seconded by Council - ~ ~nan Dixsan t:o a1Tow Y. ~ands the saz~~ p~y~ ~s the Sune~intendent had been getting~ while h~ Gvas takin~ over the job, as supt. ~Iotion ' carried. A"r. Harris~ recoru~~en~ed the bid F'ram Loomis o~ the Insurance ' Poliey ~'or the Fleet~ be aceepted ~nd a moti~rl c.a~s made by ~ouncilr~~n Clark9 ~econc~ed bv Co~ancll:!-an Dar~ann to have speciman o~' the Policy ' ~ pre:,~ar•ed for the ins~ect~on o:' the City ~~orncy. ' ~ prelir~inarf report fo~ t~:e i:~~.~>rover~lent of corriv~rall F~d~~s to be ~ pre~?=~r ed ant~ sEr~t ir~ to t~~~~. ~ivi~ion c~~' ~ighv~~:~ys~. ~ Plans and sp~eifieatians for improving ~rorun street~ ~as to be prepared as soon as possible by the eity ~n~ineer, Mr. '~dmands ~as to1el to hire a man to h:elp ~rith the wor~I~ and the salary ~s to be .~200.Oa month. ~~ayor ~aiters said seve~al sug~estions had been made f'or the Grand ~ven~te ~'xtensian and as soon as ~~r. ~onrad~ the ~ngineer~ returneci, a Ietter eou:ld be ~ritten ta the uivisic~n of ~igh~ays. ~ 9 ~ ~'x~ ~ r..:.::a . ~ ~p ..f p~~ ~t ~ras decideci to wait for ~r. p~tersan's re~ort~ before installing Iarger ~.ter lines on ~lm and ~sh ~tre~t. Bills ~gain~~ the ~eneral ~'und for $ 9~I~4~ ~and the ~a~er fund foz~ $~7•5~ ~rere audited~ ap~rovecl and orde~ed paic~, No Further business appearing~ the me~ting was adj~urned to ~hursday ~venin~, &~ay 18~ 1g50 at $~00 p.~. ATT • . ~ ~ ~ C,~.~~ ~ity Cle:rk ~1a.yor . ~rroyo ~rande ~ ~alif orn~ a ~ay ~8~ 195~ ~.~0 P.~. '~'~ie ~i.ty eoun~il met in a.n adjou~ned meetin~ with ~~ayor ~aiters presidin.g. 1'resent were Councilmen ~lark~ Dzxson and Conr~:d. ~bsent Councilman Dammann. The new ~ater C~dinan~e vaas diseussed extensively anc~ after discussion~ Councilman ~lark agreed to take the 4rdinanee up to I~ir. Harris ~ the City ~ttorney arid have him draw tip the fh°dinanc e and have it ready Por t~ae ne~t meeting. ~ Counci Lnan Cl~rk made a motion, seeond.ed by ~ouneilman ~ixsc~n to furnish water to `~'raet #58 for ~ddisr~r~ '~ood~ stzbjeet t4 the ~ngineerfs reeammen~ation~ an the size of pipe ~r. ~ood ~as to install. ~11 ~ouneil~ man present voted Por it~ ~auncilman Dammann being absent. ~arious dubjec~s were discussed~ but no f'u.rther aetian taken. ~.TTEST: /U'~4 ~ ' w ~w (.-t,~.~~~-° City Clerk - &~,yor ~rroyo Grande~ Cal:`fornia 2~, Zg~o 7:3o P.~r. ~ speeial meetin~; ~ras called ~o discus~ the hirin~ of ~r. York Petersan~ to make ~ survey of the ~ater ~ystem. ~ia~ror ~ai~ers presided. Couneilmen Clark~ Dmxson and Conr~ were present. ~bsent ~ouncilman I3ammann,l ~ayar ~laiters said ~~r. Peter~on~ ~vould do the ~urvey for ~~a.C?Q ~ day and he eould work Sat,urdays and would ~vant ~r. ~c Coy a^~ d~r. Edma:nds to help him! with sc~me of the ~vork, T~.e ~ouneil agreed tv h~ve the neeessary maps made tzp for the job.