Minutes 1952-02-06 . : . Arroyo Gr~.nd~, ~~.l.ifornia Febru~ry 6, 1952 The City Council met in regu].~.r session with Mayor w~iters presiding. Upon roll czll Councilmen, Purcell, Dixson, D~enuin and ~onr~d reported present. ~ The minutc~ of the previous regula.r and specia.l rnestings wera rezd ~nd a.pprovcd a.s rea.d. Communic~tions w~re raad a.nd plzced on file. ° The requcst from Dr. Swartout; for a rcd zone "For poctors 0nly" Wa~ discussad and z motion w~.s ma,de by ~ouncilmsm D~mnann, seconded by CouncilTrlan Dixson, th~t Dr. Swartout be notified liis roquest was denied. The lettcr from the PI~raling Commission recommending the ab~ndonment of th~ round oorner by Devere~ux Log Ca.bin, wzs discussed a.nd motion w~.s ma.ds b~r Councilman Dixson, second~sd by Councilinan Purcell to ~bandon the=round corner. The requ~st from Ed Roy a.bout le~sing the land at the City property wzs~discussed and the Clerk w~s a.sked to write a letter a.sking Mr. Roy to come in to the ~ouncil meeting and discuss thd mztter ~3.th the Council. Councilman Dixson said he would contact rlr. Roy and t~.lk to him,~ Mr. C]..ark wzs to be notified thzt he would h~ve to t~.ke his horseas out s+rid he be requcst~d to come in to, the Council about the rnztter. - ° Councilman Dixson requcsted Mr. York P~terson to r~port on wha,t was wrong with ~ra.nd Avenue Extension a.nd the drain~ge on Tz1.ly-Ho ro~d. Mr Petsrson reported Ta11y-Ho was in good shzpe, except for a dra.in~ge problem, ~rhich hs thought could be taken caxe af ea~sily and figures on culverts to t~ke ca.re of a11 the draina.ge were rea.dy. As far Gr~.nd ~venus Extension, it w~ his unders't~nding it wzs a~ tempora.ry rozd and hzd been st ~rted before he took over, and he thought the rozd could be sa.ved by patching. Councilman Puresll reported on the ezsement for Water line south of Branch strcet. He s~id two property owners would not ~gre~ to zn easement a~nd Mr. Peterson wzs asked how much of zn ea~sem~nt would be need~d, and he said it should be at le~st !t feet wide. There wa.s discussion on W~ter lines down in that area and fire hydra.nts also~ and zfter discussion Mr. Peterson w~,s a.sked to see about the cost ~.nd possibility of setting meters along Branch street~ where the flat rate us~rs ara now. A motion wzs m~de by Councilman Purcell, seconded by Cotmcilman D~nm~nn, to make meter installations free of chzrge, on Bramch street, wherm ths watcr conswners h~d be~n using wa~t~r for some time on fla.t r~tes. Councilman Purc~ll a,lso saa.d hs did not think ths A71ey would allesvi~te the Pzrking situa.tion. ~ 184 ~ ~ ~ - The matter of ch~rging for hook-ups on the 2 inch tie in lines, which wers ~ instzlled by Brisco from pipe which was tzken up, wzs discuss~d but no further action taken. Councilman Di~son sa.id rir. Peterson ha.d recommended tha.t the line on V~7..ley Rozd be la.id before the line to Brisco Trzct, but he ha~d his mind changed. Mrs. Heidker a.sked about having her driv~way fixed, wher~s the ra.ins had cut it out on v~lley Road, she a.lso asked if anything further had devmloped on ~ the highw~y route. . Mrs. Heidker, T~rs. Horner ~nd Dr. Johnson spok~ on Flouridation of ths Wa,ter, the Council agreed to s~u1~3y the ma.tter a.nd rizyor Wziters appointed Council- man Furcel]. to invdstig~td.and report b~ck, J~rry Bennett, Fire Chief a~sked about the City's don~tion to ths Fire depa.rtment and Councilman Dixson made a. motion, seconded by Councilmzn Damma,nn to a11ow ~350.00 to the Fire Dep~rtment. All members voted Aye, and also a.uthoriz~d the purchase of 2 strctchers. Mr. Mc Coy was a,sked to check th~ st~nd pipe, where wzter was loaded. Tony Marszlek and tilzrion Hzwkins discussed Gra.nd Avenue Extension and zsked why Mr. Peterson ha.d not informed the Council tha.t the ro~d b~s~ was not , satisfzetory and TIr. Hz:~rkins sa~id the road had begun to go to peice~, befors any ra,ins . CoLmcilman Conrzd recom:~~erided the roa.d be patchad ~nd ~ut in usa. Mr. Harris rea.d the License Czrdina.nc~ and left z copy for the Council to look over. Ordina.nce # I01 w~s read ~or ttie second time ~nd ~fter rezding was passed. ORDI~~IANCE NQ. 101 AI~J ORDINAIQCE OF THE CITY (}F ARROYQ G~.ANDE, ~TAT~ OF CALIFOR?d'IA, PROVI~Ir1G FOR T.~ PREPARATION OF RULES AND REGliLATIUNS Tr+TTTH RESPECT TO SUBDIVISIC}NS AI~~D PRQVID~bdG FE1R TH~ PftEPARATIQ~N Ai~ID THE APPROVAL (~F AZAPS OF SU~BDIVISI~NS AND ~1APS OF ROADS AIdD STl'~'r~;TS~ PROVIDITdG F'OR THE REFER.r,AiCE THEREOF TQ THE CITY PI~AivPvING CCI~~i~TISSIQN FOR TNVFSTIGATION~ REPGRT AI~D FINAL AI'PROVAL, PROHIBITING TtIE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING ~r~RMITS IN VIOLATI()N ~F THE SUBDIVISION REGt1LATI0~1S OF THE CITY OF ARROYU GRA~E~ AUTHf3R.IZING CONST.~'i, [,~TI CN IN VI OLATION OF T HIS ORDI i1A.~~ CE OR OF THE SUB= DIVISION RF;GliLATIONS OF SAID CITY TO BE STOPPED, DEFIPIING VIt)LATIQNS OF THIS ORD1N.~dCE AItiD F'ROVIDING FGR PENALTIES TFIER,E~'~'CR. Pa.ssed and ~dopt~d by the following roll c~.].1 vote: A`_TES: Councilm~.n Wziters, Purcell, Dixson and Conra.d ` N~ES: None ~ .ABSENT: Councilm~n Damm~,nn The City zgre~d to fix the hole in the sidew~lk b~tween Ruth Swz].1's property and iK~thQws, a,~ it might c~use zn ~ecident before the owner eould be contacted. ~ ~ 8~. . RESOLUTION N0. 266 NOTICE QF ELECTIt~N ~ ATotice is her~by given th~t a General ~~unicip~l Election will be hcsld in the City of Arro,yo Gr~de , County of Sa.n Luis Obispo , Sta.te of Californi~ on Tuesda~y ~ the 8th d~.y of April, 1952, at ~ahich election the following offices a.re to b~ filled. Thr+~e Councilmen, Fu11 Term One City Clerk, F~ill Term One Trazsurer, Full Term There will be one voting precinct lor the purpose of holding d~id election~ consisting of the consolidat:ion of t~~e x~~gul~r eleetion pr~ci~cts esta.blished for holding State and County elections, as follows: ~onsolidzted voting precinct "A Comprising St~.te znd County precincts numb~rs Arroyo Graxxl.e~ one~ two~ three~ Four a.nd Five and the pllling pla.cc there of shzll be a.t the Arroyo Grande City Ha1.1. Notice is ~lso hereby further given th,~t a.t sa.id election the polls will be opem frpm the hour of Seven o' clock A. r1., to the hour of Seven o' clock P. 1~7. ~ on the day t~ereof; tha.t during s~.id hours s~id election will be held a.nd conducted at the leg~l.ly design~ted polling pla.ces in ea.ch election precinct in said City of Arroyo Grande, as hcr~inafter s~t forth; a.nd +..hat the p~lling pla.ces in the s~veral election precincts ~nd the names of the severa.l persons who h~ve been ~.ppointed to serva a,s el~ction officars for the conduct oi sa.id election in their respective el~ction precincts, as n~tned, selected a.nd designated by th~ ~ity Council of szid City of Arroyo Grande, as provided by la.w zre as follows, to-wit: NAme of Prec:tnct: CONSQI,IDATED "A", (Precinets One, Two, Thr~e, Four a.nd Five, City of Arroyo Grznde) . Loca.tion of ~'olling Plzce ARROYO GRANDE CITY HALL Precinct ~o~rd Inspector, Mrs. 1~Iyrtle B~iley , Jvdge ~ i~irs . ~'~i~~ C. Kctchum Clerk~ ti'iiss Ethel I. J~tt~ Clerk, N;rs. Floremce Gullickson In zll p~rticulars such election shall be held znd c~nducted in th~ mznnar providad for the holding a.nd conduction of 1~znicip~.7. elections in said City a.r~i. in ~ccordznee with the l~ws of th~ St ate of California applica.ble th~reto. D~ted tnis llth day of Februzry, 1952 ~rs . ~dn~ ~I. ~chilling C1-rk Passed znd adopted lny the following roll c~ll vote; Ay~s: Councilmen Wziters, Dixson, Purcell and Conra,d. Noess Nonm Absent: Councilmzn Da,~na.nn ON motiom of Councilm~.n ~onrzd, seconded by ~oumcilman Dixson, it w=~s agre~d thzt Councilm~si Dixson tzke eome one down to s~e a.bout the loa,der for the City . ~nd the expense to be borne by the City. . BiIIs ~ga.inst the ~enera.l Fund for ~2,702.32 ~and the Water Fand for ~1,838•33 ~ the Wa.ter Deposit Fland for $12.00 , w~r6 a,udited, ~p~roved and ordered pzid. ~ . Rto further business a,ppcaring the meeting w~.s ad~ourned. ATTEST: ~ ' City Clerk i Ma.yor