Minutes 1951-02-21 ~~V r.~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. ~ February 21~ 1951 The Cit;~ Council met in regular session with Mayor Waiters presiding. and Upon roll ca11 Councilmen Claxk~ Dixson,~Dammann reported present. The minutes of the previous regular and snecial meetings were read and ~pproved as read. It was moved and seconded that tY:e resignation of Joseph L. Cooper, Sr. be accepted. Motion caxried. Wm. Stonesifer, Chief of Police, introduced i~ir. C?:as. R. Cooper to the Council, and a motion was made by Councilman Dammarin, seconded by Councilman Conrad, -t'r:at Charles R. Cooper be hired as police officer to serve at ~he pleasure of the Council, and that the salary of the two officers under the Chief of Police be ~27K.00 per month hereafter. Motion carried. John Baxter, Mr. Irey and =vir • Stl?T'sE9S were present to ask about water for their houses Taest of A1der St. Councilman Cla.rk agreed to see Mr. York Peterson, City Enoineer, about the size of the pipeline ar_d they might then proceed with the pipeline accordin~ t.o the En~ineer's ~nstructions. Also~ Mr. Baxter was to give an easement ="or the pi line. i~.r. Deal, Auditor, and Councilman Conrad made a report on the budget and a finan cial report, ~~d explained the bookkeeping system. RES~LUTION N0. 2~~ A PWSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUPdCIL OF THE CITY OF AR.FOY~ GRAI~TDE, AUTFiQR- IZING :~CCEPTr1T?CE ~F' DEED TG REAL ESTATE Ai,:D THE IS: U4IQCE OF A WARR1~tT FOR PAY~r:LI~?T OF Sf~i~~ . ~ G71 metion of Counci~man Clark, seconded by Councilman Da~rnann, and on the following ro11 call vote, the above Resolution was passed: AYES: Councilman +~tiTaiters, Clark~ Dixson~ Conrad and Da*nmann NOES: None ,ABSEi~?T: None. The following t,ransfer of funds was aparoved by the Cour_cil~ Vcucher ,~1 from ~^Jater Fund to Gener~:1 Fund - P871~.1;6 Voucher. #2 zrom Traffic Saiety Ftiincl to General Fund -~$l.~,998•~9 Voucher #3 from T~iotor Vehicle "In 7:ieu" Fund to General Fund -~3,355.17. Councilman ~ixson asked about having the plaque ~ent in to have his na..me corrected, a.nd Councilman Conrad suggested the matter be taken care of, A motion ~aaG made by Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman nammann to raise the pay of J. Q. Hummel "~25.00 per month. i:otion caxried. Bills a~ainet ~the General Fund for ~1~37~,.10, +,he U7ater Fund for ~1~597•5~~ were audited, approved and order paid. I' No further business appearing the meeting w adj . ~ ^ ~l ATTLST: Cit Clerk Pi or