Minutes 1951-12-19 ~ 77 , Mr. Harris agreed to prepare a notice cal.ling for bids on the City Park property, xhich the Wonen's Club were intexested in. Counci]~n~n PLu~cell made motion, seconded by ~ounci7man D~nrna.nn to place an order for 775 Feet of l~ inch Transite Pipe. Motion curied. Mr. Harris recor~amm~ded th~t the hearing on the rezoning be held wer . until the next rr~eeting. A motion wzs made by Councilmam Purcell, seconded by Councilman Dar?anann to cantribute ~ 25•00 to the City of Stockton for research Work on P. G. & E rates. Motion carried. ~ The d~Civewa~y or culvert to Mr. Matchan's property was discussed and Mr. ~4c Coy was instructed to have the matter taken ca.re of. Billg against the General Fund for ~ 6 1lt3•72 the Water fund t'or 9~t.~5 , the ~ia.ter Deposit Fund for ~ 16.00 and the Special Ga$ Ta,x ; Street I~p rund ~ 3,4~•~t9~ were audited approved and ordered pa,id. No f~u~ther business appe~ring and upon motion the meeting was ~ . . ~ ad~j ourned. - ~ . ATTFST: City Clerk , , Mayor -a . ~ ~rroyo (irande, c alif ornia Dacember 19, 1951 The City Council met in regular session with Mnyor Wa~ter+s presiding. Upon rc+ll call Councilnren Purcell~ D3.xson~ Damnann s~nd Conrad r~ported present. Th~ mirnites of the previaus negular meeting xer~ read and approved as re ad. ~ Cornnunica~tions were read ~d placed on file. A d3.scussion on the drainage problen~s in Western Additiori xas hsld and and th~ere being some State Ch~pter !~7 money avAilable for Plans ~?~6l~.11 and azqui~ition for sites ~ 615.21, it Was agreed to make applicatian for the money. ~ aESOLUTIO~r # 263 A RESOLUTION OF iHE CITY COt71~IL OF TI~ CITY OF ARROYO CiF~NDE FdR ACQUISITION AID UNDER CHAPTER 1i7 SITE FOR DRAINAGE OF WESTERN ADDITI ON. ~ { V ~ ,...~>d ~ The foregoing res~lution passed and adopted by the folloxing roll ~ ca1.1 vete t . AYES: Counci].alen Waiters, Purcell, Dixxson, ~amnann ~d ~onrad . NOFS s None . A~NT: None RESOLUTIUN ~ ~64 A RESQLUTION OF TI~ CITY COUNCDL OF THE GITY OF ARROYO aRANDS FC~t CHAPTER Li7 NANEY FOR PLAN3 AND SPECIF~CATIONS FOR DRAINAt~E ~F WESTERN ~ITION• Paased and ~dopted by the folloWing roll ca.l.l votes AICES: Caundlmen Waiters, Purcell, Dixson~ Dammnnn and Conrs~d Nl}S.S s None , ABSENT: Non~ Bida for g~soline for the ye~.r beginning January 1, 1952, w~re opened and a.fter checking the bids, it ws~s moved and seconded, that the cnntract oP the Tidewater As~ociated Oil Co. be acc~pted. . Mr. Jack Buchanans request for vacatian was discussed and ~ouncil~an Damaann recomnended he be allo~~ed his vacation. It ~as moved, and. seeonded anci ~ agreed he be allowed his vaca.tion. Cauncilman Dixson asl9ed permission to leave tl~ State and it xae moved ~.nd eeeonded to gra.nt the request. N~r. York Petergon~ City Enginser xas to b~ asked to check regard3.ng ~ the drainag~ a~t the New ~igh Sehool. It was agreed to check with ~r. Brisco and get Rights of Ways, and deeds to the water line in Brisco Tract, A n~tion was madm by Council~ari ConrAd II~;~ second~d by Councilman 1~a.mmann to amend the agreement as follows: the tf.m~e for Briseo to complete the installation of hooking up all dead end lines in_traet to 90 d~ys ~fte.r removal of the 2 inch line to the Tract. Ayes: Co~uncilmen Waiters, Purcell~ Dznms~nn and Conrad. , Councilman Di~son did rr~t vote. Mr. Brisco was to be conta~cted for his signa.ture on the agre~m~nt for insta7..lztion on the 13nes. Councilman ftircell mad~ ~ motion, seconded by Ccnancilman Dr~~a~ to ord~r 775 feet of 1~ inch Transite pipe. It wa,s moved and seconded tha.t a compound water meter be install.ed at the new high school~ sts the one there was not registering the wa.ter. It was agreed that John Locmis should p~r for the 2 inch lins to his property facing May street. Vard Loomis was to be contactmd in regards to t he scales in front of ~1 ~°7~': th~ir ~~es.: It wae moved and second~d tha.t s cabinet to hold 5000 plates for the addressogr~ph b~ purchased. Tl~e lage trea on Grstnd Avenue Was discus~ed s~nd it was decid~d to check vith the P.-a. and E in regards to t~king out the treea. The Fir~ Chief was authorized to purchase badges for the Fire Department ~so.oo. Bills a,ga,inst the General Fund for ~ 1Z262.20 ~ smd the Water F`und for ~ 562. 80 ~ were audited, approved and ordered paid. Nc ftiirther business ~ppearing znd upon mot,ion the meeting was ad~ourned. ~ ATTESTs ~ . Dep~xty Clerk M or a -e- - Arroyo (irands ~ ~ ~1if ornia - January 2, 19~2 • The City Council met in regular session with Mayr~r Ws~.i.ters presiding. Upon roll czl.l Councilmen Purc~ll, Damm~nn and ConrAd report,ed presmnt. Abs~nt Cauncilman Dix~on. The minutes of the ~evious regular mesting wer~ read and a,pproved as rend. Communications and reports were read and ordared filed. A motion bg Councilman Purcell, aeconded by Couneilman Danm ann to order s00 feet of inch trstinsite pipe, Motion carried. Mayor Waiters reported S~z~uWatari had contacted him abaut putting a 3ip~ line along the Gra.nd Avenue right of way, and a motion wa.s mad~ by Ccyuncili~n Purcell~ secondsd by Councilman Conrad, to grant the request sub3ect to aa agrssment being ente~ed into ~nd being prep~red by Mr. H~,rri8. Mayor Waiters agreed to see V~rd Loomis about hzving the hole filled in a.t the Pro~t of th~ riill~ where the sczles were. Mr. Harris reported h~ wonld try ~.nd have tha busine~~ license Ord3.nanee and the Subdivision Ordinznce ready for the next mseting. Mr. Harria suggested that Gail Covert be asked to write or corita.et th~ B~cketts, in reg~.rd to th~ P~rk property, ~s he had not had a reply from th~a.