Minutes 1950-07-05 ~ ~rroyo ~rande~ California JuZY 5~ 195d The ~ity Council met in re~ular session ntith l~ayor ~aiters gresidin.g. t7pon rol~ c~ll Coureil~en ~ixson~ ~ammann and ~anrad reported present. ~bsent ~ouneilman ~lark. The minu~es of the previous re~ular and speci.al me~tin~s were re~:d and apnroved as read. eommunication~ were read and the follawing ~etion taken. T. ~auncilr~°~an Dammarin rnaade a motion~ s~conded by ~ouncilman ~ixson reeommenc3ing that ~raneis P. Car~ be appointed A~cting Chief nntil ~Tr. ~m. Ston~sif'er's le~ve of absenee ~as terminated. 2. ~ouncilman ~am~aann made a mation, secondec~ by ~o~znciZman Conrad th~t the acting Chief~ notify the Fastor at the Tent Reviv~I that the meet~:ng sho~zlct close; so that ~lI ca~s be away by 10:00 3. ~ motion was made by ~ouncilman Damrnann, second.ed by ~ouncfl- man Conrad th~t the expense of the Council members attending ~he meeting in Sant~ B~bara, ~'uly I4 and I~ be borne by the Ci~y. ~Iayar ~ait~~s ~ and Councilman ~'onrad plan to attend the n2e~ting if possibl~. 4. Councilman ~ixson made a motion~ seconded ~y ~oanc3l.man D~;~nann that the eity advertise for bids for a new police C~r. ~r. Bloom asked about rentin~ the Iand at th~ ~ity property, to run a few head of c~t~.Ie on~ but it was decided to lay the~~m~t~er over until the next meetin~, until th~ Council anc~l~r. Harris~ the ~ttorney~ ~ook ' into the matter further. ~~r. ~1 Harding asked about a Iarger water Iine to his prop~rty, ~ast of town and it was decided to r~fer~ the matt~r to Mr. petersan for his reeommendation. R~fJLUTIOPd 22~ ~ Resolutian a:uthorizing the ~l~yar to execute the deed and the ~lerk to deliver the deed~ v~hen the ~aruw$ta,ri erass e~eed ha~ been c~elivered. Ckn motion af Councilman ~onrad~ seconded by eouncilman D~mmann; the FQregoing ftes~lution was adopt~d ~y th~ following roll c~:ll vote~ Co~zneilman ~aiter~s, Dammann~ ~ixson and Conrad. l+TTQ~ : None ~iB~IItiTT: Councilman Clark. It ~~s moved and seconded that ~m. Ly1~~ conta~teci to di~ the ciitch~anc3 lay the 4 inch tx?ansite pipe on ~hit~ley ~venue. ~ouncilman Dixsan reported the r~sevoir ~eeded a new roaf but t'he ~ Rr• - rnat~er ~zas held over unt~l next~ meetir~g. ~ ~ motion ~ras made k~y ~ouncilman Dam.Mann, s~conded by ~ouncilman ~o~ad, authc~rizing ~r. Harris to draw up p~.pers far an optian on a strip ~ A i of ground fram ~'ebb ~QOre~ to be used for a test w~ll. ~otiar~ car~ied. ~I ~ It was also moved and s~conded to eall for bids on a test ~cl~. ~r. i ~ , Peterson was to prepare sp~eificatic~ns and the bids were t o b~ op~ned ~.t 8~~0 p.~i. on ~ugust 2, lg~~. "~here was a~.engthy discassion an putting a 4 inch line ~zp to th~ Brisco '~ract. ~c~uncilmar~ ~onrad started to make a motic~n far the inst,~I- latian~ which ~s 2ater ~+r.ithdrawn. ~r. J. J. Schrryder wisheci reeorded: , in the minutes that he protested the ~ity in~talling a la~ger li~~ ~a ! the Briseo Traet« w~ ~t was agreed to have a~pecial meeting ~uly l~~ 19~Q at ~~~0 p.~. ~nd ha~re all parties cQncerned present to discuss the r~pTaeemen~ af th~ line to the Brisco ~~aet f urther. ~ motian wc~s mad~ ~y ~ounc~Iman Di~son, seeanded by ~ounei~an ~amr_~ann, ta authari~e th~ ~'urchasin~ agen~, to order 100~ fe~t of 4 inch transite pipe. Bilzs against the General ~und far the ~ter Fund f or _$74, i D p ~ ~ - 5P - the ~a~ter e Qsi~ 'uncl for ~R~ ~~d the ~ei~~ Gas Tax 5treet Imp. ~'und far ~rer~ ~:ud~~ed~ approvec~ and ord~red paid. ~a further busin~ss a~pearing and upor~ moti~n the me~ting was adjourned. 11 1~TTF~'~: ity lerk ~Jlagar Q ~s ~ ~rroyo Grand~y ~alifornia Jtzly I4 ~ Iq54 ~~geeial meeting af` the CounciZ, v~~as held for the purpas~ af changir~g the date ~'ar opening af the bids on the drilling of a~est a~~21s Mayar ~aiters presided. ~ouncilmen ~ixsvn and ~lark w~re present. ~bsent Council~;~~} ~ammann and ~onrad. ~ouneil.ma~n ~Iark made a moti6fl~ seconded by ~ouncilmafl Dixson ta recind the matian made at the ~~ly 5, me~ting to open the bids on the well ~ugust 2~ 19~0.