Minutes 1951-06-20 i, 154 ~ ~~.~W , ~ ~ . ~ rc~-c~ ~:~r ~~nde; _ ~lif orri~. ~',-rP l'?,;1 . , ~e ~_i~TT c;rpctl r~~~t tr, t~~~.~° ~~~:;~ic,n -:Titr. ';~it :rs r~~~,r_i_ ~ . o,, . LJi?G21 i0~~ C .~i0'.'11C11:'~2~'.Y~ ~_il ?_Y'~f~ .~?~;i ~."1~ ~i01^ii'.^C~ Y'E'OCi L`,";~'~ 7?Y',` =~Y)t. Ci01??1C1~- ~.nn Di:.~so~~ I~~ ~ ~1,~~~r. r q . . r,~~ . "111111~a~;:. C~_ ; i16' 1~1-: T1~'-1.7S ii1C',~1.121~=' I'`~'.:?C~ C~' ^.1:>~"T'O~TC'.Ca :1S T"',c~C~.? Co. ?,n _ c=.t.icn~ ~,r~r~; r,:;:^ ~nd :~~il~::d. il]G ~1C~S U:' l_)~F r011U"~-r"]~.'?1~1~rG InSUT"'7?C`~ "v."'.Y"' ':7 ^I~CI ~1SCUSSC,'C~ ~7'' 1,1r~LlU1~ Z-T^5 ll:'E? C?~% VO~l1C;~ _~~~.1°i1 ~-'O?2i''n~ .°.~?CO?7ClE.'~ vOU72C1~.°;1~.T1 ~i"LIl~Y1T1 ~O '~?T~; Z.U r1-;~T Y:'_.~1C7r;Y' i_;Ut O?`1 t'n,!° ~i'?Y't,~'~.;i C~ Y?C!~ 7_C~T .~Tr7 i GY'C~' ~"1~C~. ~,<3ti 7JY'7iCi.°S O?1 ~~~i; vO~~ii~i.~..,r~„r;r1~S11TG Y?C11CZT '~'Y'O?~'1 r+. Z"'~ "nl_.".. .~iC~f"~_CiY1 C~lY'12C~• ~ ii,~^ Yolic~~T c~r ~.r~F: fle~t discus~ed. ~nd :~otic,z~ ~Jas ~,~~de by Covncil- , . , ,'1~t1 ~ ir1C:',?71i:,, E','^O',1r''~(~. C~~r ~'O li]C1~ Y' l~`.;7.1 "'C tG 'YLa.~T.- ' ~ i t~'l~.'t O^ 't,~:F' ~0~1C` ?:Q':1' l."; "":~Y'Ct,° Y!T~C~ '.1i 7.'7'1_C35 .~Y'G'_ O~:}~c~r Ty1~1J.2' .~-C~ v :ia o' _ ~ . O, alt...t;s t~,`yr Thf; E.eti7lc, ir~ July . ~ 1'h~ i~ill f'rom L. =i. ~r co, 's,~~~~ ~~,'~1 --~oric or_ Gz~~"rd ~r~nue zFr~~s di.~ c1 =~s ~d , . , , , „r~~ , ~ ~ ntop~.~ ~1C~ ~ ,~~7_C,`~ ?ri~ v 1i'_.v1 _ t ~C~~ Fc)•,~,.i;~~Cl .;;~7 C~ i7C'111~1~.17 ~ 'S._'!~.Tl r J ~~ie; ~~i11. Pcr `,.'~{t,1"~ TJJiiY'~.• iy0~l~'Y~ ~,..i T'1_:,'C~.• lt T_.~ r.l_so ~~;r::;>d b~v Li~.~: Co~rcil to inlorr. _:r. r~i,~:-r~orl, th~ ~n~inE:~r~ tr~<=~t U,-~r~ 2~t~^,- rl~ ti-ra_s to be _:oz~e ri^.~ '~e c~,..~u1t ~rit~. t'ri~ ~oun ; ? ~ c 1 _nd ~..~so Lt'. Z,r:°i.S Tfif? T?C`,!.1C;~T Gf' t.' .:iC)._I1C1~ ~ ttil ~:"_'.~CIi ltt'T'c:S i,~ 1:1~` ,_~?.C:~: 'f7C;T'~ t0 ~J:'. 't;Y'OU~;rl't i)c, : :~i ~ 1-:': ~.i(~~ 7i.'.11 • Couricilr°~::~n ~ rm :~rr? ~n~,~~~ ~:1:;ti; n ~c sct. tY~~ t~ of t~e Ch.i~f of Pol:icc ~ ~t `r'~~~;;.~~0 y~er ricrt,h ~.~c, ro]_i.~~~ C . ;rC~j:.U~). ~t~'r r~ ,,1,- ~isct!s~~io« ""_s r,;_ ~v~•~ ~r~tl~:dr~,T~n^:; Cotncilr~_~~~ Cor.r~.d. st?~ csted he tn cs~=~t ~::st to ~~~c ov{~r ^.11_ ti,~ ~~l~r~_~.-d. Councilma_,n ~iark s^id. h~ h~.d noti h-^d. ti t~ ~;o ~~r~r_ T,hc 'v~7.~.-t~r bud =~et .~.nd st~~; F~s-ted tr~J ~r<<: ~t : ~:~~:ti"7~t: to ~-ro o?rer tti,c~ bud`;nt. It T;~.s clecic~d to m~;~t ~,~turd~Y, Jun~ 23yrr',, ~.t 1:00 P._ t~ over tbu 'oudp~~~. - ~ J. Schn;;rde~, form~r Cittr~C uncilr~i.an r~rot~st~~~d ~u.-l;~`in~- ' inch lin~ . ~ _ - _ r 4 tc t~risco J'r~ct ~.r_d. st~.ted t'~.~t Gr~ ver C~_+~ '~~d to bond to ~~at ir~ ?rat,~;r system ^~.Cl t~'Li';lf, ~Y'1~C0 C>7' ~:i~° 4i^OY;lE 1?i T'.F; ~l't','.Ct S1"iCl'ZC~- i OY' i:~?:'. ~1T:E9• 1~7~ ~;i~. _'.7.'ii ZnT?S ..5~;.',(~ t'i0 C~l~_ .i_I'. j"'.;fEY'.:GYI .'iI~C~ ~'lJ_:? t.0 F~ r.s~nt ~t th~ meetimg, Sat,.,r~3~.~ -~o w~rY on ~'r~~ ~.~Z:~;;.,~~:ti. 1~~;Si;Lt~`i'I~i:` 2~0 A;-tr;S~~I .,`1'i+. u~ 'l~i:~ C1iY Ci_.~gCJ=L ~~L; Ci G_ !'~tC;Yi_ G. DE _'H:'iT _ . , , _ ~!1_~ liL:_,~~__ ~!'Sic~ ~'tJ:~~.;C1.~L'i.~ _l~ Y'l•`vl _~l il~~ l-~ l~' ~l ~..~._~`T 1~,! u_~ ~ilwi:L'~1) LJ 'f ~ ._~tiL..;~D lI~ _ _C~; ~X=i: 1. - 'r_.i;P~.~TY t~T~~'~~~.5 . ~ , ..1L ~c~;..~~c ~ ~;Et -;c~ ~ 39• On rac-tien by Council~n~.n Dixson, ~econd~d by Colmcil_-nan ~o~}rad the fore- going nesolution ~-~.s ~.dopted by th~; follo~rin~ roll c~.11 vot~;: AYr"',S: CounciLaen YJait~rs, Cl~rk, Dixson, ~%,~~.ann -~.r.d CenrF.d. U'~S : i~: r3ne ^ti~S~'i~TT : .~i one It w?s ~~reed. that St=:neiy Gr~ib b~ ch~xg~~d ~1.50 ~-~r ?aonth on his seT~r~r servic~. i{lr. H~.rris di.scuss~~d Str~~t Improvem~nts ti~T~,ere Improver~ent Distri_rts ~.re ~ ~ formed and $onds sold. A motion Ur~.s Ir1~.dC ba~ ~o ncilman '~ixson~ seconded by _ Co, ncli~an Conr~d to .r ~f_~r t~ ~~~t~ r tc the City Pl~.-rr in,; Coir~::iission ~nd ~.sk them ' to~ work out a. pl~n or T.ah~t ,str,^ets t~~ere to surf~ced ~ncl t~Jr_at i.rnprov~n~er.ts were needed. NIr. ~~~~rris s~id_ it would not be necessary to a~ne~nd th~: Zoning Ordin~ne~ in re~ ~rd to a:;~lU.OC filing feF: for vari~nce or ch~n~~e ~_n Zoning. H~ saa.d a rvle could. b~ ~.do~~ted ~'or a~10.~~0 ~'i1~nF- fee. ~,lso o~~ ~.bser.c~ oi a ra~i~ib~r of the pl~nning coirnnission frorn ~t meetir.gs, the P1~ ~~ing Com~ ission couJd adopt a rule for th~t ~1.: o. iir. Deal a.sked the Attorn=~y ~bout doing p~ rt of +he tin~ork of the Treasurer and he saic~ it would. be 0. K. as a.t th~ pr~s:nt time th~re ira~.s too r~uch dLplication. Council.msn ~'onr~d repcrted he h~c. n t been ~bl~ to t~lk iurther Traith Mr. S~nJhite ~.bout th : Dog Ordinance or Pol~nc~.~n~.ster position. The resign~tion of S. ~4'J. ?]enison fro~n the City Pl~nning ConL~~ieBion T~ras ' announced ~nd rr~otion was m~de by Councilman clark, con;~e~ by Councilman Conrad to ~ccept the resi~n~tion. H~.rry H^.rt asked to tak~ r~i~ +wo t~reeks v~c~ticn startin~ July 1, and the week left over from l~st ye~.r anci 2 extra weeks, z~rith~l?.t p~.y, th~ Council ~.gre~d to gr~.nt h.is reauest. l~ir. Harris asked to h:ve thA Clerk authorized to e°~ect~t~ Z~Jarr~nts to Ton~ Azeve~o a.rd ~d.T~~~~~~ D~les~~i for fefund of bail pt~t ?ap Decernber 1950~ ~.nd on -~aoti~n r~ade ~r~d seconded_ th~ Cl~rk ~~as ~.uthori_zed to execute the T~-,.rr~nts. , Bill s a~=ain~t the C~~ne:r~1 Fund for 1,1~18.?0 and t'ri~; G~~t~>r Fund ' for 97•50 .~?ere a,udit~d, a.p?_;roveci and orcl.~red p~id. I IVc further businesU 3pr~earir~n ~nd. on :noticn the meeting w~.s ~djourned , i to S.~turd Qy, June ~3, 1y51 a.t 1:00 P. ~1 ' ~ ~ I~Ta.yor v ~ City ler