Minutes 1950-05-18 ~ ~1 ~ ~ k P~§4 ~ ~ ~ ~ra~ deeided to wa:it for ~r. P~~erson's report, before inst~allin~ larger water lines on ~Im and ~sh ~treet. B~lls against the ~~neral Funei for $~~4~ ~and the ~a~er fund fc~~ $'7?.5_,~ ~~ere audited~ ap~roved: and orde~ed paid. No f`urther bu~iness appearing~ the meeting was adj~urned to Thursday Evenir~~ ~ay 1~~ 19~0 at 8~a0 p.~. ~ ~J AT • _ ~ity Cla.rk ~a,yar _o-. . Arroya Grande~ ~alif ornia ~y~ ~.8, 19~0 ~~oo F.~. ~'I°~e Cit,y Co~xneil met in a~.n adjourned meetin~ with Maynr ~aiters presiding. Present were Cou.ncilmen ~Iark~ ~ixsan ~,nd Conr~d. ~bsent Councilman Dammann. The new 9~ater 4r~;inance v~ras discussed extensi.velg and? a~ter discussion~ Councilman ~lark agr~ed to take the ~rdinanee up to It~r. Harris~ the Ci~y ~t,torney and have him draw up the <h°dinanee and have it ready Por t~ae ne~t meeting. ~ Councilma~n Clark made a motion~ seeonded by ~ouncilman Dixson to furnish water to '~ract #5~ for ~ddis~n '~oc~d~ s~zbjeet to the Engineerfs r~eammen~ation~ on the ~i~e of pipe ~r. ~ood waa to install. ~11 ~ouneils man present voted for i~~ ~ouncilman Dammar~n being absent. ~arious dubjeets were discussed~ but no further aetian take n. ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~T'rEST: ~21.0 , ~ ' L~.~..~t~ City Glerk p ~ayor ~ ~ ~rroyo Grande9 CaI'fornia ~ay 2~~ 19~0 7:30 g.~. ~ special meeting was ealled ~a discus~ the hiring of 1~r. ~ork Petersan~ to make ~ surve~ of the ~~ater ~ystem. ~a~ror ~ai ters presided. CouneiZmen Clark, 13mxson and Conrend were present. ~bsent eouneil.man I~ammann,l ~ayor ~aiters saic~ ~~r. Peterson~ woald elo the survey for $Sp.OQ a day and he eould work ~aturdays and would want ~r. Mc Coy a~d ~r. Edmands to help him! with sc~me of the wc~rk. Tfie ~oc~ncil agreed to have the necessary maps made up for the job.