Minutes 1950-10-18 c ~ ~~V , ~ w~~ Mr . Mc Coy w~s a~ked prepaxe a plot, for Mr . Haxris on the proper~y South of Brancta 5~reet between Bridge and Shoxt; Street fox a right o~ way far a new pipe 1.~.ne. Bills against theGeneral Fund for 2 485.44 , the Water Fund ,579,21, and ~he ]I~ater D~posit Fund fox 24.00 were sudit~d, approved and or~ered paid. The C~.erk was asked to write Guadalupe .for a Copy of tlaeir Ordinance on Ci,vilian Defense and the League af California Cit~.es for a copy o~' a model Ordinance an the Civi~,ian Defense, No further business appear~ng and upon mati~n the meetl.r~ wss ad3ourned. , ATTEd'6T : City C1erk Mayor _ . p ~ Arroya Grande ~ Ca1~. f . Qctob~r 18 ~ 1950 The C3.ty Counc~.l met in regular session with I~~ayor JTaiters presidin~. Upon roll call Councilmen Dammann and Conrad reported present. Caunc~lman CXark ~rrived lat~r and Councilman Dixsan was abs~nt. The minutes of the previaus regv,lar meeting were read and approved as read. Eids on the rrand Avenue ~ctension were opened as followss A. J. Diani . . . . . . . . . . . $4-~528.50 Va7.ley Paving & Canstruction Co. 3~926.2Q L. A. Rrisco . . . . . , . . . . 2,991•5~ After checkin~; extensions and discussion ~,h~ b~d of L. A. ~ra.sco being declared the lowest a motion was made by Council- man Conrad~ secanded by Counci7.man Dammann ~o accept the bid of L. A. F3r~.sca for $2,gg1.50. Cauncilmen ~anrad~ Da.mmann and Tv7ayor `Nai~ers vo~,~d ~~~ye" ~ Councilman Clark d.id not vote and Gauncilman Dixson was absent. A mati on was rnade by Gounci].man Conrad, s~conded by Counc il-~ man Dammann to increase the insurance on ~,he nev~~ City F~aJ.I ~r $~~~~O.~a for the present. Ov~rta.me park~.ng vras discussed and Councilman Damm~.nn was ~ . r asked to 3.nstruct the Police Dept. abaut enforcing the Ordinance. A motion was made by Councilman 17ammann, secanded by Gouncilman Conrad ~hat the City Council ~o on recnrd authorizing the enforcing of the Farkin~ Ordinance as stra.ctly as possible, and the Clerk was instructed to notify the Jud~e af the C.ouncil~~ wishes. Councilm~n Conrad moved~ and it was secanded by Councilman Dammann tha~ the P;Iayor and Clerk be authori~ed to sign ~he a~ree- men~ ar lease vJith th~ Capi~,ol Company. The reor~ani~ation of the ~'ire Dept. was discussed and ~,hey ~ were ta have a rep~rt at th~ r?ovember ls't l~~eting. C..ounc~lman Clark mad~ a motion~ seconded by Counci~.man Conrad~ to accept the opta.on from J. iPd'. and Jessie M. Ruhl on a porta.on af Lot, 1Q7 of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra for drilling a, water w~7.7.. RE~OL~JTI~~' #2~4 R^SOLUTI~AT OF THE GTTY COUI`'r'2 L OF THE CITY OF AR~OYO GR.AI~TDE~ AUTHO~I~SPrG T~T~ ACC~'TAh?CE C~F A DE~ FR0~.2 AKIRA~ ~1I~?D ~-TASAK~ SARtT~~/ATARI AI`~ STORTE AP?D AYAT~~ ~ARUti'VATARI Ol`T T~'E GRAI~TD AV~. EKTIlITSIDN. On motion af Councilman Conrad~ secanded by Cauncilman Dammann the foregoin~; ?~esolution was adop'ted by rol~. ca11 as follows: AYES: Cauncilmen ','laiters, Dammann, C.lark and Conrad ~ ATOES: PTone ABS~`~T: Councilr~an ]7ixson. Councilman Dammann made a rlation~ seconded by Gouncilman Conrad to purchase a rear bumper for the new Ford Pickup. Mota.on carried. It wa~ moved and secanded that the checks be returned to A.J• Diani and Va~11ey Pavir~ ard ronstructian Co. ~~nd 'they be ~thanked for submit'~ing bids. I~~otion c~rried. ;trr. McCoy was instructed to check th~ bridges and see if wire ne'ttin~ was needed an them. ~ir. J• ~'1• T~y1or ? s request f'or a water meter was discussed and a motion vras made by Councilman ~onrad, seconded by ~ouncilman Dammann, ~,o include those parties askin~ to be annexed to the City it beir~ done in the li~ht of their coming into the City. Counc~lman Conrad was ~sked to get a copy or copies of the County Subdivision ~rd3.nance. Gouncilr:lan Dammann vras asked to 'talk ~.o ~.^r. Mathews about T ~ vvage~, etc., for janit,ar anc~ ni~htman in the new City Ha11. 11 S 2~ ~ It was moved by Counci.lman Gonrad? seconded by Gouncilman Darunann ~o put a~1 new plaster in the City Hall buildin~. A'atian carri~c~. rJlr. Har~is discussed Proposition ,~1~ and recornrnended the Counci~ oppose the measure. A motion was made by Cauncilman Conrad, secanded by Councilm~n Dammann, that the City C.ouncil oppose the passa~e af F3allot Proposal #1 on the g;raunds that it would deprive the C~.ty of Revenue and add more taxes to the avera~e property own~r. T~ztif.mvn carried. It2r. Harris said he v~ould not be able to attend the r~ovember ~.st meetin~ as h~ vvould be out of town. Bills aga~nst the General Fund for $1~138.80, ard the t^Utater Fund for ~97.50~ vrere audited approved and ord~r~d paid. l~ro further business appear~.n~ ~nd upon mota.on the meetir~ wa~ ad j ourne~. ATTT+' T City Clerk ~ Rt yor - 0 - Arroyo Grande~ Cal~f. oc~aber 2~, 1g~0 A~pecial I~~~~ting wa~ called for the purpose of authorizi.ng ~the callin~ of bids for iis~illin~ a new water v~e11. Mayor ~'aiters presid~d and Councilman Pixson, C1ark, Conrad and Dammann were pres~nt.. After loakin~ over the specif~catians prepared by Mr. York Peterson~ a motion v~ras made by C"cuncilman Dammann~ seconded by Councilman C"onrad that a no'~~ce callin~ for bi~s be publ~shed and the time f or epen~n~ ~,he bid.s be set f. or S~pve .'7 ~ 1q~0~ at 8.00 P.1!7. in ~he City uall. A~Zation carr~ed. rTo further busa.ness appearin~ the meeting was a journed. ~ ~,TTF~ST: City Clerk ~4ayor