Minutes 1950-08-08 I ~:o~ for Police. The amount to be $2171.24 and the 1947 car turned in for $8~6.24~ n~t aatlay ~12q5',OQ The `iNa.ter Ordinance was read and discussed and after discussion a motion was made by Counci~ian IJixson, seconded by eouncilman Dammann to char~e the ~chools arld Cemetery .1T.5 per IOC~ eu. ft in- ste~d of .08¢ as had been ehar~ed. This motion was withdranvn and ~m~ended as follows= ~lie amount to be .11.3 per cu. ft and no minim~zm char~e as befare. The schonls and ceme~ery vaere to be notified and a copy of the breakdovun on cost of the water to be maiTed to each on~. Bil~s ~~ainst the G~neral Fund fcrr ~222:6.22 tfie ~ater Fun.d for $53:2.62 and the ~Pr~~.tF~r ~eposit ~und for ~S.Oa were audited~ apgravecl and ordered paid. l~o fur~ther busin~ss appearing and upon motion the meeting was ad j ourned,. ~ , , /f^_ i ~ ~4TTEST: ~.tf;~. , 1~t t--~ ~ ~ity Cl~rk ~yor I Arrayo Grande~ California i ~~~ust 8, 19~0 ' ~~peeial meeting v~~as ealled by Pvlayor ~~aiters to discuss Street I' work, Present were Councilmen Clark~ Dixson and Damrnann. Absent Councilman Conr~d. A~ter discussion it was deeided that ~~r. ~~e Coy get estimates and he and Councilman ~ixson get ~ogether on the resur~acing af th~ following streets~ t~'hitel€~y f`rom Ide Stre~t to the South endy Poale from I~ason to Whiteley~ the North end of Stanzey avenue~ Barnett street from I~1 to Grand avenue~ Oak~ Bell~ Rena and ATpin~ from Bennett to Grand ave. and also from ~r:~nd aventze south~ Short street from Nelson to Podle st. ~ anc3 Orchard avenue. '~he width to ~e 24 ~t. Counci]:.man ~ixson was asked to see if UJhiteley stree~ eould be opened to Allen street. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ~ras adjourned, ~ ~ ' ~ ~TT~T: •~.Ut^^~ ~ ~i', ~ ~ ~ L4 y CITY Clerk Mayar V