Minutes 1950-10-24 ~.1 S ~ It was moved by Gouncilman Conrad~ seconded by Cauncilman Dar.~ann to put a~.l n~w pl~.s~er in the City Hall buildin~. Ii"otion carried. P~Zr. Har~is rliscussed Proposi~ion ##1~ and recommended the Council oppose the measure. A motion was made by CounciTman Conrad, seconded by C.ouncilman Dammann~ that the Ci~.y Council oppo~e ~he passage of flallot Propasal #1 on the ~raunds that it ~rould deprive the City of Revenue and add More taxes to th~ avera~e property awner. ~,7~tmon carried. ~Zr. Harria said he would not be able to attend the I~~ovember lst meetin~ as he would be out of town. ~3i11s against the Gen~ral Fund for ~1,138.80, ~nd th~ ~'~ater Fund f'or $9~.50~ were auc~a.ted ap~roved and ordered paid. P'a further business appearin~ ~nd u~on ma~tion th~ meetin~ was adjourne~. ATT~T~~ . ' _ City Clerk NI yor -0-- Arroyo Grande ~ Cal ~.f . Oc~aber 24~ ~~50 ~l Special PJ~eeting was called for t,he purpose af au~horizing the calling; of bids ~or iir~illin~ a new water well.. R~ayor Waiters presided and Councilman Dixson~ C1ark, C_onrad and Dammann w~re pres~nt. After loakin~ over the specifications prepared by Mr. York Petersan~ a mation u~ras made by (`cuncilman Dammann~ seconded by Councilman C'onrad that a no~,ice caZlin~ for bids be published anc~ the time for epen~.n~ ~,he bids be set f_or r?ove. '7~ 1950~ at 8.OQ P.r7. in the City Hall. A~zotion carried. rTo fur~.h~r business appearin~; the meeting was a jpurned. ~ ~ ~ , ~iT'S"EST: ~ . ("~ty C1erk ~2ayor