Minutes 1951-05-02 ~47 ArrO~o Gr~:.rlde, C:~l:i~'orr:~.?. i~~ay 2, 1951 . , The City Council :~et in regular session, ~aiti ~:a,ror ~~ua.1ters presici-~ng. , ' m n Di..son arid ~zrr~-~~nn re orted nresent. Co~ancil.~nen Upon roll c~.ll Col ncil e p , Cl~.r~: a.nd Conra.d repc-r+ed later. The minuties of the previous re~ula,r :neeting taere r~a.d and a~~:,ro~red ~.s re~d. A letter from Dr. H. 0. Sw~rtout w~.s read and he ~lso ~pp~a.red to request t,h~.t ~ction be t~.ken on the reloc~.tic;n of the His_;hw~.y, ~s soon ~s possible; so they could rn~,ke any ch~n,~~es necesa~ry soon as possible. It w~.s su~~;ested that a copy of the letter be sent to the Pl~nning ~ornmis:-ion for thPir recommend~tion. An ~.p~lic~tion fro::~ ~rthur ~J. ~^Ti~~;ins, ~'or a. position on thA police force ?aas read ~.nd a riation T~~a.s rn~de by Councilrn~n ~amn~ann, seconded. by CoUncilman Dir.son, to hire l;r. ti'.Tir;~ins until sv.ch tiiae as :~r. ~~illia.ms is i~ac?c or. the jjob. I~iotion c~.rried. Councilrnan D:~zna~..nn said he t~ad hea.rd repcrts tha.t -the City compromised the Dales~i C~se. He sa_id the Cit~,r h~d not:~ing to do Vrith i-t, ~uh~t the ~istrict Attorney reiu~ed +o prosecute or. ~rounds of insufficient e~ridence. 1'he FiNe Siren, ~frhi_cb had L~en sent on tri~l, za~s not satisfa.ctory End the C1;:rk was ~sl~ed to h~zr~ the sir~n returned and ~ letter writter.. The letter from H,=?.rt~orct Accident and Indemnity Company ~hT~s re~d ~.nd ordered filed. The letter frora the Skeet and P~ifle Club w~.s r~fer:~ed to th~ Chief of Yolice, for his recom~nd~±ions. It was decid.ed to t~ra.it until CoL~ncilrn~n Conr~.d had cont~~.cted 1~ir. tiJhite before m~.king the ~.ppointment of Pour.d :iaster. It t~~s ~.gr:,ed to check T~rith r1r. Peterson, City ~ngineer, on the : treet ~.nd drain?` e around t:he ne?a ~ii~;h Schocl ~nd r~'~er tre m~+ter to the P'l~.nnir.~ commissi~n. Co~ncilman Dixson a.r_.;r~ed to check the ~a.nford Gr~V~l pit, before ~ettin~ any more gr=~ve1, ~s there ~,r~,s sorr,e t~.lk o~' it underr:iining thc. rc~di~T~y~. i~ir. T~'Ic Coy w~s as}sed to ~~et 2 more esti:na.t~s on the }~ump house, .f.or the i~1ew Urell ~nd it w~s decided to h~v~ the ~?.~ctY'ic:ity shut o:'f until the Vrell w?s hooked up readi to use. It w_~s r~ov~d ~nd seconded to ?arite the ~.H Club ~ 1Ptter, ~.bout ~ project to put up str~~e;t si~ns t~lling then: LF1e Cot~ncil t,rov_ld b~ in f^vor of such proj~ct. The Clerk z•T~s ~.sl;ed }ho ti~~Trite the Plannin~- Corr~:~ission ';,hat the Council ~caould lik~; to me~t vrith the Co~n~nis~ ior_ at their -reF;ular meeting. 1~8 ~ ~ A motion w~s m~de by ~ouncilman Clark, seconded by Ccuncilm~n Dixson, to deny the Da,les°i Claim ~nd the Clerk instructPd to write ~ letter informing therr. ef the denial. The Clerk was ~7.so ~,sked to ~mite ~ir. ~~hi_te, asking if his truck wa.s re~.dy for a.pprov~.l; so the G~.rb~.ge Contr~ct could be signed. A motion ti,ra.s rriade by Councilman llixson, seconded by Councilman Damm~nn to allow I~Tr. Harris to le~ve the State for 3~ days. Councilm~n Di~son ~s~~ed if t,he City wished to sell the b~rrel of floor sweep, which w~s not being used, he said he thou~ht the Post Uffice might be willing to buy it. Bi11s ag~inst the Gener~.l F`und for ~2,~6~..96 , the %~~ter Fund for ~5,1~72.61 and the Water Deposit fund for ~28.00, were audited, ~.pproved ~nd ordered paid. No further business a,p?~earin~ ~nd upcn motion the meeting z~r:a adjourned. P~ia.yor , ~ City `lerk ~