Minutes 1951-05-23 ~ ~ ~b I~rro~ro Gr~n~~e, Calif. ~i~~y 23, )_951 Aci_journ~d I:~e ting :;f' th~ Counci7_ ~nd the Pol1oT•~ r;~ council tn~rlb~rs pr~sent, ?'~a~Tor ?~J~itArs, Cou_ncilmen `~i.V~or_, ~i?~^k D~. ~~:~?~n. Pl~r~~ing Commis4ion ~:.r~~~~:r,ers ~res~:nt, ~,Tere ~risco, ~~ever~~ux, =~r.-~tt, ~ha~'~'~r =~r_d LaorLis. T_ir, L. J. L. Peterson, Aistr~ ct ~n~;inPer for the Division of Highw~ys talk~d OZrEY' ~I1~"~:iT.ti~~r p1~17?S ~.Y1Ci "?'lS?~TE'lE'C3 SOI;e Of +,i?~° C~1:iG'St,1C~11S {';Oi7t UE'Y'G()Y15 ~1°~~CI1't ~,nd ~so frorn. Cot:ncil ~.~d Cor.~mis~icn r~l~rli>ers prc:sant. A.fter ':~r. ~eterson l~~t the ~onin~ Ordin:~r~ce w,~,s discustied ~_n refe~~enye to ~pplic~tions f~~r v.~si-~rice ~.nu rezoning an~ +he Pla~ning ~om~nissions reco:~rrn~nd~tions ~s of Octo~~r 25, 191+9 ~o ~.~:end tne Grdin~nce. T,le r~i~_tter h~d b~en referred to ~°!r. H~.rris ~nd no action taken, Tt ~,r?s a.gr:~ed to check ~~_tli :~r. Harris, o~: his return. A?o furth~r business ~ppea.ring ^.r_d upon r:otion t~: ~ec:tin~; w~s adjoL.~n~d. , ~ i ~ '~Y( ~R ~a' L%~~ I I - / , , , AITEST ~ ~ City Clerk I