Minutes 1950-05-22 ~ ~ ~1 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ras decid~d. ta wait for ~r, P~~erson's report, before ins~alling Iarger water lines on ~lm and ~sh ~trevt. Bills against the ~eneral ~'und for ~~zI~S?~ -and the ~~~.er fund fo~ $,~T~ ~v~er~ audited~ ap~roved: and ~rde~ed paid. No Further business appearing~ the meeting was adj~urned to Thursday Evenir~, l~ay 18 ~ 1q~0 at 00 • /~iS,o . / ATT ~ ~ i ty E lgrk ~ia.yar . ~rroya Grande~ ~alif ornaa 1~:y ~ 19~~ 8 f 00 F.~. '~'he ~ity Couneil met in a;n adjou~ned meetin~ with Mayor ~aiters presiding. ~'resent were Councilmen ~la.rk~ Dixson and Conr~:d. ~bsent , Councilman I~ammann. The new ~ater C)rdinance ~aas diseussed e~tensivelg an~ aY'ter discussion, Couneilman ~lark agreed to ~take the 4rdinance up to ~r~. Harris ~ the Ci~y ~t,tarne~r and ha~e him draw up the Ch°dinanee and have . it ready for t~ae next meeting. ~ Councilm,an ~lark r~ade a motion~ seeonded by ~ouneilman Dixson to furnish ~ater to '~raet #58 for ~ddis~n ~~ood~ subjeet to th~ EngineAr~s reeommen~ation~ on the si~e of pipe ~r. ~ood r~aa to install.. ~11 ~ouncil~ m~n present voted for i~~ eouncilman Dammann being absent. ~ara.ous dubjeets v~ere discussed~ but no further aetian taken. ~ L~,L.u~--O ~~rES~: ~~Z~i ~ _ ~ ~ity Clerk - B~yor ~r~oyo Grande~ Cal:`fornia ~y- 2~, Zg~o 7:30 ~ special meeting was called ~o discusG the hiring of ~ork Peterson, to make ~ survey of the ~ater ~yst~em. &}ayor ~aiters presided. Couneilmen Clark~ D@xsa~ and Conrerd ~ere present. ~bsent Couneilman I3ammann,~ ~ayar ~laiters said ~1r. Peterson~ would do the survey for $~E3.0~ ~ day and he eould work Sa~,urdays and would ~rvant ~.r. Mc Coy az c~ ~r. ~dmands to help him! with sc~me af the work. T~e Couneil agreed to have the necessary maps made up for the job.