Minutes 1951-08-01 ' ' , ~ Arroy~o Graasde, California 3 August 1~ 1951 ; , ; j , , The City Council met in rt~gular aesston, irith Ms4yor ~Ta3ters presiding. Upon ~ o ~ roll call Couneilmau Diason, ~uarnsnn and Conrad reported present. Couneilman ; j . . . ~ Clark arriv~ed later. Ths mi.riutes of the previous regular nieeting w~ere read and spprov~ed as read. ~ The report ~ro~s Police Chief Stonesifer and Judge Fldridge Were read snd reported to be in order. > A letter xas read fram York Peterson~ City ~ngineer~ recommending Street ' repaire an~d purchase of pipe a¢~d earulsified asphalt apreader and installation of !t inch water line on San I,uis Road. ' A m~mber of property oirners were preaeat from Alpine, Poole and Whiteley Streets, with petitions to hav~e something done about the Streets and after hearing their petitions, a motion was made by Councilman ~onrad, seconded bg ' Couneilman Dixsan to refer the matter to the City Engineer for his reconsaendatio~. . Bids on a ne~r dump truck were opened from Maury Brersnan, Arland Chevrolet Co~ i Garret~ Motors and Standard Motors u~d E i ment Co. a3id a motion was made b ' ~P Y ~ Conrad, seeonded by Damnann to take the bids under advisement and Mr. Mc Coy Was ; ask tc cheek the different bids ~rith the speeifications. ~ ~ ~ Mqyor Watters recommended that L. A. Briseo and Claude Devereaua be re sppointed 1 to serv~s on the City Planning ~omnission and that Ben Conrad be appoiated to fill ~ the vacancy caused by.the aeaignation of Mr.~Denison. Covncilma~ Dam~ann ~ad~ s;. motiom~ seconded by ~ouncilman Conrad that the recommendation of Mayor Waitera i ba approved. i ~ R~:SOLUTION ~ 251 j 1 RESOLUTIOId OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYQ GRANDS TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE GRAI~S 1'~ CURBS AND GUTTERS IN WESZERN ADDITION, AS P~PARED BY MR. YORK PETERSON, CI3'Y ENGIl~EE&. Passed and adopted by the fol'_o~ing roll c all vote. • AYES: Councilmen Waiters, Dixson, Da~runann and Conrad ~ NO~S: None ABSENT Councilman Clark 3 It xaa recommended that the City Engineer be asked t,o check on the Devereaux Corner. . RESOLUTI~N # 252 BE IT RESOLVED: THAT THOSE PERSOATS WHO HOOK ONTO THAT PqR3'IC~T OF THE LINE TO B$ CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN TF~ P~SENT GRAND AVENUE NUIN O~t ANY REPLACffi~IENT THEREOF AND THE PRESENTLY E%ISTIATG LINL ALONG TH$ BftISCO ROAD SHALL AT THE TIME THEREOF BE REQUIRED TO REIMBURSE TI~ CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE FOR THE FRf)Pfl~RTI~TATE COST OF THE LINE. On motion of Coeinai~man Conrad, seconded by Councilxnan Clark the foregoing R.esolution w~s a~dopted by the folloWing roll call votet . _ ~ ~r~. 162 t ~ AYF15s COUNCIIMAN Clark, Waiters, Di~on~ Da~uaann and Conrad. C~; NO~BS t No~ ABSENT: None Mr. Harriss City Attorney agreed to rewrite the agree~aent bstvaen the City and L. A. Briscc snd msil the agreeinent do~n. - It was sigreed that Mr. Mc Coy go ahead and hire men and equipment to get the necessary Street patching and maintenance done before ~inter comes. The Budget report xas to be ready for spproval,,,at the aazt regular , Council meeting. Purchase of "No Parking Signs" for the area by the High school ~sre diacussed and the Clerk was instructed to t~rite the Division of Hight~aya to get their approval also the Clerk Was asked to order 2--"Stop for Pedestrisn" signs. ChieF of Police Stonesifer said he xd~ahed to send ~'fi~er .Av+er~ to U.C.L.L. for a training course August 20 to 31st and s motion Ws~s made by Council- xi~s~ DaiarnAnn, seconded by Co~_neilman Conrad to send Officer Av~ery to ssehool a~t City Sxpensm. Motion carried. . xESOLU~ox # 253 A RESOLUTICiN OF Tf~ CITY COUNCIL TO CANCEL WARRANTS WRITTEN ~ND PASSED JUNE 5, 1951 AND L4ST IN TRANSIT FRQM THE CLEARIATG HOUSE BACg TQ THE L~CAL BANg. Water F~rid Warraats w~ere as follc~r~ s #169--Joh~s-Manville Sa~les Corp. ~11.1~.01 #170--~• Carlisle and Co. 3T•27 #171--Bethlehem Supply Co, of Calif. 12.80 #1T3--Standard oil Co. of Calif. 13•13 On motion of Councinian Conrad~ seconded by Councilman DaYarn~ the foregoing resolution was a~dopted by the following roll call vote: A1~Ss Couneilman Waiters, Clark, Dixaon, D~nann and Conrad NOES: Norie ABSENT: None It Was agreed to hav~e Posts pu~ in for Guard rail on arand A~eaue. Mr. Harris said to have maps made up by City•Engineer for the hearing on rezoning. RESOLUTION # 25l~ BE IT RESOLVED: THAT FEES HE SET AS FOLLOWS, ON APPLICATIQN FOR VARIANCE, F~:~S TO BE ~10.00 and for AMENDi~NT Tf}. BE SET AT ~25.00 AND NO REFUNDS ON FF~ES. On motion of Councilman Conrad, seconded by ~ouncil~na,n Clark, the foregoing resolution was ~dopted by the f ollowing roll call votes A7~S: COUNCULMEN WAITERS~ Clark, Dixson~ and Conrad NC~S; None ' A&~NTt Counci]anan D~u~narnl . . y :f: ~ ~ ; ° ~lar. J. J. Schnyder said that George Greib ha~d reported that at times therd was very little pressure at the Cemetery so it vas impossible to run more th~n thret gprinklers at a time. Bills against the (~eneral Fund for ~2,1~27.18 , the Water Fund for ~ 90Q.1~7 ar~d the Water Deposit fund for $21. 0, srere audited~ approv~ed and ordered pa~.d• ~o~x~ai.~cxan eonrad made a motion to ad3ourn, seco~ded by Councilman Dixson and the znotion was later with drssm as Mr. Mc Coy asloed about ordering 1000 ft. of 1t i.~~h Transite pipe, as recomnended by the City Engineer. 2'here followed a disev.ss$an on the amount of pipe of different Siaea, which had been ord.ered and ' Councilms~n Clark asked why sufficient 8 inch pipe had not been ordered to ran doKn Va~.~sy ~oad and tie across to the Ne~e11~: Ccyuncilman Canrad made a motion that the Clerk be authorized to order pipe asked for by the City Engineer and that the City Engineer be instructed to give an estimate on the a~naunt of 8 in pipe needed to make the tie in on ' Vs~l].ey Road and across the Creek to the Ne~r Well. site. Thers was no se~ond ' on the motion. ~ ' • A motion ~ras then made by Conrad. to ad~ourn the meeting to ~ugust 7, at 8s00 P. M., seconded by CounciLnan Dixson. Motion carried. . M~~ . ATTE.ST: C yC r _0~ ; . ; Arroyo Grande~ California ~ Aug~t 7, 1951 ~ , - The City Council met in ap ad3ourned ineeting ~ith M~yor Waiters presidin~. ; , iTpoa roll ca11 Councilmen Dixson~ Daanmann and Conrad reported present. Absent ~ ~ Councilxnan Clark. It vas reported after checking the bids on trucks, that the bid from Standard MQtors and Equiponeat Co. for an International Truek wa~ deelared to be the lo~rest, and a moti~n xas made by ~ouncilman D~uatnar~n, seLond~d by Council~aan Dixaon ta order the International Truck. Motion carried. Mr. Harris read the agreement prepared for the line to Brisco Tract s~nd after'di~cu$sion a motion Was made by Councilman Dammann, seconded by Cc>uncilman Conrael to approve the agreement As prc~epa,red and approved as to legal form by Mr. Hsrris, the City Attorney. On roll call vote ss follo~s: .~YESa Councilmen Waiters, Conrad and Damrns~n ' NOES: Councilman Dixgon ~ffiEIdT: Councilman Clark