Minutes 1951-11-21 ~ ~7~~ ~ , ~ ~ ll~rayn ar~a~, c~].ifornta ~ November 21, 1951 ~ ~ i R'he City ~auneil met in regular session with Mqyor Waitere preffiiding. ~ ~ a Upon roll call Councilmen Purcell, Dixson~ Dammazin and Conrad reported pre~ent. a ; The minntes oF the previo~us eegular and ad~ourned meeting~ were read. ' q and approved as read. ~ - The Commauiication from Mayor O~Reilly of Sa~ Luis Obispo•and the ~ Bo u~d of Supervismrs asking the City ~ouncil to appoint some one to represent the City of the County Wide Advisor~ Board on l~iaker, xas discussed and after discuseion i a motion was made by ~auncilrasuz Purcell, seconded by CounciLaan D3.~aaa to sppoint W. H. Si~pson, Motion carried. ; BidB for construction of Water Lines w+ere opened, as folloxs: L. B. Webb Ccnstruction Comps~ny ~5~250.00 and W. M. Iyles Co. $ 6~760.O0. After comparing the bids~ s n~otion was made by Councilman ~onrad~ ~ ; ~ seconded by Councilman Purcell to accept the bid of L. E. Webb Co. for ~5,250.OD. ; A1.1 Councilmen voted ~ ezcept Councilman Di~on, Who did not vote. ~ Stseet work was~discussed and Councilman Dixson reported there ~ere ~ sev~eral drainage problems vhieh s~rould hsv~e to be taken csre oY. i ~ ~ Councilms~n Dixson also asked about getting wa~er out to hia plaee and + aaked Mr. Mc Coy to check on where to take the xater frc~an. ~ It was also agread to get estimatea on the Cost of the Work on Corna~all s~d to ask to hav~e aas Taa money transfered f'rom the Vz11ey Roa~d pro~ect to th~ CornKall pro~ect. ~ Transfer ~ouc2~rs # 3 to transfer ~'i5o5.00 from the Water F~nd to tahe General ~.ind. #!t to tranafer ~ 3~178.11t from the 2'ra~'fic Safeity ~ind to Generat Fand xr~d to transfer ~l, 2l~2.71 from the Motor Vehicle F1uid to General Fund ~rere read and a motion was ~ade by Council~aan Conrad, seeonded by Couneilman Darn~ann to make the tranafera. Motion carried. Bills against the C~eneral Fwtd Yor ~ 1,382.~5 and the Water Furxi for ~ 427.80 were audited~ a~proved and ordered pa3d,~ No Purther business appearing and upon motion the ieeeting was • ad,journed. ~ . ATTSST C C erk Mayor > -0-