Minutes 1950-09-20 112 ~ ~ ~ ~ It wa.s mov~d and s~conded, th~ ~ont,ribution to ~the F~r~ D~part ment be ~$350.00 for the year,. BiIIs a~ainst the ~ener~~l ~und far 4.4 th~ Vlater Fan~ for ~ ~S9K.65 ~ the Water Deposit b'~znd for 0. and the Speeial Gas Tax 5~-,re~t Improvement ~und far y~~r~ audited~ approved and ordered paid. ~To further business app~arin~ and upon motian the meetfng was adjourned. A TTES`~ : ~j. ' ~ TTY ~L~K YDR - 0 ~ ~rdinance r~ 9'7 ~eacling~ OR~Ir7ANCi, OF 'i'~IE CITY Or" A~~.ROY~ Gti.:~il\?L7~, FI?CING THE HATES TQ Bi~, C~~AHGPD A~~ COLL~;C~'ED FQ.~ 6"~ATEt~ S~~VICE 5UF'PL~};C] t~3Y '1.~'HL CI`i~Y AI~:D PR-~~RS}3T~rG C-~TAI~T .t~ULE~.~"i AND ~EGUL~T'IOirS COVi.~~ING CONSUIviEft~ OF '~'~A ~~R SU~PLIID BY SAI~ CTTY AA~D PHOVIDTP~G PENALT~ES FOK 'L'HE VIOIA`~'~OIV TH~iEar ~~,T~ ~EPEALTT?G ALL O~DTP~AI'TC~S IT~r C~P~`LTCT ~.L L`l l~J. L L~ Y 1. 1 II• O ` ~rroyo Grande~ ~aliforni~ ~eptember 2p, 1g~0 ~~~he C3.ty Council met in regular session, with N~ayor ~waiters presiding. Upon roll ca11 ~ouncilmen Dixsan~ ~1ark~ ~ammann, and Conrad reported present. ~~~he minut~s of the previaus regular meet,in~ were read and approved as read. Comrnunications irrere r ead and disposed of as fol~ows ~ 1. 1'he 1~t~,er from ~ev. Carl ~~ahlquist was discuss~d and ~he City ~ouncil instructed the Cl~rk to wra.te and ask for more. inforrr~ation before ~ivin~ any answer. ~t was suggested they e:~th~r ~~.~tend the Council m_.etin~ or ~ive more infarma~,ion on ~i~e ~ubj~Gt. 2. The letter from the Capita]. Company ~n regard t~ renewing the l~ase on the signal light ~~ole on the Bank ~uildin~, was disGUSSed and it was decided to ren~w the 1~~se for another y~ar. 3. '.Che 1et:.er from the Addressograph ~a. was discussed and it was thoiit~;ht best to hald the ma~,~,er over for further study. Councilman ~ixson made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Dammann to add 2 rpams on the East side af ~,he building. s i Councilman Conr~d mad~ the su~;~estian that ~'~ater Fund me~ney to the amount of ~28GO.~C.' be used on the Hall in return for the money ~ raised by '~'axes for the wat~r in former years. I~, v~~~ r~oved and seconded that a new typewriter be purchas~d for the ~lerk~`s a~'fice and thc ane now bein~ used b~ ~urned over ~o ~he Payice ~epartm~nt. ~ouncilman Dammann made a mota.on, to authorize ~r. ~onrad ta hire help ne~ded to complete surv~ys and draw up p~.ans and ~pecifi- cation~ for the str~ets to be constructzd, being Grand ~ve. ~~xtension~ Cornwall and Tal~y Ho Koad, mota.on was ~~conded b,y Counc~lman ~onrad and T~rc,ayar dlaiters caXled in T~Ir. B. ~onrad and asked if he wou~d be willin~ to continue~ if the n~~ces:ary help be hired by th~ ~ity. He a~,reed ta continue in an advisory capacity if the City authorize the hira.ng o~` m~n need~d to do th~ work nece~sary, to make the surveys etc. ~e al~o tald them h~ would not be able ta attend al.l ~ouncil m~etin~s and he was tald that would be O.K. The sealing af the Cro~s ~tr~ets in ~he 4ltestern ~dclition was da.scuss~d and a mOtlpn was made by Councilman C1ark, seconded by ~ouncilman varnmann; to s~a1 the str~ets. A~r. ~onrad informed the Council that he had an approvaT from the ~tate on the ~3600.OQ, which we had made appl,icat,ion for. Zt was agreed to advertise for bids on the str~ets the la~t~~r part of ~etober and the b~ds to be apened the first meeti.n~ in 1~ravember. ~hief of Police ~tonesifer asked if streM~ts si~ns could be ~zt up in the ~ineau and Loom~s Tr~ct. ~+~r. Add~;~on ~rfood's request to hook onto the ~ewer main w~s ~ da.scussed and it was deczded to make no ~ore outside hoakups onto the s~w~r. ~:r. Ha:rris a~re~d to notify th~ Saruwataris by l~t~~r tk~a~, ~the City xntended to cammence work~ when their crop was harv~stcd. RFSOLUTIQN ~#2~2 A R~;OLUTTOl~ CF '~HE C2TY GOUNCIL OF '~H~ CITY OF ARr~0Y0 GRAI~TDE~ .~U'I'FIORIZ~NG `.~HE AC~g'TANCE OF GI~Ar?T DF; ~ F'RQRn AnR. A~?D ~.TR~ J. L. ~B T~:OORE FOR A PORTIOZ' QF ALPTAr~ ~I'RE',T. Ugan motion af Councilman ~onrad~ secand~d bSr ~ouncilman ~am!~ann the fore,~Yoing Hesolution was adapted by th~ followin~ ro11 c~,11 vote~ AYES: Councilma.n ~~aiters ~ Damma:nn and Conrad NOES: Councilman Clark C~~uncilman D~XSQfl decl~ned ta vote 114 ~ ~ M.r. l.'au~. ~iaddax asked about ~he ~ity c~oing some'~hing abou'~ ~ . ~ stray dags. He was tald there was no ~'ound master and 'th~ matt~r was discussed further and ~ouncilman Dammann a~reed to cor.fer ~vith the yoli.ce and see what coul.d be done. ~obert ~wir~ asked about m~ter installation for wat~r at his house, at the west end of Y~illcrest ~rive or if he c~u1d add another minimum onta his father~ meter. '~'he ~ounca.l wfshed to con- fer with Mr. Pet~rson further before ~rivin~ an ansvver. The Clerk ~rJas instructed ta wra.te the Ha.nson ~~quipment ~c~rrr- pany ~.baut a new blade for the Syiator grader. ~~oLuT~a~r # 233 A R~~I~'TION ~F THE CZTY COL'1~'CTL OF -'~IE C?TY OF AKROYO GRAZTD~~ AUTHQRIZT1~rG TFiE ACCEPTAI~TCE Or' A GFZARTT DEED TO NEI~Il1,~.AN DRI~/E FR~A~I LQRET~? APZ3 vLLtW~A E. P:rEti^~,ART. Mation by ~%ounci~man ~~.ark~ seaanded by Councilman Dammann to acc~pt the fore~oing Resolution by the fvllo~r~in~; ro11 call vate~ AY-~~S: eo:. nc~.lman 4~/aiters~ C~.ark~ vammann, La.xson and ~o~i~rad NOES: None ~BSIIVTT: Non.~ Cour~ca.lr:~n ~ixson made a motian, sevond~d by ~puneilman Conrad to publ~.sh the 19~o-5i eua~~t. l~~ayor ~daiters asked C^uncilman ~ixson and several othez~ Council members to me~t with the Board of Trust~ps of the High Schoal and discu~s the agreement for th~ widena.n~ of Vall~y Re~d. ~u2r. Harr~s said if they would nata.fy him, when the meetin~ wau~.t~ b~ he would plan to attend. ~~he Counc~l told the Chi~f of Police to hire ~7r. Bezchg~:~n for the work, as needed and put in the bi11. for the work. - ~i11s agai nst the G~neral ~'und for i~4 _a2 and the Water Fund for _,..r,.~'~• 0 • were audited, approtred and ardered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion th~ meeting was adjourned. . ~ ~ ' 1~`~'TFST: ~ . ~~-C.l."~%~~ ~ City elerk ayar~ _ p _