Minutes 1951-10-17 170 ~ ~ It was recommended that forms be sent in to make application for the ~ State money for Plans on the Water survey. ~ A motion was made by ~ouncilrnan Dixson, seconded by Cou~}cilman Purcell that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the consent for transfer of the Garbage Contract, when reac~y. Bills against the General Fund for ~ lt,581.71 and the Water Fund for ~ 7,80l~.51 were audited, approved and order~d paid. No further business appearing a.nd upon motion the meeting as adjourned. - . YOft . ATZ'EST: ' ~ , - - Clerk k ~O~ il II ~ /lrroyo Grande, california October 17, 1951 The City ~ouncil met in regu2ar session, with N"iayor Waiters presiding. Upon Roll Ca11 councilmen Purcell, ~arranann and ~onrad reported present. absent Councilman Dixson. The minu~ea of the pr~vious ~egular meeting were rea~? ar,d ap^roved as read. The communication from Division of Highways was read and filed. The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of September 26, were read and ordered filed. The mayor asked Mr. Iiarris if he had anything to report on the Water line installations cutside +-he City. He reported he did not expecf~ a reply from the League of California Cities, before the latter part of next week, but he had talked to :~?r. Brazil and reported Mr. Brazil was not in favor of any werk being done, while there exists a deficit in the Water Fund andthere were Streets in ne.d of repair, in the City. After a lengthy discussion on affairs of the Water Departa~ent, NIr. narris reported he felt the Cot:ncil retains the right to determine who shou~.d be st~pplied with water, whether.it be inside the City or out. A motion was tr.en :nade by Counci].*nan Purcell, that necessary notice calling fer bids be prepared and notice be nut in the paper October 26, 1951 and bids be opened November 7, 1951 at 8:00 P.I"., his :~otion was seconded by Councilman Conrad and all Couacil me.-~bers present voted Aye. Absent Councilman Dixson. The , Clerk was instructed to write t~r. Brazil that the City is calling for bids on i the laying of the Water line. Mr. Harris said on the Subdivision Grdinance, he had not received the = information on `'orner lots which iir. Peterson said he would send. P~r, Harris also asked the Council to go over the draft of City Liaenss Ordinance so it could be written up. Q ° 1~Ir. Sorensor. asked fcr a meeting place ior the Coast 2~Sineral Society and was told they could use the Old ~ity Hall, most likely, as it was not used several nights in the week. There was discussion in regard to cashing U. S. Government Bonds from the Water Fund to use in making survey for the water line, from the new well to Va11ey Road and for installation of lines. RESQLUTIO~T # 261 A RESOLUTION 4F THE CITY COL'NCIL Oi THE CI~Y OF ARROYO GR.ANDE . TG~ AUTHORIZE M. 0. PRUESS, CITY TREASURER, TQ CASH (1) ONE ~7~00.00 BOND QF ~ 10~000.00 iQATURITY VALUE TO BE PUT IN THE itATER FliND . - ~ On motion of ~ounc~lman Conrad~ seconded by Councilma.n Datrnr?ann, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote: ~ AY`~S: Councilmen Waiters, Purcell~ Dammann and Conrad Nf~ES t DI one ABSENTi Councilman Dixson - ~ motion by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Dammann to suthorize the Clerk to make application for ~1,OOd.00 ~onds cn i~Tr. Jack Buchanan and Cliff ard T. Odom, as Bail Bond ~lerks. Bills against the General ~'und for ~ 1,1~81.31~ , the Water Fund for the Water ~eposit Fund for, 16.00 ~ 535•3? ~ were audited agnroved and ordered 'paid. Mr. Harris asked if tr~ey wished to do away wlth the condemnation proceedings on the racific ~oast Right of Way ard the Council said to let the matter stand for another 6 moi~ths. ~ No further business appearing and. upon motion the me~::ting was ad~~urned. ATTEST:~_~:~ ~ - City lerk Mayor