Minutes 1951-11-28 1'~6 ~ /trroyo G4rande, ~alifornia ~ ~ November 28~ 1951 ~ A special meetinf of the Council was Q}lled for Novc~nber 28, 1951, , to meet with the Planning Co~n3.ssion to discus~ the signing of the FreeWay Agreement. Present Were Mayor Waiters, Councilmen Di~on, Pureell, Cor~ad and Dammants. After discussion it Was agreed to hold up the signing until further attempt ha.d been made to hAV~e the State make improvements to the preeent Route. No further business appearing theameeting vas ad~ourned. ~ ATTESTs Cit~~Clerk , , Msc~?or ° -0- Arroyo Gra.nde, C ~lif'orni s ' ' December 5, 1951 The City~~ouncil met in regular session and was czlled to order by the Clerk. Upon roll eall Councilmen Dixson, Pu.reell and Dammarm ~w~red present. Absent Mayor Waiters znd Councilman Conrad. Councilman D~?,m ann moned a.nd Councilman Purcell seconded thA motion to have Councilman Dixson act as ~iayor. The miriutes of the previ.aus regular and soecial meetings, were read qnd s~pprov~ed ~s read. Reports from the Chie£ of Police and Judge were read and ordered filed. Councilman Damaaim raa~ie ~ motion, seconded by ~auncilman Parcmll r tha.t ~r. Mc Coy be zuthorized to sell the Mod~l A Ford to the highes~. bidder. j P~rs. Jane Thompson's request for permission to hook onto~the sewer ~ , ~ _ F Was held ~p ~s the Council W~s of the opinion that n ruling had been mad~ that there would be no more outside Hook-ups to th~ City Se~er. Mr. Harris reported h~ was to have m interview with Mr. petersan~ of the Division of H~ghws~ys.