Minutes 1950-06-24 ~ ~ VV ~ ~ referred to the Ci~y Plar,ning ~ommisszon. ~ ~i11s a~ainst the ~eneral ~'und £ar~~??~i~ ~nd the `~ater fund for ~'77•5a v~ere aud~ ted9 a~~roved and t~~ciered paid. Na fur~her busin~s~ a~pearing and upon motion the meeting was ~d j orarned. ~ ! ` ' ~ ~ n~`` ' ~ ~ , ,1.~ AT'~ESTs , s~~ ~ , 1 1. ' . ity ler~ =~a~ror ' -o- ~royo Grande, California 1:3:~ P.~.. Jr~ne 24 ~ 1q50 The City Council met in Special s~s~ion with R~ayor Wai'ters presiding. Upon roll c~ll ~ouncilMen elark~ ~ammann and Conrad re~orted,~resent. ' Absent Co~nci].r:~an Dixsan. Councilman Clark had to leave before the meeting was finished. The me~tin~ vras cal~.ed t~. discuss the water situatian~ to the Brisco tract and Mr. York Peterson, L. A. Brisce~ ~+~r. and Mrs Miller and several atn~r resi~.ents of t'~~e ir_~.ct ~~ere present. ~fter considerable discussion it was sug~~sted by those present th~t the 2 inch line up ta the top of the Hill be replaced with a 4 inch Iine and ~~r. EriSCO a~?reed to put in $IOQ0.~0 towards the line~ also it was agreed by those present that enough o~' the 2 inch pipe be ~zsed by It~~r. Briseo to replace the sm~ller lines on the Brisco Tract and to tie the dead ends together. R?o final aetion was taken on the r~att:}r~ as it was to be acted on at the next regular meeting. hTO further business appearing and upon r~otion the meeting ~ras ~cijourrEed. if _ ~ ~ . ` ~ ~ ~ ~ . , P . i. • ' t, 5,~ ~ : ~ , ~ ~~.~G~ i y 1 erk I~~a or ,