Minutes 1951-08-07 ~ri~ :T: ~ ~ ; ° ~r. J. J. Schnyder said that George Greib had reported that at times th~re wa$ very little pressuxe at fi.he Cemetery so it was impossible to run more ths~n threm sprinklers at a time. Bills against the General ~nd for $2,~.27.18 , the ~Tater Fund for ~~7 and the Water Deposit fund Yor $21. 0,~rere audited, approved and ordered paid. ~caur~a~man ~onrad made a~ motion to ad~ourn, seconded by Councilznan Dixaon ~nd the motion was later with drawn as Mr. Mc Coy asked about ordering 1000 ft. of L~ i~~h: ~'ransite pipe, as recomnended by the City Enginecr. There folle~red a diacv.ss~ on the amount of pipe of different sizee, which had been ordered ar~d Councilm~?n Clark asked why sufficient 8 inch pipe had not been ordered to run do~ Va7„lsy ftoad and tie across to the NewWell,: Councilman Canrad made a motion that the Clerk be authorized to order pipe aeked f'or by the City Engir~eer and that the ~ity Engineer be instructed to giv~e an estimate on the a~ount of 8 in pipe needed to make the tie in on Valley Road and across the Creek to the Nex Well site. There was no second on the motion. • ' • A motion ~ras then made by Conrad. to ad~ourn the m~eeting to August at 8s00 P. M., seconded by Councilman Dixson. Motion carried. . , AT7~ST: C yC r ~Qs , r Arroyo Grande, California i Aug~t 7, 1951 ; ; - The City Council met in a~ ad3ourned meeting ~rith M~yor Waiters presiding. . i tTpoa roll call Councilmen Dixson, Dam~mann and Conrad reported present. Absent Counc3l~an Clark. j . ~ Ft ~ras reported after checking the bids on trucks, that the bid f'x~om ~ Standard Motors and Equip~neat Co. for an International Truck was declared to be ~ the lo~r~st, and a moti~n xas made by Councilsrtan Danunann~ seLond~d by Cauncilaiar~ Dixson to order the International Truck. Motion carried. Mr. Harris read the agreement prepared for the line to Brisco Tract and After'd3scu,~sion a motion xas made by Councilman Daratnann, seconded by Counciliaan Conrstd. to approve the agreement sus ~epa.red and spproved as to le~al fozm by Mr. Hsrris, the City Attorney. On roll call vote ss Pollowss ~YES: Councilmen Waiters, Conrad and Dammasan NO~S: Councilman Dix~on ABSENT: Councilman Clark ~ 64 c~' . ~ ~ Changes in the Business license Ordin~ce were discussed~and Mr. Harris agreed to prepare the changes as outlined by the Council. some changes discussed aere Outside Contractors to be ~40.00 per'year and no licen8e to be issned to a contraetor unless they have s valid State Contraetora License. Wholess?le licenses to be ~5•00 oer ~ and Blacksmith and Welding shops to be ~5.~0 per ~~instaad oF ~fi.00. ~ A motion was made bg ~ouncilman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Dixson to send the Plaque back and have the change made in Mr. Dixsons na~e. Motian carried. ~ No further business appearing s~nd upan motion the ~meeting xas~~D~r•ned. ~ Mayor . ATTESTs City Clerk ' ~p~ ~rroyo Grands, California August 15~ 1951 The;Citg Council,met in regular ses~ion wit.h Mayor Wa3tera presiding. Upon roll call ~ounciLnen Dixeon and ~onrad reported present. Absent CounaiLnan 81ark and Cauncilman Da~nmann arrived later. The minutes of the previous regular and ad3ovrned mee ting were read and apnroved as read. Communications ~rere read and placed on fils. xrsoLU~toN ~ ~55 ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT3C OF ARROYO GRAM)E, THAT THE CITY CLEftK, BE AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO MAI~ AND FILE WITH T~ STATE CaNTROLLTR EACH YEAR THE APINUAL STREET REPC~tT REQt7IRED BY SECTICI~T 2151 OF THE STREFTS AND HIGH~TAY CODE OF THE ST1TE C1F CALIFORNIA, On motion of Cauncilman Dixson, seconded by Covncilman ~onrad the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the folloWing roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Di~on, Haiters, and Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen DamYnarm and Clark ` The caanmunication from Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Patterson was read and after . discussi~n, a motion Was made by Councilman Dixson~ seconded by Council~an Conrad to reduce the bill 1/3• The Clerk xas instructed to write Mrs. H. M. Peterson that no meters Kere