Minutes 1950-12-07 ~ .124 ~ Arroyo Grande ~ C alif orni a ~ ~t~t:;,. December 6, 195~ The City Couneil met at 6:30 P. M., with Mayor Waiters presiding. Councilmen Da,~~nann and Conrad reported present. Absent Councilman Claxk and Dixson. A motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Dac~nann~ tv ad3ourn the rneeting until December 7~ 1950 at 8:00 P.M.~ so the Council membe~s could attend the meeting of Channel Cities Division of League of California Cities~ to be held at Pismo Beaeh. Meeting ad~ourned. i f ' , , \ • ATT'EST t~'~ c~' C~,,C~ r , City Clerk or } -0- Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia - December 7, 195~ • • The City Cauncil met in an ad3ourned session, with Mayor Wai.ters presidi.ng. Upon roll call Council~en Dixson and Damman reported present. Councilman Conrad r came in later and Councilman Clark w~s absent. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved a~ read. Communications were raad and placed on file. ~ Mr. George Grieb and Carl Grieb were present and asked permi.ssion to hook ~1~~ the home, being buil~t for Carl Grieb to the sewer line, which ran through the ~c~~/~I ~ Grieb property. The matter was discussed and a motion was made by Councilman ~J Conrad, seconded by Councilman Dixson to a11oW the hook-up aecording to the Engineer's recommendation. Motion carried. . ~ Councilman Conrad made a motion, seconded by Councilman Daimnann, instructing ' Mr. Harris, the City Attorney, to write the Southern Counties Ga~ Co.,, and in- , form them that the City will dxop the matter of the Pacific Coast Right of ~iay, at this tirne. Motion carried. The Mayor brought up the sub~ect of Office equipment, the matter was dis- cussed and Councilman ~onrad reported it would probably be next fiscal. year be~ore equipment could be delivered, if it was orddred at this time, and the Clerk was instructed to write the Addressograph people and find if there had been a change in the price and also ask about delivery. . Ttie Chief of Police's recommendation for a raise in pa~y for the Night Officer~ was discussed and a motion was made by Councilman D~n,mann, seconded by Councilman Conrad to increase the amount from ~235.00 per month to ~250.00 retroactive to December l~ 1950• Councilman Waiters, Dananann and Conrad voted Aye and Councilman ~ t~ Dixson said he would not oppose, but preferred not to note Age. Street markings were discussed and Councilman Darnmann suggested that Mr. Mc Coy ch~ck on them,. atid Mayor Wai.ters said he wauld refer the matter to Council- , man Dixson. The Chief of Polices recommendation, for parking meters was discussed and Councilman Dammann made a motion~ seconded by ~ouncilman ~onrad to refer the matter to the Planning Comm~~5ion. Councilman Dixson opposed the matter and Mayor Waiters then asked Councilman Dinson and Dammann to check into the Parking Meter situation. A contract, which Mr. Harris had prepared for a man to answer Fire and Police calls at night and also do Janitor work was read and discussed, howener~ Mr. Harris said he did not think it necessary to have a contract or agreement, since Mr. Buchanan had heard the terms as set up by the Council. A motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by ~ouncilman Dammann, that Mr. Buchanan be appointed to serve at the pleasure of the Council from December 16, 1950 at 6:OOP.M. The . hours to be from 6:00 P.M. to 8:OOA.M. and on Saturdays from Lt:00 P.M. to llonda~ at 8:00 A. M., also work through on all holidays, the amount to be ~370.00 per ~ month and in c ase some one was hired to releive him the City would pay them and the araount be dedueted from his ~370.00 per momth. Upon rollcall vote Councilman Waiters~ Conrad and Dammann voted Aye, Councilman Dixson did not vote• Mayor ~aiters asked Councilman Dixson to check ~aith Councilman Clark on ~Tater and Streets and report at the ne~rt meeting. Councilman Dixson said he would like to have a gauge for the i~ater~ instqlled at the City Ha11. Councilman Dixson reported that the Scouts were to use the building at the Citg Park, which had been occupied by the Forestry. Their occupancy to be at the Pleasure of the City Council and they be charged ~2.00 per month for Water. It was aleo agreed the Council wauld be in favor of allawing the Recreation to have use of space at the City Park. The Women's Clubs request for a site was di~cussed and a ~ portion designated, by the Council , be offered for sale and the City to Cooperate and reserve the right to re~ect any or allbids. _ It was reported the County would pay ~35.~ per momth, for use of the rooms for the Justice ~ourt, for the balance of the fiscal yeax. Councilman Dammann made a ~aotion, seconded by Councilman Conrad, to accept the $35.00 per month and check with the County Clerk on the aunount after the fiscal vear. Upon rollc~ll Councilman Conrad and Damanann voted Aye, Councilman Dixson said alright. IDt was reported the Planning Commission had voted to recomment to the Council that the Ditmore, Woods and Weaver property be annexed to the City. Mr. Harris agre~d to have the notices for the hearings prepared for the next meeting. , Mr. Mc Coy was instructed to p~.ace orders for Water Meters and pipe fittings r~ 126 ~ as needed. It was agreed to get Mr. Turney to repair the Clock, at the City Wells~ for turning the pumps on and off. Bills against the General Fund for $2,583.6lt ~ the water F'und for ~2 000.6 the Water Deposit F~uid for 36•~ and the Capital Outlay Fund for ~6~0t)0.00, were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business apgearing and upon motion the meeting ad~ourned. ATTEST: (~~L~~ - City Clerk ~&Y°~' ~ 'V -0- December 15~ 1950 An informal meeting Was held, to discuss Chaxges to be made for hook-ups to the City~sewers and Mayor Waiters presid~d~. Present w~re Council~an Dammann, Dixson and Clark. Absent Councilrnan Conrad. There was a lengthy discus~i~n~ but no definite action was taken. Meeting ad3ourned. ' ; , ` ~ C~c;~%~ ATTEST~~ir . /~I :`L" ~ ~.f.~:~.v~-E, - CitY ~~erk ` ~ Mayor `y -A-