Minutes 1950-07-13 ~o~ ~ motion by ~%ouncilman ~lark~ seconded by ~ouneiltnan '~ix~an to open the ~iids July zg5~ at 8'=00 P.&~. No further business a~pearing and upon motion th~ meeting vuas~ adjournedE ~ , ~:TTES~: ~ ~ty lerk ~ayQr _ p _ ~rrayo Grande, ~alifornia auly 22~ 19~~ ~ Speeial meeting was ealled to di~cuss the problems of the~ ~ater ~~par~tm~nt. ~~ayor Waiters pr~~sid~d. ~7pon rall eall councilmen ~ixson~ Dammann and ~anrad reported ~resent. ~bsent ~ouneilman ~lark. l~ayor ~'aiters reported that .i~~e ~nderstood there was some t~Ik of residents of the Briseo ~ra~t petitioning the Grover City ~at~r ~istrict for v~ater and he ~ranted to find oa~ if the ~ounc~l wished to continue to serve the o~zt~ide area. ~fter a lengthy discussion on the ~ystem and the New ~ater ard.inan c~ the Councilmen present agreed to serv~ the present consumers adequately both inside ~a o~tsia~ and ~ouflcilm~n ~ixsan said the cost of impro~e-- ~ , ments on the ot~side area should be borne by the consumers~ either ~y j increasing the rates or being ehar~ed f°or the improvements. I~ ~hen A~r. York Pet~rson campletvs his sur~vey and mor~ in~'ormation ~as ~vailable, some rat~e ~djt~:~tments migh~ have ~o be made in order tsa make the neeessary r~placeme~.ts. ' ~'o further busin~ss appeari~:g and ~pon motion the m~eting ~?a:s \ adjourned. % L'C/ , ~€.Ti E'S~: , , ~.~~C~~~ ' City 1~~ - ~ayar _ p _ ~rroyo Grande~ ~alifornia July 13 ~ 19~Q 2`he Speeial meeting on the ~later probZems -to the Brisco ~rac~ and outside are~~ ~vas held with Ma;~or '~ait~rs presiding. ~pon roll eall Counczlmen Dixson, ~lark~ ~amr~a.nn and ~%onrad reporteci present. ~Iso p~esent ~rere B~r. York P~tersQn and R. Harris. Propert~ o~rrers and ~ater consumers from alI areas were present to ~.o~ ~ ~ ~ discuss ~nd_ask questions on the v~ater situation~ both inside and aut- side the City. Seetion ~3Q of th~ new water Urdinance was discussed and a;f`ter discussion it was agreed by all ~ouncil members~ tha~ ~r. Ha.rris r~-- write the 5eetian. ~r. ~5~ Clure~ l~r. Lacke~ and ~~r. Harding asked about a lar~er Tine: to serve them and were ~ old, ~r. ~'eterson was to make the reeommend~tion on the size of a line ~or the change. ~o further business ~ppearing and upon rnotion the meeting was ad j o~zrned . , r . t~TTES'~: ~ ~ ~ Y ity .lerk yor - 0 - ~~~yo ~rande~ C~lifornia J~tly 1~~ 19~a The ~ity Council met in regtstlar sessi€~n with ~ayQr ~iaiter~ gresiding. Upon rall call Councilmen ~I.ark? I~ixsan~ Damm~nn Conrad r~port~d present. Th~ minutes of` the previous re~ular and speeial meetings ~r~r~ read and approved ~s read. Commt~nicatians ~ere read and placed an file. The petition from property owners in ~lestern ~d.ditian, asking the eour~cil nat to grant ar~y more requests for Tent r~vi~ral. meetings~ in that area was read and Qrdered filed. eouncilman Dammann reported the meeting t~eing heZd wauld clas~ the 22nd. of July. R~C3LLITIC31~ 2~0 Resolutian of the City Council, o#' the ~ity o~` ~rroyo ~rande approving agreement Qf` State Hi~hway in the City of ~;rroya ~rande and autho~iaing the ~ayor and ~ity Clerk to sign an beh~lf af'saic~ ~'ity. Passed ~nd adopted by the foll.o~ing roll eall vot~% ~YE~i: Councilmen ~taiters, nixsan, Clark~ ~ammann and Contad NOES : T~one t~BS~1vT: None Caunc i l.man D i~san made a mo ti c~n s ec onded by C ounc i:Ima.n ~ammann tc~ advertis~ for bids on a 3/4 tan truek for ~treet anc~ ~ater ~ep~rtment.