Minutes 1951-07-11 ' Af~er thm re~ding of the letter ~nd agreernent z motion w~.s m~de by Ccuncil.~~n { ~ Dixson, seconded by Councilm~z Damma.r.n to a.ccept the a.gre~mcnt as madc b~ i~ir. { , 1 Peterson and 1`lr. Brisco zfter a.rnrov~l by the Cit3T ~ttorney. The Clerk TrJ~.S inst- ~ 1 i ruc+ed to enter both the letter :~~3 abreemtnnt in the minutes. { g motion ~*~.s made b~T ~ounciljma.n Diar~on, seconded by Co;~lcilanan Conrad ; i ' a.uthorizing i'ir. Peterson to prepare pl~.ns and specific~tions for the lay~::ng of the ' new tiaate r line . ' ~ motion was m~de by ~ot~c~]rian ~~-~!ann, seconded by Cot,ncilman ~onrad tc hav~ P~1r. Peterson m~.ke a skecth fcr the type of guard rail he w~uld recommend for Gr.~nd Avenue. Bil~.s a,gainst the Gencr~.l Fund for ~ 7,6b6.18 the W~~ter Fund for 6,1~83.17 and t~.e i-later Deposit Fund ior ~ 20.00 were au~ited, approved ~nd ordered p~id. It was decided to have a specia.l M^~ting on Wedne~~~.y J~aly 11, 1~51 to m:,et with Cit~* employees and discuss ~ne placino of personn~l and also work on the budget. ` ~ No iurther business a.ppe~..ring a.nd upon ~oticn the meeting was adjourned. ~ ' Ma.yor , , City lerk ~ ' -0- ' Arroyo Gr~nde, Californi~ ' July 11, 1951 The City Council met in Special session to rearrange the City Employ~;~s ; ~ and discuss the Personn~l. T~Iayor ~daters presided and present tr~re Councilrner. ~ ~ Dixwon and Damna.nn. Councilman ~lark ~.rrived lzter znd Councilma.n Conrad was ~ 1 absent, ~ ~ ~ i After discussion on Str~~ets and 1r~~ter, a motion ztiT~.s ma.de b3T Councilma,n j ~ ~lark~ seco:ded by Co~ncilm~n ~ixson to pl~ce :°Ir. Me Coy S~perintendent uver~both ~ ~ TrJ.~.ter and Streets, +o ~zork nnd~~ th- Engin~zr's su~rvision ~nd Y• Edmands ~ fore~a.n ~r 1_~~.der on the Streets with '_'-Zr. Richey on stre~ts a.nd H~rry Ha.rt fore- mwn on the WJ,~t~r Department with J. 0. .Iumc;ie3 as h~lper. :'let~_on carried. A motie:~ ~r~s m~de by Co~mcilman Clark, secor.ded by Councilrlan Dixson to aa~nend the s~l~.ry scale to read, tY:e pay cf iore:~en be set a.t ~285.00 per month instead of ~275.00 per .no~7th. There w~re d.iscussions on different phases of the work ~nd a.t w~.s hoped to accomplish mcr~ under this arran~;~r~ent and ir~ czse of emer~;encies the men could help out on either r~:~,p~{~ent. . : w..~.. 160 , ~ No fvrther husiness appearing a.nd upon moti,n thQ m eting was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ M.4y~or . City Clerk -a Arroyo Cxrande~ ~aliforniA Jnly 1~, 1951 The City Ccuncil, met in ragul.ar seasion vith Mayor Wai~ter~ preeidin~. Present upon roll call~.v~ere ~ouneilmen Dixson s~ad D~aann. Sbsent Couaci]aa~ Clrirk and Conrad. ` ' The m~inutes of the pre~ious regu]~r and special meetinga ~ere read and ~rPproved as read. Colliaion Insurance on the Jeep xas discussed and a motion was ffiade by Councilman Darmna~~ Secoadsd by Conncilman Di~on to put ~1000 Collision vn the Jeep. Motion carried. Councilman D3xson reported the ~urbs and Sidexalks ~ere in at the hall ~ud he would like to turn the finiah of the yard over to Nlr. ~c Coy. Patching of streets vas discussed said ~r. Mc ~oy waa suthorized to hav+e ~naterial hauled for road mix and also to se~ if it would be possiblm to get a good used loader and find out What one xrould cost. Mr. Aarris read a copy of an agreement on the xater to the Briaco Tract and said he wauld hsve it p~epared for the next meeting. . Amending of the Buainess License Ordinsnce xaa diacuased and a~~a11 Councia members were not present~ vexy little could be done and Mr. Harris ~a3d he would be gla.d to meet with the Council at A special meeting to xork on it aPter the first xeek in August. Billa agra.inst the General Fund Yor ~1,1t85.80 and the ~Tatyer ~d fvr ~ 112.50 , were audited, approved and ordered pa3.d. There being no further business appear3.ng and upon mot3.on the meetir~ was ad~ o nrned. - , Mayor , ?TTEST: ~ ` City Cleack